Is Superman traumatized?

Superman's traumatic odyssey Though physically appearing relatively unaltered, the prolonged time away from all of his loved ones and the rigors he endured away from Earth, including the temporary loss of his powers, has left Clark a changed man emotionally and psychologically.
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Does Superman have trauma?

Superman Has a Very Real Struggle With PTSD

With enemies like Lex Luthor always trying to find a way to gain the upper hand on Clark, noticing any hesitance or struggle within Superman could spark inspiration to strike against him.
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Does Superman have depression?

Watching Superman struggle with seasonal depression, despite the fact that his powers technically allow him to circumvent it, is a fascinating snapshot into the mind of one of DC's most powerful individuals, showing how Clark struggles with both a messiah complex and unintended trauma inflicted by his father.
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What is Superman most afraid of?

Superman's biggest fear is that, despite his immense power, he cannot save everyone who believes he will always be there to save them. Superman feels the pressure to meet the impossible expectation of being able to save everyone, even though he knows it is not possible.
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Does Superman care about humans?

Superman's fondness for humanity is one of his largest motivators as a hero and he's shown time and time again that he's willing to give his all to keep the Earth safe from anyone who wishes it harm.
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5 Worst Things To Happen To Superman

Would Superman ever turn evil?

One of the most powerful and righteous characters in DC Comics, Superman, is actually frighteningly easy to turn evil. While Clark Kent would never knowingly use his powers for evil, if a villain tricks him into using them, they can have a devastating effect.
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Does Superman age like normal?

All in all, most would agree that Superman is perpetually somewhere between his mid-20s and mid-30s, but seeing as he is essentially immortal, his age is practically irrelevant, anyway.
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Who can Superman never beat?

Superman is very vulnerable to telepathy. This is going to make defeating Martian Manhunter impossible for the Man of Steel. In fact, it would make it hard for anyone to defeat Martian Manhunter, since he could puppet Superman around from afar.
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Is Superman weak to mental attacks?

While Superman has acquired some psychic defenses in the past, Kal-El possesses no innate resistance against psionic attacks. Superman is vulnerable to telepathy, and those who can control the mind would have an easy time dismantling the Kryptonian.
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Has Superman ever been angry?

According to DC Comics, not even the biggest Superman fans know how tell when he's furious. Superman, known for his kindness and goodwill, rarely allows his temper to get the best of him. But when he does get angry, he doesn't show it in any spectacular way fans might expect.
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Does Superman ever sleep?

The first of these questions is the easiest to answer: Superman can sleep. In JLA #22 by Grant Morrison, John Dell, and Howard Porter, Superman is affected by a "sleeping plague," demonstrating that he has the physical capacity to fall asleep, even when he's at full power.
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What is Superman sensitive to?

Kryptonite: A Glowing Reminder of Home

Few weaknesses are as iconic as Kryptonite. This radioactive mineral from Superman's lost home planet, Krypton, emits radiation that saps his strength, rendering him vulnerable.
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What is Superman mentality?

In psychology, a Superman complex is an unhealthy sense of responsibility, or the belief that everyone else lacks the capacity to successfully perform one or more tasks. Such a person may feel a constant need to "save" others and, in the process, takes on more work on their own.
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Has Superman lost his temper?

Superman is a character who is usually seen as noble and honorable but he can sometimes lose his patience and demonstrate true anger.
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Why was Superman crying?

Henry Cavill opened up about that scene, and why he chose to cry on set. In his words, The killing of Zod gave a reason for the character never to kill again. Superman falling to the ground and screaming afterward — I don't think that was originally in the script, but I wanted to show the pain he had.
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Who has a crush on Superman?

In 85 years of action and adventure, there's only ever truly been one woman for Superman. It's the greatest love story that comics have ever told: Clark Kent loves Lois, Lois loves Superman, and somewhere along the way, she falls for Clark as well.
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Can Superman have a child with a human?

Half Kryptonian and half-human, Jon is the biological son of post-Crisis Superman/Clark Kent and Lois Lane and the couple's child in DC Comics canon. His parents named him in honor of his grandfathers, Jonathan Kent and Samuel Lane.
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What is the dumbest superhero weakness?

12 Marvel Characters (And 12 DC) That Have The Dumbest Weaknesses
  • 22 VENOM - MATCHES. ...
  • 19 ZATANNA - SILENCE. ...
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Can Shazam beat Superman?

The comics have shown the former Captain Marvel best Superman in a one-on-one fight while players of the Injustice video game watched Superman defeat Shazam by freezing his mouth shut --so he couldn't say the magic word-- and promptly lobotomizing him with his heat vision.
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Can Superman beat Thor?

While Superman could potentially overpower Thor, blows rendered by the mystical Mjolnir would likely impose serious damage on the Kryptonian hero. With his super-speed, the Man of Steel could probably avoid the Thunder God's lightning, but not necessarily, since Thor is just as fast.
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Can Hulk beat Superman?

There's no question the Hulk is a near-indestructible force who comes out on top in almost all of his battles of pure strength. However, against Superman, he's outmatched. While Hulk's strength might rival that of the Man of Steel, Superman's other abilities give him a considerable edge against his opponent.
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Who is actually stronger than Superman?

Captain Atom has proven in past battles that he is stronger than Superman and has better fighting skills. He can also weaponize red sun radiation, which can weaken Superman like Kryptonite and magic. His sometimes uncontrolled nature has earned him a reputation as one of the most dangerous DC heroes.
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Does Superman need to eat?

While many Superman stories hint that his ability to gather energy from the sun makes eating unnecessary, the Man of Steel eats more than his fair share of food wherever he goes. The Silver Age was a strange and wonderful time for DC Comics.
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How long is Superman's lifespan?

Characters with Longevity

Kal-El / Clark Kent / Superman - Can vary living into his hundreds, thousands and beyond. General Zod - Would've be able to live well into his hundreds. Faora-Ul - Will be able to live well into her hundreds. Nam-Ek - Will be able to live well into his hundreds.
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Who is older Superman or girl?

She is the biological cousin of Superman, and although chronologically older than him, the ship in which she traveled to Earth was caught in a large green Kryptonite meteorite which held her in a state of suspended animation for much of the journey, making her have the appearance of a 16-year-old girl.
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