Is the film Braveheart historically accurate?

It has been described as one of the most historically inaccurate modern films. Sharon Krossa noted that the film contains numerous historical inaccuracies, beginning with the wearing of belted plaid by Wallace and his men. In that period "no Scots [...] wore belted plaids (let alone kilts of any kind)."
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How much of the film Braveheart is true?

Summary. Braveheart is one of the least historically accurate movies ever made, drawing upon a fictional account of William Wallace's life. The film misattributes the title "Braveheart" to William Wallace, when it is actually associated with Robert the Bruce and his heart's final act in battle.
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Did William Wallace meet Robert the Bruce?

Although they were alive at the same time, and William Wallace was Guardian of Scotland immediately before Robert the Bruce, there is no evidence that the two ever met.
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Was William Wallace's wife real?

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Where is William Wallace's head now?

His head was spiked on London Bridge, and the four quarters of his mutilated body displayed in Newcastle, Berwick, Perth and Stirling, as a warning to all who transgressed against the rule of Longshanks. And there his story ended – with no final resting place for Scotland's best-known hero.
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History Buffs: Braveheart

What were William Wallaces' last words?

Wallace is then urged to beg for mercy to bring his torture to an end and hasten his inevitable death. But Wallace will not. “Freedom!” he shouts, defiant to the end.
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What's the famous line from Braveheart?

William Wallace : Every man dies, not every man really lives.
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Why was Murron killed in Braveheart?

William disguised himself and escaped, awaiting for Murron near a lake, but an English soldier hit her off her horse with a pike and brought her to the Magistrate. The magistrate, upset by the "repayment of his leniency", slit her throat with a knife in front of most of the townspeople.
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Did William Wallace have any offspring?

Technically, Wallace was an outlaw in English eyes because his family did not sign their name to the 'Ragman Rolls', a list compiled in the summer of 1296 of all the Scottish tenants who promised allegiance to the English Crown. William Wallace, as far as we know, never married and had no children.
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Did William Wallace have a child with the Princess?

No, the Princess of Wales did not have William Wallace's child as there was no Princess of Wales at that time. Wallace was executed in 1305 for treason by the English. The first Princess of Wales was Joan, Countess of Kent (1328–1385).
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What did Robert the Bruce do after William Wallace died?

Answer and Explanation: After Wallace's death, happened in 1306, Robert the Bruce was proclaimed King of Scotland in 1307, with the name of Robert I.
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What language did William Wallace speak?

Gallic although Robert the Bruce and Sir William Wallace were also fluent in English, French and Latin.
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Is Princess Diana related to Robert the Bruce?

Charles II was also the uncle to Mary Queen of Scots, making Princess Diana a descendant of both English and Scottish royalty. But her royal Scottish line goes even further back, to the king of Scotland from 1306-1329, Robert the Bruce, via the Churchill line.
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Is Braveheart popular in Scotland?

In the following year, research on visitors to the Stirling area indicated that 55% of the visitors had seen Braveheart. Of visitors from outside Scotland, 15% of those who saw Braveheart said it influenced their decision to visit the country.
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How tall was William Wallace?

Walter Bower's mid-15th century Scotichronicon, states that Wallace was "a tall man with the body of a giant ... with lengthy flanks ... broad in the hips, with strong arms and legs ... with all his limbs very strong and firm". Blind Harry's late 15th century poem The Wallace, asserts Wallace reached seven feet.
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Why was he called Edward Longshanks?

During young Edward's childhood, poor health was a massive concern, nevertheless as an adult he reached a rather imposing six foot two inches in height, which was extremely rare for the time and earned him the nickname “Longshanks”, meaning “long legs”.
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Is there anyone alive related to William Wallace?

Answer and Explanation: William Wallace did not have any children. Therefore, he does not have any descendents. However, the last name Wallace is still relatively common in Scotland.
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How accurate is Braveheart?

But in "Braveheart" it was completely historically inaccurate. Yes, Wallace and his army did win at the Battle of Stirling Bridge, but the film neglected to mention his ally, Andrew Moray, who was mortally wounded there. Nor did the Scots armies make it as far south as York in the battle's aftermath.
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Is William Wallace's head still on London Bridge?

Wallace's head was the first recorded head ever to be displayed on the bridge and it launched a gruesome tradition that lasted over 350 years. At one stage 30 heads were counted on the Gateway. After being put on the spike, Wallace's head was left to the elements to rot and eventually decompose.
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What does the girl whisper in Braveheart?

Otherwise, he would not mention it in the new bride's presence. At the end of the movie, the French princess simply whispers to his dying ear that her child comes from another man just for ''revenge''.
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Were any horses killed in the making of Braveheart?

How many horses died in the filming of this movie? None, although the scenes of horses being wounded were so real it is said that Mel Gibson was investigated by an animal welfare organization.
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What is the purple flower in Braveheart?

In truth, no one knows for certain how the purple-flowered thistle rose to such lofty significance. But one legend has it a sleeping party of Scots warriors were saved from ambush by an invading Norse army when one of the enemies trod on the spiky plant.
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What language did Braveheart speak?

There's a lot about William Wallace's life that is unknown since records from the time are sparse, but he most like spoke a few different languages. Wallace's family was part of the lesser nobility, which means he would have been educated in the court languages of Norman French and Latin.
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What are they chanting in Braveheart?

In the script of the movie Braveheart (Section 9) the Scots are chanting "MacAulish, MacAulish, WALLACE, WALLACE!" The term "Mac" means "son of", and "Aulish" is intended to be a variation of the Medieval Gaelic name "Uallas" (later translated to the Anglican, "Wallace").
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Whose nickname was Braveheart?

Since his death, William Wallace has become an iconic figure for Scotland. He is noted for his strength in fighting to defend his country, as well as his bravery, which gave him the famous nickname, Braveheart.
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