Is Nova A Herald of Galactus?

After several years as a minor supporting character, she became a herald of Galactus and assumed the name "Nova" in Fantastic Four #244 (July 1982) by John Byrne.
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Did Galactus create Nova?

The Fantastic Four, Avengers, and Dr. Strange defeated the exhausted Galactus, but as the world devourer lay dying, Reed organized efforts to save him. Galactus nonetheless needed to feed, but instead accepted the Human Torch Frankie Raye's offer to become his new herald, transforming her into Nova.
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Who are the Heralds of Galactus?

In the years that followed, Galactus created a succession of Heralds, each with very different backgrounds, motives, and personalities.
  • The Fallen One. ...
  • The Silver Surfer. ...
  • The Air-Walker. ...
  • Firelord. ...
  • The Destroyer. ...
  • Terrax the Tamer. ...
  • Nova. ...
  • Morg and the Herald Ordeal.
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Was Human Torch a Herald of Galactus?

Brother of Sue Storm and one of the Fantastic Four, Johnny Storm, aka the Human Torch, has battled against Galactus before, but was forced into his ranks when Galactus turned him into one of his heralds in Fantastic Four #519.
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Is Deadpool A Herald of Galactus?

The first is that he is described as a former Herald of Galactus 'imbued with cosmic power'. As we know from 2009's 'Deadpool Team-Up #883', Deadpool has actually been a Herald of Galactus in the past.
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Frankie Raye, Marvel's OTHER Nova

Was Hulk a Herald of Galactus?

Seeing the power within him, Galactus transformed Hulk into his new herald, naming him the true World Breaker. It's a genuinely tragic fate for the Hulk, even if it allows him to turn his rage into a piece of the cosmic order.
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Was Thor ever a Herald of Galactus?

Herald Of The Storm

The Surfer explained that the Black Winter destroyed Galactus' original reality, but that he had found five planets that would offer his former master the power he would need to survive meeting it once again. They all agreed to help, but Galactus instead chose Thor as his new Herald!
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Who is the strongest Herald of Galactus?

The 10 Most Powerful Heralds of Galactus, Ranked
  1. 1 1. The Silver Surfer. Perhaps the most famous of Heralds is the Silver Surfer, and what a tragedy his life has been.
  2. 2 2. Morg. ...
  3. 3 3. Stardust. ...
  4. 4 4. Nova. ...
  5. 5 5. Terrax the Tamer. ...
  6. 6 6. Firelord. ...
  7. 7 7. Red Shift. ...
  8. 8 8. Air-Walker. ...
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Was destroyer a Herald of Galactus?

Thor and Olympian ally Hercules encounter Galactus when his next herald, Firelord, travels to Earth to be free of his master. Galactus frees Firelord when Thor presents Galactus with the magical Asgardian suit of armor named the Destroyer to animate and use as a herald.
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Who is lifebringer Galactus?

The process worked, evolving Galactus into the Lifebringer, who could restore dead planets. He even joined the Ultimates and fought the Eternity War to save all of existence. Galactus remained as the Lifebringer for a time, but Silver Surfer asked him to destroy a planet ruled by Ultron.
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Is dormammu Galactus?

Dormammu is the sworn enemy of the Sorcerer Supreme, time and time again giving the strongest magic-users of the Marvel Universe a run for their money. Galactus is a being from before the dawn of reality, capable of consuming entire planets to feed his cosmic hunger.
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Can Thanos beat Galactus?

Only with the power of the Infinity Stones does Thanos stand a chance of beating Galactus in a fight; it's fortunate for him (and for the universe) that Galactus considers himself above such moral concepts as good and evil, choosing instead to eat planets out of a desire to satiate his hunger rather than a desire to ...
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Is Nova related to Thanos?

The upcoming Nova TV series in the MCU is linked to Thanos due to the character's origin story and the destruction of Xandar by the Mad Titan. Despite the MCU's focus on the multiverse and new villains like Kang, it's difficult to completely separate from Thanos in the Multiverse Saga.
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Was Nova ever an avenger?

By the time of the series, Nova has served as a temporary Avenger. He also appears in the Last Hero Standing and Avengers Next miniseries. Nova also assisted in the battle against Galactus in Last Planet Standing.
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Could Darkseid beat Galactus?

Galactus proved more than a match for Darkseid - who had ample opportunity to utilize his greatest powers and even try to turn the Silver Surfer to his will - and the Devourer of Worlds only spared his foe once it became clear that he had nothing to gain by continuing their conflict.
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Which Avenger can defeat Galactus?

Thanos (With Infinity Gauntlet)

Thanos has easily shown some of the biggest displays of power in the MCU, especially when he was able to send a moon crashing down on Titan against a sect of the Avengers in Infinity War. With just the flick of a finger, Thanos could make Galactus disappear in an instant.
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Which Thor beat Galactus?

In Thor #6 by Donny Cates with art by Nic Klein and Matt Wilson, Thor is granted the power cosmic by Galactus himself to stop a universe-ending threat, the Black Winter. Before the duo are successful, King Thor uses the power boost to kill Galactus once and for all.
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Has Thor beat Galactus?

Not only does Thor kill Galactus with the cosmic power that Galactus himself gave the God of Thunder, but he also combines it with his own power of the King of Asgard, absolutely obliterating the cosmic destroyer, making Thor the Herald of None.
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Who is Silver Surfers love interest?

The Surfer thwarted the Elders with the aid of his new love interest Mantis, the Earth-born cosmic heroine also known as the Celestial Madonna, but she seemingly died in the process; though she would later return, she never fully renewed her romance with the Surfer.
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Who is the opposite of Galactus?

The In-Betweener finds that he is unable to use either of his special abilities on Galactus, however, and he believes that this is because he is Galactus's metaphysical counterpart and opposite.
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How many Heralds of Galactus are there?

We dug through the books and found the 20 Heralds of Galactus deserving a ranking to see precisely who was the strongest. Some of these may have been in one-shot books while others were dropped into canon as regulars who roamed the cosmos in search of life for their master to devour.
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Could Galactus lift Thor's hammer?

The hammer only lets people who aren't Thor pick it up when they're in desperate need and pure of heart. Captain America can lift the hammer, but Hulk can't. Galactus couldn't lift the hammer...but Spiderman probably could.
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Who would win Unicron or Galactus?

In terms of sheer power, Galactus would be able to do the most destruction, followed by the Death Star and then Unicron, going by the size of planets that they have attempted to destroy in the past. In all likelihood though, since Galactus and Unicron are both deities, their damage output would be pretty similar.
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Who is stronger Gorr or Galactus?

4 Gorr Could Make Galactus Taste Defeat

He wields the full might of the Power Cosmic, and there are few mortals in existence that can vie with him. Gorr, however, would be able to do more than just contest the World Devourer. Galactus is tough, but the All-Black can hurt Celestials.
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