Who do you blame for the terrible thing that happened to Gatsby?

Daisy is the one that was driving the car that hit Myrtle Wilson. Instead of taking responsibility for her actions, she speeds away, not even stopping. Then, she lets Jay Gatsby take the blame for it and ultimately causes his murder by George Wilson and George Wilson's suicide.
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Who is to blame for Great Gatsby?

Although George Wilson pulls the trigger to shoot Jay Gatsby, the victim's death is not solely George Wilson's fault. Gatsby's death is a chain reaction involving different parties. However, Gatsby, Tom Buchanan, George Wilson, and Daisy Buchanan are the key characters responsible for Gatsby's death's causal nexus.
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Who is responsible for the downfall of Gatsby?

Gatsby believes that if he gains so much material wealth then he marries to Daisy. But it is his fate that he never gets married to Daisy. He cannot accept that reality. So Gatsby's miscalculation that he controls his fate is responsible for his downfall.
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Who is responsible for the accident in The Great Gatsby?

Daisy is the one behind the wheel, and Gatsby is riding shotgun. Daisy is at blame for the second collision that occurs. In the second collision, the car is still being driven after it has already been involved in an accident. In the second car accident, Myrtle Wilson tragically lost her life.
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Who do you think is most to blame for what happens to Gatsby at the end of ch 8?

In a way, Tom Buchanan is most immediately responsible, for leading Myrtle's husband to think that Gatsby was having an affair with her (although they never knew each other). Tom does nothing to correct that misperception, so Gatsby is shot rather than Tom himself, for he'd been the one cheating with her.
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Everything Wrong With The Great Gatsby (2013)

Who is responsible for Gatsby's death quizlet?

George Wilson actually pulled the trigger and shot Gatsby.
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Which characters are most responsible for Gatsby's death?

Tom Buchanan's Death Essay

There are three deaths that occur in F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby. And it may seem surprising but there is one person to blame for all three of them. Tom Buchanan is the one who is the most responsible for the deaths of Gatsby, Myrtle Wilson, and George Wilson.
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Who is to blame in Chapter 7 of The Great Gatsby?

Gatsby is to blame as well because he should have never let Daisy drive. Also, he should have done the right thing and gone back, instead of ±eeing the scene to protect Daisy.
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Did Daisy actually love Gatsby?

Although Gatsby truly loved Daisy, this love was one-sided because Daisy was only attracted to Gatsby because of his wealth and status.
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Who is to blame in chapter 9 of Great Gatsby?

Officially, Mr. Wilson is to blame for Gatsby's death, but we know Gatsby's death is much more complicated than that. Think about the incredibly complex chain of events leading to this murder suicide, or “holocaust,” as Nick calls it.
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Is Daisy a victim or villain?

Even though she loves him, Daisy plays a crucial role in Gatsby's downfall. Daisy's passive role in Gatsby's death signals a broader, more abstract antagonist that also haunts the novel: the American Dream of upward mobility.
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Why didn't Daisy leave Tom?

Through The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald proposes that on the grounds that the American dream is adulterated by realism, the individuals who attempt to accomplish it eventually come up short. Daisy doesn't leave Tom because both of them are appropriate for each other – they are similar.
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Was Gatsby the villain?

Gatsby is the eponymous. hero of the book and is the main focus. However, although Gatsby has some qualities which are typically heroic, other aspects of his character are closer to the typical villain.
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Who is responsible for Gatsby's downfall?

The main events that contributed to Gatsby's death were Myrtle and Tom's affair, Gatsby's obsession and affair with Daisy, Myrtle's death, and George Wilson eventually shooting Gatsby.
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Who lied about Gatsby?

Tom tells Wilson that Gatsby is the other man and seals the convincing lie with the evidence of the car that hit Myrtle. Tom lies about Gatsby being the killer, and Wilson goes to the large mansion and shoots and kills Gatsby just before he shoots and kills himself. Tom's lie results in the loss of two lives.
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Did Daisy hit Myrtle on purpose?

Possibly drunk from the day in the city, Daisy carelessly strikes Myrtle with Gatsby's car. She then negligently speeds off from the scene of the accident without stopping. She is only thinking about herself rather than the woman she struck.
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Did Daisy lose her virginity to Gatsby?

The implication here is that Daisy was romantically experienced and certainly no virgin, an implication further supported in the fact that there was no mention of loss of virginity when Gatsby "took her."
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Why is Gatsby obsessed with Daisy?

It is Gatsby's longing for the American dream that will lead him into the arms of Daisy Buchanan, who symbolizes both wealth and social standing, a woman beyond Gatsby's reach.
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Was Nick in love with Gatsby?

This is at the very end of the novel. Of the late Gatsby, Tom says, “That fellow had it coming to him. He threw dust in your eyes just like he did in Daisy's….” And that's why it matters that Nick is gay and in love with Gatsby: because Tom's assessment is spot-on, but Nick will never admit it.
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Who is to blame Gatsby?

But who is really to blame for his demise? Daisy Buchanan is the real person to blame because she lead gatsby to believe she would leave Tom for him and because she should have admitted to her mistakes. Daisy Buchanan plays her share in the blame for Jay Gatsby's death because of the way she treated Gatsby.
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Why does Wilson believe that Gatsby killed Myrtle?

Wilson believes that Gatsby killed Myrtle because Tom gave him intentionally misleading information. Earlier in the story, Tom stopped by Wilson's garage while driving Gatsby's yellow car, leading Wilson to believe that the car was Tom's.
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What does it mean that Daisy's voice is full of money?

Her voice may sound like a stereotypical rich person's voice. Nick also suggests that her voice sounds like coins clinking together, sort of high and musical. Ultimately, though, Daisy and money are inextricably linked in Gatsby's mind. She has always been wealthy and he has always aspired to be wealthy.
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Why is Gatsby's death tragic?

Gatsby is also a classical tragic hero in that he is the victim of forces outside himself – Daisy's carelessness and Tom's hard malice. While one might agree with Daisy that Gatsby asks too much, pathos is still felt at Daisy's abandonment of him and at his lonely death.
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What first attracted Gatsby to Daisy?

To Gatsby, Daisy represents the paragon of perfection—she has the aura of charm, wealth, sophistication, grace, and aristocracy that he longed for as a child in North Dakota and that first attracted him to her.
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Why is Nick responsible for Gatsby's funeral?

Nick took care of Gatsby's funeral because he was his only close friend and the only person who really cared about him. Nobody else showed any interest in Gatsby after his death.
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