Is Superman physically the strongest?

Superman is incredibly strong and very powerful, but he falls below some impressive superheroes in the DC Universe. While they may not be able to bench press weight like Superman, many heroes have proven they are stronger in other ways that grant them a strategic advantage over the Man of Steel.
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Who is the physically strongest superhero?

1. Hulk. There is no surprise here.
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Who can physically beat Superman?

While kryptonite is Superman's greatest weakness, he's susceptible to other forms of energy and threats. This makes Billy Batson — aka Shazam, the World's Mightiest Mortal — one of Superman's greatest opponents.
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Is Superman physically stronger than Shazam?

Realistically Shazam should be greater in strength than, Superman. In the original Shazam comics books, from Whiz Comics/Fawcett Comics Publications, Captain Marvel (Shazam's original comic book name) was more powerful than Superman, and Shazam comic books out sold Superman comic books.
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Who is physically stronger, Superman or Thor?

By most accounts, Superman seemingly outclasses Thor in terms of raw strength, especially in earlier versions of the DC Universe. He's pulled planets, punched people into orbit, and performed all sorts of wild feats of strength.
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Why is Superman so much stronger than other kryptonians ?

Can Superman lift Thor's hammer?

It's important to note that the rules around worthiness had been temporarily suspended to allow this to happen. As soon as the fight was over, Superman couldn't lift the hammer anymore. However, under normal circumstances, without any weird interference, Superman is worthy of Mjolnir.
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Can Superman break Thor's hammer?

No. Thor's hammer is extremely durable. We've seen Superman hit with things before that didn't break. The only way I see a fight with Thor & Superman ending with Mjolnir broken is if Superman punched it as hard as he could while Thor was swinging it as hard as he could.
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Is anyone physically stronger than Superman?

Captain Atom has proven in past battles that he is stronger than Superman and has better fighting skills.
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Is Hulk stronger than Superman?

There's no question the Hulk is a near-indestructible force who comes out on top in almost all of his battles of pure strength. However, against Superman, he's outmatched. While Hulk's strength might rival that of the Man of Steel, Superman's other abilities give him a considerable edge against his opponent.
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Can Shazam destroy Superman?

If Shazam wanted to kill Superman, would he be able to do so? Yes, Shazam could kill Superman. To be honest, there are a good number of characters that could kill Superman if they wanted to. I think his friends and allies, if they were to betray his trust, would stand the best chance.
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Who can stand up to Superman?

Shazam has proven to be Superman's equal or superior in a variety of ways. The fact his powers are magic-based means he can hurt Superman a lot. The best example of this is Kingdom Come when Shazam pounds Superman with his fists and pulverizes him with magical lightning.
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Can a normal person lift Superman?

Certainly they could lift him. Superman isn't heavier than human. (There was a brief period when his origin claimed he came from a heavy-gravity planet, but that got discarded soon. That would leave him too heavy for our floors, and definitely too heavy to be Clark.)
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Can Superman be killed without kryptonite?

There are other factors that might be proven fatal for him too. Such as Red Sun Radiation and Ionized Radiation (such as Nukes used in The Dark Knight Returns). These factors will not immediately kill him but will render him to a state where he will be nothing more than a mere mortal.
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Can Superman beat Thanos?

While Thanos might have the brute strength to defeat Thor, for example, it's a different matter when it comes to the Big Blue Boy Scout. That's because Superman remains much more powerful than Thanos — meaning that, in a straight fight, the former is bound to take the latter down.
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Can Black Adam beat Superman?

As the dialogue in Justice League #73 suggested, while Superman's specific vulnerabilities give Black Adam a chance against him, that doesn't mean the two are equal in power, and the Man of Steel is clearly stronger by any comparison.
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What Marvel character can beat Superman?

Scarlet Witch

Confirmed as the MCU's most powerful superhero, the Scarlet Witch would make short work of Superman. Had Thanos's forces not interrupted her in Avengers: Endgame, she would have defeated the Mad Titan, and the Man of Steel would be similarly overpowered by the Avenger.
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Can Superman beat Thor?

Who Comes Out on Top? While Superman and Thor both have compelling arguments and have been proven to be a relatively even match, Superman ultimately would win the day, unless Thor had Kryptonite on hand.
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Did DC say Hulk could beat Superman?

Even DC Admits Hulk Is Strong Enough to Kill Superman.
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How Strong Is Superman really?

Superman's exposure to excessive amounts of energy from the sun heightened his powers. While testing the new limits of his powers with a scientist named Dr. Leo Quintum, he was able to lift the equivalent of 200 quintillion/200 billion billion tons above his head with one hand.
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Who is physically the strongest superhero?

100 Physically Strongest Superheroes
  1. Superman. Class PC. The strongest superhero of all. ...
  2. Highfather. Class PC. Has infinite strength. ...
  3. Mr. Majestic. ...
  4. Supreme. Class PC. ...
  5. He-Man. Class PC. ...
  6. Hercules. Class PC (Only because he holding up the Earth as well as supporting the skies and heavens) ...
  7. Billy Batson. Class PC. ...
  8. Infinity Man. Class PC.
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Who is physically stronger Goku or Superman?

In terms of speed, power, and durability, Superman and Goku (in SSJ2) are pretty much even. However, Goku's martial arts training gives him an edge against Superman. Superman might have gotten some training as well, but it has not been covered or written about as extensively as Goku's.
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Is Shazam weaker than Superman?

Even though Superman is often considered the most powerful character in the DC Universe, Shazam definitely comes close, and he can even beat the Man of Steel. And with a massive power upgrade, there's no question that Shazam can meet Superman blow for blow—despite the upgrade's terrible side effects.
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Can Superman bend vibranium?

It depends on which type of vibranium you are taking about. Vibranium in wakanda can be broken by superman until an unless suri full off Tricks to make it more durable. In movies Captain sheild is made of Exclusively Vibranium of Wakanda. But antartic vibranium is much more durable compare to his othe…
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Can Superman lift Godzilla?

Yes. The heaviest Godzilla 164,000 tons. Superman can drag entire GALXIES- So, yes. Superman can easily lift any incarnation of Godzilla.…
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Can Superman catch Mjolnir?

In order to catch Mjolnir, he must be able to wield it. In order to wield it, he must be worthy of ruling Asgard. As Kav Pk said, Superman's inability to kill would make him unworthy.
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