Should I see Godzilla Minus One?

Godzilla Minus One is the best Godzilla movie of all time and even surpasses the original. This is more than a Godzilla movie, it is an examination of the human condition and humanity's effect on the natural world and the natural world's response as was the case with the original 1954 classic.
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Should I watch Godzilla minus 1?

Godzilla Minus One is being heralded as one of the best Godzilla movies in years, if not ever. IGN's Godzilla Minus One review called it "a rousing, spectacle-filled blockbuster" with a strong character-driven story and "exciting and effective" monster scenes.
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What's so good about Godzilla Minus One?

“Godzilla Minus One” is a true return to form for the Godzilla franchise, and it is the first movie which really sold me on how terrifying and earth-shattering this monster is. That's because this movie is firmly anchored in the human world, in many ways more of a tragic historical drama than a monster movie.
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Should I see Godzilla Minus One in black and white?

Godzilla Minus One's color free version is a beautiful visual throwback to the 1954 original, co-written and directed by Ishirō Honda. Yamazaki's reasons for Godzilla Minus One'spost-World War II setting only bolster the choice of offering a black and white version of the movie.
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Is Godzilla Minus One better without color?

Godzilla Minus One/Minus Color Has a Documentary Vibe

[This process makes it look] like it was composed by a professional still photographer." Yamazaki continued, "For us, removing the color in some way increases the reality, feeling almost like a documentary and making audiences feel that Godzilla actually exists.
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Watch This Before You See Godzilla Minus One

Why does Godzilla look different in minus one?

"Godzilla Minus One/Minus Color is not just a simple black and white version," Yamazki said, "The colorist took the care and the time to go through a careful and very complex process. The black-and-white images make Godzilla look very realistic and documentary-like, which leads to even more fear.
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Why did Godzilla turn red?

In its first appearance in Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II, Godzilla gained use of the red spiral heat ray after a dying Rodan transferred his life force to the radioactive lizard. Godzilla would return to the spiral heat ray to finish off SpaceGodzilla in Godzilla vs.
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Is Godzilla minus color worth seeing?

Critics Reviews

Whether you see it in color or glorious black-and-white, the 70-year-old series finally finds a human depth to match its dazzle. A star is reborn. Content collapsed. On the plus side, the black-and-white imagery makes the movie look more like the 1940s time period in which the story takes place.
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Is Godzilla minus 1 a sequel?

Summary. Godzilla Minus One is not connected to the 2016 film Shin Godzilla, despite both being produced by Toho Studios. The Godzilla in Minus One is a fully-formed creature in the late 1940s, while the Godzilla in Shin Godzilla evolves throughout the film.
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Why is Godzilla called Minus One?

It was believed that the country could never reach a lower point, but the movie makes that happen with Godzilla bringing terror to the country. Since the movie puts Japan into a position lower than zero, it's now "minus one." That's the meaning behind the title Godzilla Minus One.
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Is Godzilla Minus One terrifying?

His films, broken into different eras with loose continuity, range from horrifying to goofily camp. But his portrayal in Godzilla Minus One might be the most terrifying I've ever seen on-screen—he's not just shambling through buildings and stomping on cars; he's wrecking city blocks with singular purpose.
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Is Godzilla Minus One CGI bad?

The CGI in this film is the best for any TOHO Godzilla film and even looks as good as the Hollywood Godzilla films for only a fraction of the budget!
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Why was Godzilla Minus One so cheap?

The low production budget of Godzilla Minus One is largely due to lower labor costs in Japan, where wages for artists and filmmakers are kept lower compared to North America. While Godzilla Minus One's low budget is impressive, it may come at the expense of the livelihoods of the artists involved.
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Is Godzilla Minus One slow?

With the exception of the opening Godzilla attack, the narrative set-up is slow, which will disappoint those expecting an action packed monster movie.
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Is Godzilla Minus One worth it in kaiju Universe?

Minus One Gojira is a very complex kaiju in its moveset, but once you get the hang of it, Minus One becomes extremely easy to use: Kaeshi is one of the best moves in game and completely denies most brawlers and fliers any hope of killing Minus One. Your primary goal as Minus One should be to always keep your Kaeshi up.
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What is so good about Godzilla Minus One?

Godzilla Minus One Really Is That Good

It is not so much a good Godzilla movie as it is a good movie that Godzilla happens to be in. It is a fully realized drama about life in Japan after World War II that the legendary beast stomps into (with some striking imagery and set pieces that ought to embarrass Hollywood).
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Is Godzilla dead in Minus One?

Godzilla Minus One concludes on a satisfying yet somewhat tragic note, but the regenerating flesh indicates that Godzilla survived in some way, and that the battle against him is not over.
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Is Godzilla Minus One a stand-alone?

Godzilla Minus One is a standalone Godzilla film, which means you do not need to watch any other movies before you see it.
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Is Godzilla Minus One a new continuity?

Similar to 2016's Shin Godzilla, Godzilla Minus One is also a reboot and starts an entirely new continuity. It is not connected to any past version of the character.
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Why is Godzilla Minus One not in color?

For us, removing the color in some way increases the reality, feeling almost like a documentary and making audiences feel that Godzilla actually exists. [This version of the film is] way scarier than 'Godzilla Minus One' with color, even the team members working on it, we'd get goosebumps…
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Should I see Godzilla Minus One in color or black and white?

As impressed as I was with the original color version — and I was highly impressed — in black and white it is indeed like watching documentary footage of actual giant monster attacks and nuclear detonations, as this exclusive clip I have for you today from Toho so beautifully and terrifyingly demonstrates...
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Why did Godzilla go evil?

In the 1954 film, Godzilla is portrayed as a tragic monster who lashed out at humanity by destroying any boats that he encountered and later rampaging across and destroying Tokyo in retaliation for the destruction of his home and death of his family by an American H-bomb test.
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How is Godzilla killed?

on a tear through Japan, Godzilla is eventually defeated when a missile fired into its mouth interacts with its heat ray, causing the King of the Monsters to explode and sink to the bottom of the sea.
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Why does Godzilla glow pink now?

After absorbing excessive amounts of radiation, Godzilla's powers were boosted to new heights. With his enhanced strength also came a surprising side effect, turning Godzilla's usual blue glow when he is powering up into a vibrant pink.
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