Is the blue cube in Thor the Tesseract?

The Cube (renamed the Tesseract) plays a central role in several films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, in which it is ultimately depicted as containing the Space Stone, one of the six Infinity Stones.
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What was the blue cube in Thor?

The Space Stone allows the person who holds it to control the fabric of space and teleport anywhere in the universe. A blue cube called the Tesseract was built to contain the stone. The Tesseract spent much of its life on Asgard before it was brought to Earth for safekeeping.
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Is the Tesseract and Cosmic cube the same?

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the Cosmic Cube is called the "Tesseract", and contains the Space Gem.
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Are there two Tesseracts?

As far as we know, there is only one tesseract in existence, and this is that tesseract. If there are two, doesn't that kind of throw of Thanos' grand plan to collect 'em all? There's never been mention of a second, which means the one Mar-Vel is using is the same one that's been around the galaxy multiple times.
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Is the Space Stone the Tesseract?

The Space Stone, the first Stone to appear, was featured in a post-credit scene for Thor (2011), housed within the Tesseract. The Stone / Tesseract established its significance in the MCU through the antecedent films, Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) and The Avengers (2012).
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Complete MCU Tesseract History

Was the Tesseract in Thor?

The Tesseract appeared in Thor, a movie generally believed to be set in 2011; its existence was first teased in a book on Norse mythology, which showed an old sketch of Odin using it. The post-credit scene saw Nick Fury recruit Erik Selvig to Project PEGASUS, revealing the Tesseract to him.
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How did the Tesseract end up on Earth after Thor?

The Tesseract was brought to Earth from Asgard by Odin. It remained in a temple in a small village for several centuries. It was later found by HYDRA and taken by force and used as a power source for a super weapon which could destroy almost anything upon impact.
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Is the Tesseract in every Marvel movie?

The Tesseract - a.k.a. the Space Stone - has appeared in ten Marvel movies to date; here's a complete list of all its appearances. The Space Stone - introduced to viewers as the Tesseract - will ultimately appear in at least ten Marvel movies - that's more than central hero Captain America (and the same as Iron Man).
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Did Captain America get frozen with the Tesseract?

Captain America crash-lands a plane with the Tesseract onboard to save the world and becomes frozen—both literally and in time. Tony Stark's father, Howard Stark, recovers the Tesseract and eventually hands it over to S.H.I.E.L.D.
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How did Captain Marvel get the Tesseract?

The Tesseract is found by Howard Stark (before finding Captain America) and used for analysis. The Tesseract is passed onto Mar-Vell who uses it to create a Light Speed Engine for Project PEGASUS and later stores it on her satellite labratory.
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Where did the Tesseract go after Captain Marvel?

In Captain Marvel, we see Danvers's “cat” Goose uses his tentacle mouth to keep the Tesseract with him and Nick Fury for safekeeping, and it's not till decades later — as seen in one of the film's two end-credits scenes — that Goose coughs it up on Nick Fury's desk, presumably handing it off to Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D.
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How many cubes are in a Tesseract?

The tesseract is composed of 8 cubes with 3 to an edge, and therefore has 16 vertices, 32 edges, 24 squares, and 8 cubes. It is one of the six regular polychora.
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Why does a Tesseract have 8 cubes?

In geometry, a tesseract is the four-dimensional analogue of the cube; the tesseract is to the cube as the cube is to the square. Just as the surface of the cube consists of six square faces, the hypersurface of the tesseract consists of eight cubical cells. The tesseract is one of the six convex regular 4-polytopes.
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Why did Odin give Tesseract to Earth?

"The Tesseract was the jewel of Odin's treasure room," he says before finding and taking it. Odin brought the Tesseract to Earth for safekeeping, and, for centuries, humans guarded it as they worshipped the Asgardian gods. Through his research, Johann learned of the Tesseract's powers and sought it out for Hydra's use.
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Is casket in Thor and Tesseract are the same?

The Casket of Ancient Winters - it should have been The Tesseract/Space Stone. The Casket of Ancient Winters was the McGuffin of the first Thor film. It is a blue cube about the size of a basketball that has the ability to freeze people in place.
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Why did Odin leave Tesseract on Earth?

Odin didn't openly advertise to the galaxy that he was leaving the Tesseract on Midgard, and other than that the fact that it was underdeveloped was actually a selling point for him; Earth had pretty much nothing of value to the cosmic community if they didn't know an Infinity Stone or two was there.
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How did the Tesseract get to Asgard in Thor 1?

Following the Battle of New York, the Tesseract was acquired by Thor, who brought it back with him to Asgard. After using the Tesseract to repair the Rainbow Bridge, Odin tasked Heimdall, the realm's gatekeeper, with the task of protecting the Tesseract.
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Which stone is in Loki's scepter?

The Mind Stone (Loki's scepter)

The Mind Stone allows the user to control the minds of others. We first see it as a blue orb in Loki's scepter in 2012's The Avengers. Whenever Loki touches someone with the scepter, he can control what they do.
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What happened to Nick Fury's eye?

It was revealed in Captain Marvel that Fury lost his eye when Goose scratched him. Despite appearances, Goose is no ordinary cat but a Flerken, a fierce alien creature that resembles an Earth cat.
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Who is the strongest Avenger?

Thor. Thor, the god of Thunder, was undoubtedly the most powerful member of the original Avengers. His power continues to grow in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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How did Thanos know Loki had the Tesseract?

Once he boards the ship and finds Loki alive on board he almost certainly knows his best bet for getting the Space Stone is Loki. So it isn't necessarily that he knew Loki had the Tesseract, it's that he knew Loki was the most likely to have it.
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Which movie did Loki take the Tesseract?

In Avengers: Endgame, Cap and the team travel back to the events of 2012's The Avengers to return an Infinity Stone to its proper place. While they're there, Loki steals the Tesseract and disappears with it.
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Why did Captain America crash the plane?

The autopilot was already set by red skull and the button was broken during their fight. So cap had to manually override the autopilot by forcing the steering wheel down. If he jumped out the plane most likely would have corrected its course and continued heading for the city with the bombs on board.
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What does Loki use to freeze Heimdall?

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has featured the Casket of Ancient Winters, only in a very difficult storyline. It was stored in Odin's Vault in Asgard and Loki stole it. He decided to use the powers of the Casket of Ancient Winters to destroy Jotunheim. He proceeded by trying to freeze Heimdall and the Bifrost Sword.
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What happened to Loki after he took the Tesseract in endgame?

Loki, momentarily left unmonitored, was able to grab the Tesseract and use its power to teleport away. We didn't know Loki's destination, but, as seen in the premiere of Loki, he landed up in a desert, but was whisked away by the TVA who had tracked the location that Loki had disappeared to.
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