Is Reverse-Flash the most evil villain?

Although he has some comedic moments for the fans they don't detract from his heinousness and he is taken very seriously in universe. In fact most of them just show how sadistic, spiteful and deranged he is. In the end, he's one of the worst villains ever in The Flash if not the whole Arrowverse, rivaling Zoom.
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Who is the most evil villain in The Flash?

It's no question that the Reverse Flash is the Flash's greatest villain in any medium, with this show being absolutely no exception. Eobard Thawne, the man who murdered Barry's mother out of pure spite, is the Flash's nemesis in every way possible.
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How evil is the Reverse-Flash?

The Reverse-Flash is a vicious, obsessive enemy, and a threat in the past, present and future. Eobard wants to hurt Barry no matter what, it doesn't matter how serious or how petty - Eobard even went back in time once just to push Barry down the stairs.
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Is Reverse-Flash the most powerful villain?

Reverse Flash is not only Flash's most powerful foe, matching Barry's speed, even surpassing it on occasion, he holds a deep, personal vendetta against Barry and frequently uses time travel to meddle in the Flash's life.
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Was Reverse-Flash a good guy?

Eobard Thawne was once inspired by Barry Allen to become a hero. But, because of his own twisted morals and obsessive issues, Eobard couldn't ever be anything other than the worst villain Flash has ever seen.
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Team Flash VS Eobard Thawne, Zoom, Savitar, Godspeed Final Fight 4K | The Flash 9x13

Is Reverse-Flash pure, evil, or broken?

Although he can be considered somewhat more complex than his comic book counterpart due to his more personal relationship with The Flash, this doesn't disqualify him from being Pure Evil as he still commits similar atrocities with a lack of redeeming qualities.
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Who is more evil than Reverse-Flash?

The Thinker is a worse villain than Reverse-Flash only because Team Flash is vastly less competent by the fourth season. It was one thing deducing the identity of The Thinker, but the way he managed to constantly outsmart them, again and again, is another.
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Who can easily beat Reverse-Flash?

The Flash has just mastered an ability that could help him beat the Reverse-Flash's speed once and for all. The twisted rivals of the Flash Family have always found a way to get a leg up on the Scarlet speedsters. But a new skill is giving Wally West the power that finally triumphs over the Reverse-Flash.
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Who is Barry Allen's biggest enemy?

Eobard Thawne

Eobard Thawne was the second Reverse Flash. He also goes by the name Professor Zoom. He is best known for being the archenemy of Barry Allen, as well as murdering Barry's true love, Iris West.
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Who killed Reverse-Flash?

10 Eobard Thawne

At this point, Thawne had already killed the love of Barry's life, Iris West. When he returned to kill Barry's new love, Fiona Webb, Flash was understandably desperate. In his panic, Barry grabbed the speeding Reverse-Flash by the neck, snapping his bones like twigs.
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Why is Thawne evil?

He replicated the accident that gave the Flash his powers, but was driven insane and became obsessed with ruining the Flash's life upon learning that he was destined to become his greatest enemy–the Reverse-Flash. Fueled by jealousy and hatred, Thawne travels throughout time to torment and destroy the Flash's life.
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What's the worst thing Reverse-Flash has done?

Today at CBR we're looking at 15 of the most offensive things the Reverse-Flash has done.
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Who is the real villain in flash?

The chief nemesis of The Flash across most media is Reverse Flash, namely Eobard Thawne/Professor Zoom.
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Is Godspeed faster than Flash?

In the comics, Godspeed is a few notches faster than Barry Allen as shown in the above photo where he struggled to keep up with him. The only way Barry was able to stop the villainous speedster was to "short-circuit" both their connections to the Speed Force, which temporarily cuts off their super speed.
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Who is the fastest speedster?

He doesn't need a cosmic treadmill to travel through time like Barry once did, and has even outrun death (in the form of the Black Flash) just like his uncle. In the series Flash Forward, it was determined that Wally West is the fastest being in the whole Multiverse.
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Can Reverse-Flash beat Thanos?

Even if he could somehow catch the speedster, Reverse-Flash could phase through the attacks. There's literally nothing Thanos can do against the Reverse-Flash.
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What happens if Reverse-Flash kills flash?

As the Reverse Flash, Eobard Thawne has had to settle on making Barry miserable because killing him would risk creating a paradox that would mean Thawne never gets his speed powers. But by killing an unrelated Allen, the sinister foe gets to live out his darkest fantasy with none of the consequences.
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Can Black Adam beat Reverse-Flash?

Reverse Flash is known for gloating over his enemies, which would give Adam the chance he needs to get his one hit in. He could take the damage Reverse Flash dishes out, and take advantage of his one chance to win.
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Why did Zoom turn evil?

Hunter came to the conclusion that Wally's refusal to help was because of never suffering a personal tragedy unlike Barry Allen. Hunter became the supervillain "Zoom" (aka the second "Reverse-Flash") to bring tragedy to Wally's life, believing that this was the only way to make Wally a better hero.
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Is Reverse-Flash a good guy now?

Barry was initially unwilling to believe such a thing was possible – and justifiably so – but eventually came around and decided that this new version of Reverse-Flash is a legitimately good person and nothing like the villain he's been at war with since The Flash season 1.
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What is the most evil version of The Flash?

One of The Flash's fastest and greatest villains is the original Reverse-Flash. Eobard Thawne studied the timestream from the future and started subtly manipulating time to better his life.
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Why does Zoom hate Flash?

Once he realized that he was destined to become the Flash's greatest enemy, he commits numerous atrocities against Barry Allen and his family in the following ways out of pure spite for being rejected by the Flash and because he wanted Barry to never feel any form of happiness at all.
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Why is Thawne always vibrating?

Bodily Vibration: Eobard has the ability to vibrate some or all of his cells and overall parts of his body on command, with varying effects based on the speed and intensity of the vibrational energy he uses.
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Why does Reverse-Flash have red eyes?

His eyes are also constantly glowing bright red, which is an effect of his electrokinesis. Reverse Flash running into the Negative Speed Force Speed Force: When the player presses the “Speed Force” button, Reverse Flash can create a portal to run into the Speed Force and teleport somewhere.
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