Is Vision Human or robot?

The character is an android (sometimes called a "synthezoid") built by the villainous robot Ultron created by Hank Pym. Originally intended to act as Ultron's "son" and destroy the Avengers, Vision instead turned on his creator and joined the Avengers to fight for the forces of good.
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Is Vision alive or a robot?

Vision is a vibranium-based male android (or "Synthezoid") created by Ultron to serve as his body. However, the body is stolen by the Avengers and brought to sentience by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, who upload the core software of Stark's AI, J.A.R.V.I.S.
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Does Vision have a human form?

This is a first for the character since his appearances in Avengers: Age of Ultron and Captain America: Civil War only featured him resembling his comics incarnation. In light of this, Bettany has now stated that Vision's ability to resemble a human is because of nano-technology.
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How did Vision get a human body?

Given Life by the Mind Stone

During an attempt to create a more powerful body, Ultron manipulated Doctor Helen Cho to use the Regeneration Cradle for the creation of his new body.
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Does Vision have a soul?

Marvel's massive Judgment Day event ignores machines - and, unwittingly, reveals that the Avenger android Vision has no soul.
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Creating Vision - Captain America vs Tony Stark - Fight Scene - Age of Ultron - Movie CLIP HD

Can Vision become father?

Because Vision is an artificial being known as a Synthezoid, he's not actually capable of fathering biological children of his own. In response, Wanda magically creates two twin sons to complete their nuclear family. They were born in 1986's The Vision and the Scarlet Witch Vol. 2, #12.
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What soul stone did Vision have?

Thanks to his artificial intelligence, Vibranium-infused synthetic body and the Mind Stone implanted in his forehead, Vision boasts an incredible number of unique powers. He can access and process huge amounts of data in very short periods of time, making him supremely intelligent.
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Why Vision can lift Mjolnir?

One other reason could be that, because Vision is 'born' as a non-human, thus lacking in any of humanity's flaws (greed, anger, or wickedness), he is actually 'worthy' to wield the hammer.
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How old was Vision when he died?

So, Vision was only 3 years old when Thanos killed him in Infinity War - but the Synthezoid's corpse is actually 8 years old by the time Wanda stole it from S.W.O.R.D. and magically resurrected him within The Hex in Westview, New Jersey before WandaVision began.
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How old is Vision in human years?

The most commonly accepted number for Visions age is 3, since he was “created” in Age of Ultron, but it depends what you consider his birth, his consciousness is said to be nearly equal parts Tony's input, Banner's input and the Mind Stone, but Banner and Tony were writing the code for Vision before the events of Age ...
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Why was Vision so weak?

Vision Was Damaged (& Distracted) In Infinity War

But before they got a chance to settle, Thanos' henchman Corvus Glaive arrived and pierced Vision's chest with his blade. Since Vision was caught off-guard, he didn't have time to phase through the blade, and his synthezoid body began to malfunction.
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Can Vision become reality?

Vision alone is not enough. Vision requires action. Vision without action is nothing more than a daydream. The key to success is to stay focused on your vision and also to be realistic about your current situation.
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Who is Vision's wife?

The Vision and the Scarlet Witch married in Giant-Size Avengers #4 (June 1975), the end of the Celestial Madonna story arc. In 1979, Wanda learns Bob Frank and Madeline Joyce are not her and Pietro's parents.
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Is Vision gone forever?

Well, it definitely confirms that Vision is dead. Or at least, he was dead until Wanda revived him in WandaVision. But the fact that we briefly see his lifeless face suggests he's still dead and Wanda is using her powers to animated him like a puppet. Bettany's quote could also reveal how Wanda got her hands on Vision.
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Is Vision completely dead?

The episode's post-credits scene also revealed the fate of real Vision's body, and it's not good: Hayward used some of Wanda's magic from the retro drone that SWORD sent in, and has completely revived Vision's body. Except now he's got a white tint, and will probably be used as an evil weapon.
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Is Vision basically Jarvis?

system, J.A.R.V.I.S. into the body with the mind stone before Ultron can get there. The frankenstein android superhero experiment works: Vision is born. Vision is not J.A.R.V.I.S., but rather an entirely new consciousness; he doesn't take sides, but does take "the side of life," as he tells our heroes.
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Who is the most powerful Avenger?

Thor. Thor, the god of Thunder, was undoubtedly the most powerful member of the original Avengers. His power continues to grow in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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Is Vision the youngest Avenger?

Unfortunately, Thanos killed Vision in Avengers: Infinity War. By the time it happened, Vision was only 3 years old. Even though he didn't look and behave that way. That makes Vision the youngest Avenger.
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Why is Vision called Vision?

In the comics Vision gets his name because he's Ultron's Vision of the future or w/e, and Wasp gets it to stick.
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Who can lift Stormbreaker?

Meanwhile, MCU Phase 4 saw Stormbreaker being wielded by Thor, Gorr the God Butcher, Love, and anyone else who was strong enough to actually lift and swing it. This is because of the respective origins of both legendary Asgardian weapons.
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Can Superman lift Thor's hammer?

Yes he can, he not only welded DC'S version of Mjolnir but also Marvel's Mjolnir. While later on in the story he couldn't do it, it was later retconned in Jane's Mighty Thor run that Superman is worthy.
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What does Jarvis stand for?

Just A Rather Very Intelligent System

In Peter David's novelization of Iron Man, J.A.R.V.I.S. is said to be an acronym for "Just A Rather Very Intelligent System". J.A.R.V.I.S.
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Why can't Red Skull get the Soul Stone?

It's understood that the Red Skull can't give up what he loves because he's trapped on a deserted planet, but the explanation for why he can never have the Soul Stone may go deeper than that. In Marvel Comics, the Red Skull is simply incapable of love.
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Why was Red Skull guarding the Soul Stone?

Red Skull was believed to be dead, but Infinity War revealed he was teleported to Vormir and as punishment for abusing the Space Stone's power, he was cursed into becoming the guardian of the Soul Stone.
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Which Infinity Stone is the most powerful?

The Soul Stone Is Easily the Strongest Infinity Stone

Gamora's plan was eventually foiled - though the resultant Warp World is still in existence - but Infinity Wars showed that the Soul Stone had always been a device of unbridled cosmic power, whether wielded by a skilled individual or not.
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