Is War of the Worlds movie accurate?

The (1953) War Of The Worlds and the (2005) remake of War Of The Worlds were contemporary with the years that they were made, so they are less accurate telling of the story.
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How accurate is the War of the Worlds movie to the book?

It's quite faithful to the book, though the location changes from London to California and the protagonist is a physicist instead of a journalist; what's more his girlfriend, whom in the book he famously sees setting off on the boat without him, is a woman, Sylvia, he actually meets at the crash site instead.
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What movie has the most accurate depiction of war?

Saving Private Ryan has been praised for the accuracy of the Omaha Beach assault, and many World War II veterans have described the opening scene as the most realistic representation of combat, so much so that some of them had trouble finishing watching the movie as it brought back memories (via Time).
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Is War of the Worlds based on a true story?

Director Timothy Hines said, in reference to this technique, "When Orson Welles broadcast War of the Worlds on the radio in the 1930s, he presented it in such a way as to not clearly identify that it was a work of fiction. He did it for the drama.
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What is the most historically accurate Civil War movie?

Ang Lee's 1999 adaptation of Daniel Woodrell's novel Woe to Live On (1987) follows a group of Confederate bushwhackers in the Missouri-Kansas borderlands. Much of the picture is historically on point; indeed, it is by far the most accurate and complete portrayal of Civil War guerrilla violence on film.
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HG Wells The War of the Worlds, Which Movie Adaptation is most accurate to the Novel? .

What is the most historically accurate movie of all time?

10 Most Historically Accurate Movies, According to Reddit
  1. 1 'The Name of the Rose' (1986)
  2. 2 'The Battle of Algiers' (1966) ...
  3. 3 'Bloody Sunday' (2002) ...
  4. 4 'The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford' (2007) ...
  5. 5 'Tora! ...
  6. 6 'Das Boot' (1981) ...
  7. 7 'Black Hawk Down' (2001) ...
  8. 8 'Rush' (2013) ...
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What war movie is based on a true story?

Pearl Harbor. A tale of war and romance mixed in with history. The story follows two lifelong friends and a beautiful nurse who are caught up in the horror of an infamous Sunday morning in 1941.
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Why were the aliens spraying blood in War of the Worlds?

They require human blood; but only as part of their xenoforming project. Throughout the film, their tripods spill blood that is presumably connected to the invaders' needs (indeed, in the script David Koepp refers to it as "lifeblood", though it is described as rose-colored, rather than the film's orange).
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What killed the aliens in War of the Worlds?

H.G. Wells establishes ''putrefactive and disease bacteria'' as the cause of the Martians' deaths in the book's epilogue. Despite their technological advancements, the Martians die of a common bacteria that humanity can easily resist.
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What's the red stuff in War of the Worlds?

What liquid stuff comes out of the tripod in the last scene of War of the Worlds? According to the novel, its called red weed.
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What is the most unrealistic war movie?

Enemy At The Gates

The movie takes the central character and essentially makes him a one-man army, despite the fact that millions were engaged in this battle. There are also smaller but nonetheless glaring missteps, like portraying the Russians as going into battle unarmed (there is no historical record of this).
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Which scary movie references war of the worlds?

Scary Movie 4's parodies are of the Saw films, The Village, The Grudge, and War of the Worlds, as well as Million Dollar Baby and Brokeback Mountain.
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What movie did they fake a war in?

Shortly before an election, a spin-doctor and a Hollywood producer join efforts to fabricate a war in order to cover up a Presidential sex scandal.
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Who is the unreliable narrator in The War of the Worlds?

The Unnamed Narrator in The War of the Worlds

H.G. Wells' The War of the Worlds is written in the style of sensationalist or yellow journalism. This exaggeration by the unnamed narrator creates unreliability, and the listener or reader must question the truth of all the events described.
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Is there a sequel to The War of the Worlds?

War of the Worlds 2: The Next Wave.
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Is War of the Worlds hard to read?

If you've read The War of the Worlds a few times (like we have) it's pretty clear. If this is your first time reading it, however, you're going to face two obstacles: 1) the plot can be weird and confusing, and 2) the writing is also occasionally weird and confusing.
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What is the orange liquid in War of the Worlds?

The aliens take some humans alive, storing them in external "baskets" to be ingested by the apparently biological war machines. Gallons of orange liquid, implied to be human blood, flows freely from the machines.
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How did the tripods get to Earth?

In War of the Worlds, the story and the radio drame, the tripods came to Earth from Mars in pods. The pods landed on Earth and were inside craters. The Martians reassembled the tripods in the craters and then emerged to attack London. In the mediocre recent film, the tripods were indeed inside the planet.
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What did the tripods do to humans?

The tripods were essentially grinding up the humans and spraying the pulp on the ground. In the book, along with the fighting tripods, there were harvester machines that gathered the humans and placed them in metal baskets. The captured humans were processed and injected directly into the alien's veins for food.
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Why do the aliens want babies in War of the Worlds?

So that was the deal with the babies. Their box-fresh stem cells were needed to grow replacements for the Invaders' failed organs and cure the genetic weakness wiping out their species. Or more properly, our species. The alien Emily met in the closing moments of season one wasn't just humanoid, it was human.
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Were the tripods buried in War of the Worlds?

War of the Worlds (2005 film)

In this version the tripods were long ago brought to Earth, having been buried underground sometime in the past.
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Why did Robbie run away in War of the Worlds?

There is no character named Robbie in H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds. However, Robbie is a side character in Spielberg's 2005 film adaptation. In the movie, Robbie is the main character's son. He leaves his father and his sister, Rachel, because he wants to join the military and fight the aliens.
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What is the longest movie in US history?

The 15 Longest American Movies of All Time, Ranked by Runtime
  1. 1 'Gettysburg' (1993)
  2. 2 'Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair' (2006) ...
  3. 3 'Zack Snyder's Justice League' (2021) ...
  4. 4 'Hamlet' (1996) ...
  5. 5 'Gone with the Wind' (1939) ...
  6. 6 'Once Upon a Time in America' (1984) ...
  7. 7 'The Ten Commandments' (1956) ...
  8. 8 'Heaven's Gate' (1980) ...
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What war movie is based on Osama bin Laden?

Zero Dark Thirty is a 2012 American historical drama thriller film directed and co-produced by Kathryn Bigelow and written and co-produced by Mark Boal. The film dramatizes the nearly decade-long international manhunt for Osama bin Laden, leader of the terrorist network Al-Qaeda, after the September 11 attacks.
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What was the first war caught on film?

The first war to be filmed was the Battle of Volo in Thessaly, Greece in April 1897. This war between Turkey and Greece was filmed by the British war correspondent and cinematographer, Frederick Villiers (UK), but never publically broadcast.
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