Is Mike Barnes stronger than Chozen?

Mike Barnes Was Better Than Chozen In The Karate Kid Trilogy Daniel seemingly surpassed Chozen in The Karate Kid Part II, but wasn't on Barnes' level in the third movie (despite winning at the end.)
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Is Chozen the strongest fighter in Cobra Kai?

However, unlike Daniel, Chozen also learned the offensive side of Miyagi-Do, showing that he is probably the best fighter in the whole series. Along with his karate techniques, Chozen is also very skilled at using his sai weapons.
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Who is stronger Johnny Lawrence or Chozen?

Absolutely chosen. Johnny will not have any chance against chozen. Because chosen experience in karate is of 4 decades almost. He has learnt miyagi karate completely and even he practises martial arts regularly.
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Who is stronger Daniel vs Chozen?

In fact, the two trained and spared together at Miyagi-Do. During their fight, however, it was clear that Chozen was Daniel's superior.
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Who would win, Daniel or Chozen?

In the second installment in The Karate Kid trilogy, Daniel succeeded in beating Chozen in a fight to the death. Over 30 years later, Chozen proved his superiority over his former enemy by defeating him in a rematch.
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Can Mike Barnes BEAT Chozen? - Cobra Kai Explained

Who kills Chozen?

Unfortunately, Silver took the opportunity to use his katana and slash Chozen on his back, causing him to lose a lot of blood and fall into the water. Silver left him there to die. After Miyagi-Do successfully exposed Silver and Cobra Kai's horrible practices to the public, Daniel began to worry over Chozen.
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Who could beat Chozen?

Miyagi would easily defeat Chozen. Pat Morita's character has long been known as the best fighter in The Karate Kid movies, with Chozen taking on a similar title in the Netflix sequel series.
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Can Chozen beat terry?

So all things considered, The Karate Kid Part II villain and The Karate Kid Part III villain are the two most talented fighters on the show, so if there's any one around who can beat Silver, it would have to be Chozen. No one else is capable of challenging - much less defeating - him alone.
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Could Chozen beat Kreese?

The answer is quite obvious. Chozen is the nephew of the only man who can fight Mr Miyagi, Sato. Chozen's martial arts, in this case, Karate, is the best and purest Okinawan Karate, something John Kreese, young on old, will not ever defeat.
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Can Johnny beat Chozen?

Chozen's easy win creates little confidence in Johnny's chances, but that's largely because he and Daniel are seen as equals. But if Johnny were to somehow defeat Chozen, he'd erase that narrative, and simultaneously make a solid case for himself as Cobra Kai's best fighter.
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How did Silver beat Chozen?

Chozen faces off against Silver in hand-to-hand combat and later weapons, Chozen a pair of sais and Silver a katana. Chozen is able to knock Silver down and is about to kill him when he is distracted by Johnny's screams, allowing Silver to slice Chozen's back and seemingly leave him for dead.
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Is Mike Barnes stronger than Johnny?

Barnes' offense is stronger, he has the intimidation factor, and his defense is about Johnny level.
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Why is Chozen so strong?

As an adult, Chozen has adopted a more traditional version the Miyagi-Do style after being taught by his uncle Sato. His technique is more aggressive than Daniel's due to his training in the deadlier aspects of Miyagi-Do, but less aggressive and deadly than in the past due to Chozen's change for the better.
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Could Chozen beat Silver?

Chozen probably, but what a fight it would be. Terry Silver's skill obviously has improved, as we saw in season 4. This new Silver might not have lost to Mr Miyagi so easily, but Chozen is the true heir of Sato's Karate, so there's no competition for him any time soon.
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Is Demetri stronger than Hawk?

Demetri's journey as a fighter has been overshadowed by other characters, but he has shown significant improvement and potential, defeating Hawk and reaching the semi-finals in the All Valley Tournament.
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How powerful is Chozen?

He is strong, tough and athletic, and can strike with tremendous power, as seen when he kicked off part of a stone statue. He is able to easily block and counter most of Daniel's techniques, including the crane technique.
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Is Johnny stronger than Terry Silver?

Whereas Silver pretty much took Johnny out with relative ease even seemingly toying with him: Also when a younger Terry and Kreese fought Miyagi, Terry seemed to do a bit better against him (lasting longer before being defeated as well): Terry is also considerably taller than Kreese with far better range.
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Does Chozen turn bad?

Chozen believes that anyone who is not willing to fight regardless of the situation, whether it calls for conflict or not, is a coward and deserves death. He also believes that he deserves to die if he is defeated. After his defeat at Daniel's hands, Chozen decided to become a better person.
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Is Chozen dead?

The biggest occurred when Kreese (Martin Kove) appeared to be stabbed and left in a pool of blood during a prison fight. But there was also the fact that Chozen (Yuji Okumoto) suffered a nasty injury in his long overdue battle with Silver. In the end, however, Chozen survives.
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Is Chozen stronger than Terry Silver?

Silver put up a good fight but he is comfortably not as strong as Chozen. He was able to kick Chozen down but the latter wasn't phased by it. Conversely, Chozen striking Silver's pressure point led him to pull out a Katana, making the fight armed combat.
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Is Silver stronger than Kreese?

Silver dominated Johnny during their fight, whereas Kreese struggled mightily when he went up against his former student in both seasons 2 and 3. Kreese, who is in his 70s, lacked the physical endurance he needed for a prolonged fight with Johnny or Daniel.
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Is Daniel stronger than Mike Barnes?

It's important to remember that within the story of the Karate Kid trilogy, Daniel never did surpass Mike Barnes. It's true that he beat Barnes in the 1985 All Valley Karate Tournament, but his victory was ultimately a result of Terry Silver's revenge-driven coaching more than anything else.
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How old is Chozen?

Chozen's exact age isn't clear, but it can be assumed that he's around the same age as Daniel. He's portrayed by Yuji Okumoto, who's 63 years old.
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Is Terry Silver stronger than Miyagi?

Yes the character Terry Silver was skilled in Karate (looks like kenpo) but also a former Green Beret. So yes, he'd most likely have been stronger and faster than Miyagi.
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Is Mr Miyagi strongest?

Miyagi is considered one of the best karate masters in history and the best karate master alongside Kim Sun-Yung in the franchise) Weapon Mastery (Taught Daniel with weaponry who passed down said skills to Sam and Demetri, who can fight effectively with a bo staff, sai, and scythe)
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