Is the botany in The Martian accurate?

When it comes to botany, The Martian was impressively accurate. Experiments have shown that Martian soil would be capable of supporting crops, with human waste used as an organic fertiliser.
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How accurate is the science in The Martian?

There is the plausible science (using rocket fuel as a source for water) and the downright impossible fiction (Mars sandstorms are not strong enough to cause damage. They're more like gentle breezes.). So while the overall Martian scenario may be fictional, the science in COLL 150 is very real.
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What is the most unrealistic part of The Martian?

The most unrealistic thing about the film “The Martian” is the only unrealistic thing about it: the dust storm at the beginning. Dust storms on Mars cannot get strong enough to cause those kinds of problems.
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What is the biggest inaccuracy in The Martian?

The least plausible thing about the story was the force of Martian winds -- at less than 1% of Earth atmospheric pressure, even a big storm on Mars wouldn't lift anything other than the finest grains of dust. Both the initial accident and the flapping of the makeshift hab repair job make no sense given that fact.
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What is the biggest error in the movie The Martian?

Factual errors

Due to Mars' low atmospheric pressure, the effective wind pressure in martian wind storms is much lower than shown in the movie, very unlikely to be sufficient to tip a spacecraft. Also, the wind on Mars is much too weak to carry large rocks.
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How Accurate was "The Martian" According to a Botanist?

What are 3 of the many scientific inaccuracies in the movie The Martian?

Astronauts wouldn't really walk on Mars with a lower gravitational field. They would probably hop like on the moon. Dust storms on the surface of Mars wouldn't be so damaging since the atmospheric density is so low. Everyone would die of cancer due to excessive radiation.
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Where is the F word in The Martian movie?

At about the 23:30 mark there is a "F you, Mars." One use of 'Jesus' at 23:35.
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How many times is the F word used in The Martian book?

Great Book.

I loved almost everything about this book, but it's definitely not appropriate for 14 year olds like Common Sense recommends. There are at least 100 "F" words and numerous other profanities.
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Why is the storm in The Martian unrealistic?

While massive dust storms on Mars can have hurricane force winds, it won't pack the same punch as it does on Earth. Mars' atmosphere is a hundred times thinner than ours and with less molecules to be blown around, the force exerted by wind is much, much less.
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Are there two versions of The Martian?

In June of 2016, an extended cut was released on Blu-Ray and Ultra HD 4K Blu-Ray that adds 10 additional minutes of footage: Extended footage of Watney shortly after his abandonment, waking up in the habitat.
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What is scientifically inaccurate in The Martian?

Another scientific criticism of the movie is the violence of the weather on Mars. Granted, the planet has massive sand storms, but the atmosphere is too thin and the pressure is too low to blow satellite dishes off their support structures and into the crew members.
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What is inaccurate about The Martian movie?

Inaccuracies in the book and movie

Although Mars does get dust storms, the atmospheric pressure is so low that the wind is negligible, although the dust itself can be harmful. Andy Weir admits the dust storm was used simply to move the plot along and leave Mark Watney stranded on Mars.
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Which book do the Martians never read?

Answer. Explanation: The Mother Goose - an old book of nursery rhymes saved the earth. The Martian invaders could not understand its fun and imagination.
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Could potatoes grow on Mars?

While most of the native potatoes died shortly after their roots entered the 'Martian' soil, a few of them and most of the LTVR clones managed to grow and produce potatoes.
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Did NASA find organic matter on Mars?

Scientists say they have found new evidence of organic matter on Mars that could be linked to past life on the planet. The Perseverance explorer, which is operated by the American space agency NASA, discovered the organic materials.
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Was NASA involved in The Martian?

Newsweek said NASA collaborated more with The Martian than most other space-themed films: "Staff from many NASA departments consulted on the film, from script development through principal photography, and are now helping with marketing timed to the theatrical release."
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How long is a year on Mars?

The Earth zips around the Sun at about 67,000 miles per hour, making a full revolution in about 365 days – one year on Earth. Mars is a little slower, and farther from the sun, so a full circuit takes 687 Earth days – or one Mars year. That longer year means longer seasons too.
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How long would it take to get to Mars?

Mars is, on average, 140 million miles from Earth. Rather than a three-day lunar trip, astronauts bound for Mars would be leaving our planet for roughly three years.
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Can you grow food on Mars?

The plants would probably be housed in a greenhouse on a Martian base, because no known forms of life can survive direct exposure to the Martian surface, with its extremely cold, thin air and sterilizing radiation. Even then, conditions in a Martian greenhouse would be beyond what ordinary plants could stand.
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What does Mark Watney dip his potatoes in?

After NASA orders him to cut his rations, Mark decides to "dip his potato" in Vicodin, by opening a capsule and dumping the powder on his plate.
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How many days was Mark Watney on Mars?

Mark Watney Was On Mars For 564 Days In The Martian

Therefore, what Mark experienced as a day on Mars was actually 40 minutes longer than a day on Earth. That is why Mark had to register his journey using “sols,” the scientific term for Martian days. 549 sols on Mars equals 564 Earth days.
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Why can't Mark Watney grow more potatoes?

Airlock Breach

When Airlock 1 breached, causing a gaping hole in The Hab, the potatoes were freeze dried and the bacteria in the soil assumed dead. Because of this Mark was unable to grow any more potatoes and could only eat the ones he still had with him.
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Was The Martian filmed in a desert?

With its ochre vastness and dramatic sandstone heights, Jordan's Wadi Rum, also known as the Valley of the Moon, has long been a favourite among Hollywood filmmakers scouting for otherworldly vistas. The desert has doubled for Mars in several blockbusters including The Martian and Red Planet.
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Is there a clean version of The Martian movie?

About 35 profanities would've been enough to earn The Martian its PG-13 rating, but there's more content ClearPlay trims: some graphic injuries, partial nudity, and business involving human waste. The ClearPlayed version is a crowd-pleaser for all ages.
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What state was The Martian filmed in?

The Martian was shot at Korda Studios, Hungary. Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, and the Palace of Arts in Budapest were among the filming locations. Johnson Space Center, Houston, USA.
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