Is there enough metal on Earth to build a Death Star?

If constructing the International Space Station was hard, the Death Star's complications dwarf that. Pyle says estimates indicate it would take 830,000 years of Earth's current steel output to create enough metal for the hull of the superstructure alone.
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Could Earth make a Death Star?

Firstly, we cannot build structures that big. The nascent Death Star would warp and deform before it reached any appreciable fraction of its projected size. We do not have the orbital lifting capability to get sufficient mass into space. We don't have the logistical capability to build something of that size.
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Could we actually build a Death Star?

In short, don't count on it happening anytime soon: The actual size of the Death Star, according to their estimations, is close to 120 to 160 kilometers in diameter, and would cost the equivalent of 18 quadrillion dollars to build.
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How much steel to make Death Star?

Basing their calculations around the thickness of warships, experts believe that a staggering one quadrillion tons of steel would be needed for its construction, if steel would be the material of choice.
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How much metal is in the Death Star?

The blog post on the report states: Scaling up to the Death Star, this is about 1.08x1015 tonnes of steel. 1 with fifteen zeros. Which seems like a colossal mass but we've calculated that from the iron in the earth, you could make just over 2 billion Death Stars.
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What If You Could Build the Death Star?

Could we build a star destroyer?

However getting the parts into space to construct the Star Destroyer would require an additional $44.4 trillion USD in launch costs, suggesting that asteroid mining and refining technologies would have to be developed first to make it more economical.
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How long would it take to build the Death Star?

The first Death Star is said to have taken around 20 years to build, meaning construction would be finalized around 2BBY - which would make sense, as this would be two years before its first test run on the planet Jedha, and three years after Andor season 1.
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How much gravity is in a Death Star?

The first version of the Death Star was only 160km in diameter, which makes it more like a large asteroid than a moon, and too small to have any significant natural gravity.
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How many lasers are on the Death Star?

Once the reaction was focused through the crystals, eight smaller lasers would spout from the focusing lens of the Death Star. Those lasers would then converge on a singular point, accumulating the power of the reaction, before being released in a singular green beam onto its target.
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How many death stars could Earth make?

And while there exists enough iron in the Earth's crust to build two billion Death Stars, the steel itself would take 833,315 years to produce at current rates of production.
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What do they eat on Death Star?

The Death Star Cafeteria was a cafeteria on the second Death Star that fed Imperial stormtroopers. The cafeteria had a menu consisting of Boba Feta Cheese, Lando Calzone, Darth Wafer, Yoda Yogurt, blue milkshake, Han Salad, and more. Star Wars: How well do you know the first Death Star?
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Can a planet orbit a dead star?

The first-ever planet discovered orbiting a white dwarf was spotted thanks to gravitational microlensing. The first-ever discovery of a planet orbiting a dead star suggests that some worlds in our solar system will likely survive the sun's violent death about five billion years from now. But what are Earth's chances?
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What can destroy a Death Star?

It was discovered that a proton torpedo, shot precisely into a small exhaust port, could trigger a reaction that would destroy the Death Star.
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What would happen if the Death Star crashed into Earth?

The gases, reacting with the water vapor, formed acid rain and the dust in the atmosphere blocked the sun, causing a global "nuclear winter" lasting many years. On smaller worlds, the effects would also be catastrophic, even if, as seen in the movie, only chunks of the Death Star impact on the surface.
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How many floors is the Death Star?

The Death Star comprised eighty-four separate internal levels, which where 1,148 meters (4,685 feet) in height. Each level had 357 4 meter (13.1 foot) high sublevels. A nominal number of sub-levels were then to be stacked around the surface of the sphere, encompassing the inner stacked levels.
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How big is the Death Star in real life?

The Death Star is at most 100 miles (160 kilometers) in diameter, and would not be able to survive long in low Earth orbit. Although small objects can remain in low orbit around the Earth for hundreds of years with no propulsion, an object that large would fall out of orbit more quickly and crash into the surface.
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How much energy would the Death Star need?

As Stark says during his big screen debut, “If my math is right – and it always is – three gigajoules per second” is the load required. That would equate to 3 GW of generation capacity and, therefore, 7.5 million panels.
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How much would a Star Destroyer cost?

A Star Destroyer will cost $636 billion to build the parts on Earth, plus $44.4 trillion to get it all off Earth and to Mars. At that launch cost, it's definitely worth investing in asteroid mining and refining technologies first.
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How was the Death Star built so fast?

Essentially, the Empire was able to build the second Death Star so quickly because they'd already built one before. Furthermore, Darth Sidious expedited the construction of the second Death Star so that it was functional far sooner than the first.
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Why did it take 20 years to build Death Star?

The Death Star's construction took much longer than portrayed in the Star Wars films, with over 20 years spent on perfecting the superlaser. The development of the superlaser, built using kyber crystals, was the most complicated and time-consuming aspect of the Death Star's completion.
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How many kills does the Death Star have?

Brad Burnie of did a painstakingly detailed analysis and determined that, according to official Star Wars lore, 1,565,231 people died on Death Star 1.0, split between Stormtroopers, Imperial garrisons, and passengers.
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How long is the charging time for the Death Star?

After a fullypowered blast, the superlaser needs 24 hours to recharge before another fullpower blast can be fired. This results in an annoying “Destroy only one planet a day” rule. * Demanded by the Death Star Worker's Union, as some superlaser operators work in close proximity to the shafts.
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Could a nuke take out a Star Destroyer?

Anyone who's seen bomber hit a shielded/unshielded Star destroyer would know that several bombs are needed to destroy a PART of the destroyer (such as the engines or targeting unit). If (and this is a big if) the nuclear bomb had a similar yield to a proton bomb, then it likely won't even breach the hull.
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