Is Thor resistant to mind control?

While not fully immune to psychics, Thor has managed to fight off telepathic attacks from a variety of foes, and is generally able to shake off the effects of mind-control quicker than the average person. This defense mechanism has helped him numerous times but isn't foolproof.
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Is Thor vulnerable to telepathy?

Thor is immune to all but the most powerful telepaths, partly because of his godly heritage, but also because his mother was the Phoenix Force. This immunity has come in handy over the years.
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What is Thor immune to?

Invulnerability: Thor is immune to such human ailments as diseases, toxins, poisons, corrosives, fire, electrocution, asphyxiation, and he has a immunity to heat and subzero and lead and radiation poisoning.
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Can Wanda mind control Thor?

She “controlled” his mind, even with the gauntlet. Do you know who can control minds too? Yes, Wanda. In Age of Ultron, she controlled Avengers minds including Thor's, and she controlled an entire city or a neighboorhood in Sokovia, to left their houses.
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Is Thor resistant to magic?

Like most Asgardians, Thor is vulnerable to particular types of magic. One type of magic of Thor finds himself particularly vulnerable to that magic meant to charm an opponent. This makes Thor vulnerable to foes like Enchantress and her younger sister Lorelei.
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Thor's Vision Scene - The Infinity Stones - Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) Movie CLIP HD

Can Thor resist mind control?

While not fully immune to psychics, Thor has managed to fight off telepathic attacks from a variety of foes, and is generally able to shake off the effects of mind-control quicker than the average person. This defense mechanism has helped him numerous times but isn't foolproof.
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What is Thor's greatest weakness?

Loss of worthiness: Thor can temporarily lose his worthiness, rendering him powerless and unable to wield Mjolnir. Dependence on Mjolnir: Thor's powers are closely tied to Mjolnir, and if the hammer is destroyed, he loses his powers.
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Can Wanda lift Thor's hammer?

However, Odin and Mjolnir may still have the last laugh since, by negating the spell, the Scarlet Witch could potentially remove the hammer's ability to grant its wielders Thor's power. So, while she could technically lift Mjolnir, Wanda might just end up turning Thor's mighty hammer into an extra-heavy paperweight!
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Could Thor beat the Scarlet Witch?

Marvel Cinematic Universe Marvel Comics Thor Stomps The Scarlet Witch. The outcome is already clear in the Uncanny Avengers Vol. 1 #4 After Thor doesn't yield, She went all out on Thor but she simply couldn't overpower him and “cast a hex down” his throat The combined efforts o…
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Why Thor is stronger than Wanda?

The Scarlet Witch's power is only limited by her will. Thor is a 1500-year-old god with a magical, nearly indestructible ax named Stormbreaker. Throughout the MCU films, he's always called himself the "strongest Avenger." Thor is extremely powerful, and only his sister and father could overpower him.
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Why did Odin say Thor is stronger?

Now Odin did tell Thor he was stronger then him (Odin) which some interpret as Odin meaning Thor is stronger than Odin cause Thor now has his fathers power plus his own. But we have to remember two things. Odin himself said Mjølnir only channeled Thor's power, Thor just needed to learn to use it naturally.
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What mental illnesses does Thor have?

Psychiatric illness, as it relates to Thor, is a multifaceted subject: Thor's depression may be combined with sensory loss, altered body image, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which can serve as an impetus for further analysis of Thor.
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Is Thor unkillable?

As a result he can be killed in battle, but he will always return to his body one way or another. Thor's immortality prevents him from ever permanently dying within the MCU.
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Can telekinesis stop Mjolnir?

Telekinesis might be a workaround for simply lifting the hammer, but you still need to be worthy to tap into “the power of Thor.” There are other loopholes around lifting Mjolnir besides telekinesis, but at the end of the day, Odin's magic holds up in preventing anyone who is unworthy from unlocking its true power.
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What does Thor fear most?

Thor's Worst Fear Is Losing Control

For both Thor and Captain Marvel, great power comes with great fear, but it's incredibly telling that as a god who fell to Earth, Thor most fears becoming a danger to others, while as an empowered human, Captain Marvel fears not being able to protect them.
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Can Thor survive if he snap?

Yes ,Thor can easily survive the Snap and there are two reasons. 1-Thor is considered as god and he is so much powerfull that he has beaten Serter and Hulk easily and has beaten all Infinity stones. 2-He is So durable that he controlled the star heat for some minutes.
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Who is the weakest Avenger?

Although he is an extremely skilled marksman, Clint Barton is often considered to be the weakest member of the team seeing as he's just a regular guy with a bow and arrow.
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Can Thor defeat Superman?

While Superman could potentially overpower Thor, blows rendered by the mystical Mjolnir would likely impose serious damage on the Kryptonian hero. With his super-speed, the Man of Steel could probably avoid the Thunder God's lightning, but not necessarily, since Thor is just as fast.
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Could Thanos beat Odin?

Who would win in an MCU fight: Odin or Thanos? Without the Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos stands little chance against Prime Odin. Odin is stated to be able to shatter the Earth.
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Could Wanda break Mjolnir?

Wanda broke Thanos' sword which is made from Uru, meaning she can also destroy Thor's hammer.
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Can Ultron lift Mjolnir?

A machine can pick up the weapon and move it anywhere since it's mindless and incapable of possessing the morals necessary to be considered worthy. By this logic, Ultron himself could have lifted it, but it wouldn't have done him much good.
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Can a squirrel girl lift Mjolnir?

Squirrel Girl

She is unbeatable, and that is actually part of her title. However, she is also someone who has proved worthy of wielding Mjolnir. This happened in The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Beats up the Marvel Universe, which was a take on the books where someone like Deadpool or Punisher kills the Marvel Universe.
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Who can easily beat Thor?

Steve Rogers is one of the few mortals able to not only lift Mjolnir, but wield its full power, making him someone who legitimately could defeat Thor. Assuming the reason for their battle is due to Thor being deceived, possessed, or otherwise out of his mind, Cap would be able to use Mjolnir against him.
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Who is Thor's toughest enemy?

Surtur. Possibly Thor's most powerful foe, Surtur is to Fire Demon's what the Midgard Serpent is to boa constrictors. For the Asgardian he's the ultimate destroyer (not to be confused with the actual Destroyer of course.)
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Can Batman defeat Thor?

The God of Thunder wins, there is absolutely nothing Batman can do against Thor. Batman has a small nuclear bomb in his cave, but Thor could easily walk it off. As far as I know, the fangs of the Midgard Serpent can hurt Thor.
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