Is muggle trademarked?

The term "muggle" is trademarked. As we all know, it belongs to the Harry Potter universe describing someone who isn't a wizard or witch.
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Can I use the word muggle in my book?

The bad news is that “muggle” is trademarked in novels, movies, stage productions, radio shows, television series, photographs, stationery, office supplies, and more. So yes, using “muggle” in your book is absolutely positively an infringement.
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Can I use the word muggle in my business name?

The word muggle cannot be copyrighted, it can only be trademarked. I quick search of the term "muggle" in the U.S. trademark database shows several "muggle" registrations.
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Did J.K. Rowling invent the word Muggle?

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, Rowling coined Muggle and probably based it on the earlier noun mug, which refers to a foolish or stupid person (though it goes without saying that foolishness or stupidity is not a hallmark of Muggles).
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What Harry Potter words are trademarked?

🚨Warner Bros. has filled a trademark application for the following words: Accio, Lumos, Wingardium Leviosa, Avada Kedavra, Riddikulus, Expelliarmus, Alohomora and Expecto Patronum.
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The Muggle Theory That Changes Everything About Harry Potter

Is the F word trademarked?

Any vulgarity, profanity, or imagery viewed as racist or offensive is unlikely to be officially trademarked. In some jurisdictions, there might be an issue with trademark signs promoting the recreational use of drugs.
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Can I sell Harry Potter inspired items?

You cannot sell Harry Potter in any form whatsoever. It is trademarked.
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What is the American version of Muggle?

Obviously the word Muggleborn stems from the word Muggle, but American wizards use the term "No-Maj" instead.
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Is a squib a muggle?

Although like a Muggle they can't perform magic, a Squib is often far more integrated in the wizarding world. For while a Muggle is as Muggle can be, with Muggle family members and, well, Muggle everything, one of the main differences with a Squib is that they're related to a witch or wizard, just without the magic.
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Is Muggle a real term?

Muggle was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2003, where it is said to refer to a person who is lacking a skill.
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Does J.K. Rowling own the IP for Harry Potter?

Warner Bros. Entertainment owns the production rights to the franchise, while Rowling owns the intellectual property rights and the Warner Bros. CEO has mentioned that he'd like to dive back into the Harry Potter franchise and work on some new movies.
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Who owns the IP to Harry Potter?

J.K. ROWLING'S WIZARDING WORLD is a trademark of J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
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Are Hermione's parents squibs?

Family Lineage

Though nominally a Muggle-born witch, Hermione is descended from the Dagworth-Granger family through her father's squib heritage.
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Does Muggle mean stoner?

Rowling says she fashioned the word as a play on the British slang "mug" or "an easily fooled person." That makes sense, but the fact is the term was in use much earlier, beginning with the New Orleans jazz crowd, as a term for a marijuana cigarette.
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Is the word Muggle in the Oxford dictionary?

Muggle, n. ⁴ meanings, etymology and more | Oxford English Dictionary.
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Why is Muggle capitalized?

“Muggle” is just a word JKR made up for her books, and keeping it capitalized is probably just an easy way to make it stand out. She does this with many other words she created for her universe. However, there is certainly some inconsistency in punctuation and capitalization in the Harry Potter series.
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Was Harry a Muggle?

Severus Snape is also a half-blood (he gave himself the nickname "The Half-Blood Prince"), as his father Tobias Snape was a Muggle. Harry himself is a half-blood, since his pure-blood father, James, married a Muggle-born witch named Lily, and his maternal grandparents were Muggles.
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Is Lily Potter a Muggle?

Lily Potter was a talented Muggle-born witch, and the first in her family to go to Hogwarts - something that inspired great jealousy in her sister, Petunia.
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Why can't Hagrid do magic?

After Hagrid was accused of opening the Chamber of Secrets, he was expelled and forbidden to do magic. His wand was also confiscated and snapped in half (the pieces were later reassembled and hidden in a pink umbrella, which never seems to be far from Hagrid).
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Is Ron a pure Blood?

His first appearance was in the first book of the series, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, as the best friend of Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. He is a member of the Weasley family, a pure blood family that resides in "The Burrow" outside Ottery St.
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What is a Muggle in British slang?

Meaning of muggle in English

a person who does not have a particular type of skill or knowledge: When it comes to knitting and sewing I'm a total muggle.
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Is Hermione A wizard or a witch?

Hermione is one of Harry's best friends and is a powerful witch. She has parents who are Muggles, meaning they do not possess magical ability. Ron Weasley, another wizard, is one of Harry's best friends and is the son of Mr.
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Is The Grinch copyrighted?

No you cannot. The Grinch was copyrighted in 1957 and the honor is doctor is doctor Seuss.
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Is Lumos trademarked?

The term “lumos” is a generic and common term, including being a commonly employed trademark and service mark in the US and around the world.
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Is it legal to sell Harry Potter merch?

Can You Legally Make and Sell Harry Potter Related Products? No, absolutely not. Everything Harry Potter is well protected with multiple trademarks that are owned by Warner Brothers Entertainment. In fact, it's difficult to find something related to Harry Potter that isn't trademarked.
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