Is Nimue pregnant?

Nimue, after being assaulted by Gundleus, discovers she is pregnant with his baby, and Merlin believes the Gods willed it. Arthur recovers the Excalibur sword from his mother's grave and establishes its power by easily defeating Gundleus in a fight.
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How is Nimue Merlin's daughter?

Nimue's mother instructed her to bring the Sword of Power to Merlin so they can save the Fey. He promises never to lie to her. Merlin is later revealed to be Nimue's biological father.
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What did Gundleus do to Nimue?

When he arrives, Gundleus kills Norwenna and, it seems, also the baby Mordred. Then, in retribution for Nimue's curse, he rapes her and plucks out an eye.
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How is Nimue related to Merlin?

In almost all versions of Arthurian legend, Nimue is the architect of Merlin's downfall. Nimue is often depicted as an apprentice of Merlin's, along with other familiar sorceresses like Morgan le Fay and Sebile.
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Do Arthur and Nimue get together in Cursed?

Nimue and Arthur sleep together as a goodbye. Cumber accepts Father Carden's offer to kill the Wolf-Blood Witch. Consummating her relationship with Arthur, Nimue convinces him to lead the Fey should Uther betray them. Morgana confronts the Widow, who informs her she's been cursed by the Dark Gods.
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Merlin & Nimue | Their Story [S1]

Does Nimue get pregnant?

In The Winter King episode 4, Merlin tries to kidnap Prince Mordred, but Arthur stops him, suspecting he would harm the child. Nimue, after being assaulted by Gundleus, discovers she is pregnant with his baby, and Merlin believes the Gods willed it.
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Who married Nimue?

Pelleas /ˈpɛliəs/, or Pellias, is an Arthurian Knight of the Round Table whose story first appears in the Post-Vulgate Cycle. He becomes the husband of Nimue, the Lady of the Lake in Le Morte d'Arthur.
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Did Arthur and Guinevere have a child in Merlin?

Guinevere is childless in most stories. The few exceptions of that include Arthur's son named Loholt or Ilinot in Perlesvaus and Parzival (first mentioned in Erec and Enide).
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Who was Merlin in love with?

Merlin is in love with the Lady of the Lake despite his age, and every time she comes he promises to teach her magic in exchange for her love. Every time this happens, she binds him in the tree by using magical thread which the Norns had at one time taught her how to spin.
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Is Nimue Arthur's mother?

She was friends also with King Uther Pendragon. Uther, desiring a son and heir, realised that Ygraine was incapable of providing one and asked Gaius to approach Nimueh with a request that she use the power over life and death to help his wife get pregnant. She did so, and as a result Arthur was born.
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Why does Nimue hate Merlin?

She is tired of his sexual advances, and afraid of his power as "a devil's son", so she does not have much of a choice but to ultimately get rid of him.
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Who killed Nimue?

As the story plays out onscreen, a young nun named Sister Iris is desperate to become a Red Paladin and serve the order of God, only to be ridiculed and told that she would have to kill the Wolf-Blood Witch in order to achieve that goal… which she does, effectively shooting arrows at Nimue and seemingly causing her ...
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Who is Gawain to Nimue?

Gawain was friends with Nimue when they were younger. Arthur is jealous of him at first but Gawain later tells him that she is like a sister to him. Gawain has built up a reputation for himself as the Green Knight, who fights against the Red Paladins to defend the Fey.
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Who gave birth to Morgana in Merlin?

Morgana is born in Camelot to Uther Pendragon and Lady Vivienne. Growing up in the household of Gorlois, Morgana and Gorlois are led to believe that they are father and daughter.
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Did Nimue raise Lancelot?

He is the definitive hero among Arthur's knights, and so the woman who raises him must be not simply benevolent but superior. The fact that Nymue's role in the Vulgate Cycle is, first and foremost, to be Lancelot's foster mother may actually be what first made her connection to Merlin so necessary.
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Was Merlin black or white?

Merlin in the TV adaptation is black, which is strange for two reasons: First, Merlin is not black in the books. He is effectively a priest of a people that were almost entirely white, and an elder. I'm sure Nathaniel Martello-White is a fine actor, but he is also not old enough to play the Merlin from these books.
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Who did Merlin kiss?

Merlin Arthur and Gwen The first kiss.
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Is Merlin Nimues' father?

He is a master of ancient magic and he is loyal to the Fey cause, though many of the Fey revile him due to his seeming allegiance to King Uther Pendragon. Merlin is also revealed to be the biological father to the main character of the series, Nimue. He is portrayed by Gustaf Skarsgård.
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How many children did Guinevere and King Arthur have?

Answer and Explanation:

In many stories about King Arthur, the marriage between King Arthur and Queen Guinevere does not result in any children. However, in the 13th Century Perlesvaus, there is a legitimate child between King Arthur and Queen Guinevere named Loholt who becomes a Knight of the Round Table.
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What happened to Gwen after Arthur died?

As of Arthur's death in the series finale, Gwen is now his widow and rules Camelot in his stead.
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Who is Arthur's biological son?

In almost all versions, Mordred is the son of Arthur. Mordred is Arthur's only child, but he has half-siblings through his mother. Notably, Sir Gawain and Sir Gareth are Mordred's half-brothers.
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Was Nimue Merlin's daughter?

When Nimue and Merlin meet in the fifth episode, she asks the wizard why her mother instructed her to bring him the sword. By the end, viewers learn that not only did he and her mother have a relationship, but Nimue is actually Merlin's daughter.
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Who kills Nimueh?

Assuming that he was dead, Nimueh began walking away, but Merlin recovered from the blow while her back was turned and struck her down with a bolt of lightning. In doing so, he not only killed Nimueh, but mastered the power over life and death to trade her life for Gaius' (Le Morte d'Arthur).
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Is Nimue good or bad in Merlin?

She's a pretty nice, rounded characters. Nimue isn't 'evil' at all. Nimue takes Merlin's power because she loves him, and traps him in the cave/tree (depends which version of the Arthurian legend you have) because she wants to keep him for herself.
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