Is Superman the oldest superhero?

Superman is widely recognized as the first superhero. While as a cultural phenomenon that's true, there's actually an entire genre of superpowered costumed heroes that predates him, and it's not in comics, or even American. It's Kamishibai, a form of Japanese street performance.
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Who was the oldest superhero?

Oldest Superheroes / Supervillains
  • Vandal Savage. 52,000 years old. Immortal.
  • Mr. Majestic. 10,000 years old. Extended Longevity.
  • Bor. 6,000 years old. Extended Longevity.
  • Apocalypse. 5,000 years old. Immortal.
  • Odin. 4,000 years old. Extended Longevity.
  • Black Adam. 3,200 years old. Immortal.
  • Thor. 2,000 years old. Extended Longevity.
  • Thanos.
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Is Superman the first ever superhero?

Although there are earlier characters who arguably fit this definition, it was Superman who popularized the superhero genre and established its conventions.
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Who is older than Superman?

Created in his mold was Sheena, Queen of the Jungle. She is one of DC's oldest active characters, beating out Superman by mere months. Sheena is also unique for being the first female character to get her own title. As is typical for this character type, she is an orphan of an explorer who died in the jungle.
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Who is the oldest DC hero?

DC's 10 Oldest Heroes By Age, Ranked
  1. 1 The Endless (Infinite)
  2. 2 New Gods (Beyond Time) ...
  3. 3 The Presence (Beyond Time) ...
  4. 4 Monitor (Billions Of Years Old) ...
  5. 5 Parliament Of Trees (Ancient) ...
  6. 6 Martian Manhunter (225 Million Years Old) ...
  7. 7 Superman Prime (Millions Of Years) ...
  8. 8 Zealot (3000 Years Old) ...
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Who was 1st DC or Marvel?

DC was first by nearly 5 years. The biggest impact on comics is more difficult. There is no doubt that More Fun comics was the first โ€œrealโ€ comic book. That alone is the beginning of the entire industry.
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Is DC older then Marvel?

DC Comics was first released in 1934, making it five years older than Marvel. It was first published under National Allied Publications. It was changed to DC Comics much later in 1977, whose inspiration came from their popular series Detective Comics, which featured Batman.
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Is Superman or Batman older?

In a series of tweets, DC Studios co-CEO James Gunn suggests the DCU's Batman could be a "couple years" older than Superman, who is younger than 40.
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Is Thor older than Superman?

From the ancient Norse god Thor to the pulp icon Doc Savage, many superheroes are even older than Superman. Comics have been around for close to a century, ranging from pulp magazines and newspaper strips to the classic American floppy sold in monthlies.
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How old can Superman live to?

In fact, Superman should be immortal. He is invulnerable, his cells are invulnerable. He has no reason to age, and even those grey hairs, like in Kingdom Come, should not exist. Except it seems like the longer he absorbs yellow sunlight, the more durable he becomes.
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Who is the OG superhero?

Phantom, the first costumed, fictional superhero, known as โ€œThe Ghost Who Walks.โ€ Comics scholars generally agree that Superman was the first true superhero of the comic books, clearly marking the entrance of a new kind of hero into the marketplace.
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Who was created before Superman?

Dr. Occult and Rose Psychic were created three years before the creation of Superman. These were but two of the many heroes that were created before the debut of Superman in Action Comics #1 in 1938. The heroes came from various emerging mediums including novels, radio, comic strips, and the just-beginning comic books.
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Is Superman unkillable?

Superman has died and been resurrected in various storylines, causing debates about his immortality and aging compared to humans. Despite being virtually immortal due to his solar-powered cells, Superman's fate is tied to the lifespan of Earth's sun, making his mortality inevitable.
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Who is the oldest villain?

Who is the oldest villain in DC? - Quora. If you mean chronologically, it is Vandal Savage. He is a Stone Age Earth Cro-Magnon human who became immortal, living through time, seen empires rise and fall. He is at least 50,000 years old and still alive.
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Who is the oldest DC villain?

Sixteen years after his second comic book story, Vandal Savage returned in The Flash #137 (June 1963). This comic established he was closer to 50 thousand years old than 1 million years old, and also revealed that his original name had been Vandar Adg.
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How old is the oldest version of Superman?

The first version of Superman began being published by DC Comics in 1938 appearing in Action Comics #1.
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Could Thor beat Superman?

By most accounts, Superman seemingly outclasses Thor in terms of raw strength, especially in earlier versions of the DC Universe. He's pulled planets, punched people into orbit, and performed all sorts of wild feats of strength.
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Is Bruce older than Clark?

Bruce being older than Clark in the DCU makes perfect sense. The new DC Universe will see its Batman debut in The Brave and the Bold, a movie that will introduce audiences โ€” and Bruce himself โ€” to the future Robin Damian Wayne.
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Is Thanos older than Thor?

While it is never addressed in-universe, MCU director Joe Russo confirmed Thanos was around 1000 years old in 2012's The Avengers when he first appeared in the MCU. Based on that, Thanos is younger than Thor and Loki, which, if revealed in one of the past two Avengers films, might have proven itself to be distracting.
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Can Superman have a child with a human?

Half Kryptonian and half-human, Jon is the biological son of post-Crisis Superman/Clark Kent and Lois Lane and the couple's child in DC Comics canon. His parents named him in honor of his grandfathers, Jonathan Kent and Samuel Lane.
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Does Superman doesn't age?

In most versions of the Superman story, Superman is not immortal and can age like any other human being. While he does have superhuman abilities that allow him to live longer than an average human, he is still susceptible to the effects of aging.
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How old is Supergirl?

How old is Kara Danvers in Supergirl? If you are talking about the TV show then she is 24 years old, however in the comics she is in the age range of 16โ€“19. The interesting thing is that if she wasn't in suspended animation , then she would be between 34โ€“54.
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Who is Marvel's answer to Superman?

Hyperion is able to absorb cosmic energy, which gives him incredible strength, super speed, flight, atomic vision, and a weakness to the isotope Argonite. Though hardly alone in this regard, he's usually considered Marvel's Superman.
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Who is Marvel's first superhero?

If we go back in time, Marvel Comics introduced a total of three superheroes in its first issue back in 1939 - Human Torch, Angel, and Namor the Sub-Mariner. However, Human Torch appeared first in the list, so we can consider him to be the first Marvel Comics Superhero.
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Who is darker, DC or Marvel?

The DC Universe may sometimes be seen as outdated or campy, but its heroes and their stories are largely just as dark โ€” if not darker than โ€” Marvel's. DC Comics has long had a reputation for being a more lighthearted, traditional, and "nice" universe of superheroes and supervillains.
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