Was Anakin always meant to be Darth Vader?

A longtime Star Wars theory suggests that Anakin Skywalker was always destined to become Darth Vader, but the franchise has debunked this idea.
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Is it Anakin's fault he became Darth Vader?

Ultimately, Anakin made his own choices that led to his fall. While he was manipulated and influenced by Palpatine, he had agency in his decisions. He chose to embrace the dark side and commit heinous acts, driven by a belief that it would give him the power to save his loved ones.
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What if Anakin never became Darth Vader?

While there were certainly less bloody ways for the shift in power to occur, Anakin's downfall expedited the process. Had he never become Darth Vader, the Republic may have gone on to become more and more corrupt until, over time, it became just as heinous as the Empire itself.
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Did Anakin always have a dark side?

The story is Anakin was manipulated to the dark side by Palpatine based on fears of losing Padme and appeals to his desire power and agency, over his life and the galaxy as a whole. Part of me wonders why he believed/ trusted Palpatine to begin with.
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Did Anakin regret turning to the dark side?

However, yes, there was always a lot of guilt buried underneath the anger, denial, fear, and self-loathing of Anakin Skywalker, even as Darth Vader.
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Anakin Didn't 'Turn' into Darth Vader, He Always was Him: Star Wars Character Analysis

Did Anakin really love Padme?

Ultimately showing the darker side of Anakin's love, his passionate nature leads him to care for Padme with all of his heart, far in excess of anything else in his life.
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Did Anakin regret killing the Younglings?

The canonical comic Star Wars: Darth Vader #7 confirms the younglings' deaths caused Anakin grief, self-loathing, hatred, and pain, fueling his descent even further into the Dark Side.
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Has Vader ever done anything good?

Darth Vader: Turning On The Emperor

It's the big redemption moment for his character and showcases the true hero that has been behind the mask the entire time. It becomes clear that caring for his son is more important than anything that the Emperor wants from him, which is certainly a great moment.
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Did Darth Vader ever become good again?

Refusing to watch his son die, Vader—who still had good within him—threw his Master down a reactor shaft. This act redeemed Vader from the dark side of the Force, and he once again became Anakin Skywalker. With Sidious dead, and the persona of Vader also destroyed, the Sith were defeated.
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Would Padmé have lived if Anakin didn't turn?

Sadly the Clone Wars would have still happened, but Padmé would have also survived, giving birth to Luke and Leia who would have probably been inducted into the Jedi Order. As for what would have happened between the two, with their marriage and all, that's a bit tricky.
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Who was the chosen one if not Anakin?

Luke's resolve was that he would help redeem his father, or die trying. This is why some people believe that maybe Luke was the Chosen One, but, in actuality, it was Anakin who destroyed Darth Sidious; and he destroyed Darth Vader when he chose to exchange his power for the love he had for his son.
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What would have happened if Anakin killed Palpatine?

The Clone Wars only ended when Palpatine sent Darth Vader to assassinate the Separatist Council and shut down their droid forces. Without Palpatine, the Separatists would continue to plague the galaxy, even with Dooku and Grievous dead.
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Did Anakin turn evil because of Padme?

Padme Amidala's secret marriage with Anakin Skywalker was one of the biggest reasons he eventually turned to the dark side. His emotions and love for her often clouded his judgment, and sometimes led him to be violent.
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What was Anakin's biggest mistake?

Slaughtering The Tusken Raiders. Anakin's infamous slaughter of the Tusken Raiders is a critical moment in his life and his fall to the Dark Side of the Force. It follows the death of his mother and shows us his first real cinematic flurry of anger and hatred. It was a massive mistake by Anakin.
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Did Vader regret becoming a Sith?

The short answer is yes, without a doubt, Vader regretted becoming a cybernetic monstrosity. First, there's the constant pain and discomfort from his suit. Worse, however, is the psychological pain. Vader destroyed everything he had ever known for a chance to save Padme.
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Who knew Vader was a Sith?

James Luceno's novel Tarkin confirms the Grand Moff had deduced who Darth Vader really was. Tarkin had worked with Anakin Skywalker during the Clone Wars, and he found the Dark Lord of the Sith eerily familiar, even recognizing some of his tactics.
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Why does Vader seem so weak?

In a Vanity Fair interview from 2005, George Lucas went deeper into why Anakin became much weaker as Vader. In the interview, he explained that because Anakin's limbs were severed and replaced by robotics, it was harder for him to use the Force than it was before his battle with Obi-Wan.
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What was the worst thing Darth Vader ever did?

Darth Vader did far worse. He butchered a room full of children, slaughtered a Twi'lek village and watched in indifference as a planet with two billion people was obliterated (he didn't give the order, it was Tarkin's plan, but he condoned it).
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Did Anakin regret killing Padme?

Anakin does not have even the slightest bit of remorse. By the end, he feels nothing but anger. Although he feels regret for killing Padme, he still helps the evil Emperor.
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Which Jedi did Anakin hate?

Anakin Hated Obi-Wan Because of an Imagined Relationship With Padme. Although Padme and Obi-Wan's affair couldn't have been further from the truth, Anakin apparently built up a scenario in his mind, which was only heightened by the Jedi Council's obfuscation in other areas.
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Did Anakin sleep with Padme?

They are Luke and Leia's biological parents who Padme was pregnant with in Revenge of the Sith, so yes, I'm sure they did have sex, though I highly doubt her pregnancy was this planned thing, considering the fact that Anakin seemed surprised by the revelation after returning home from war, and they were trying to keep ...
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Why did Anakin choke Padme if he loved her?

When Anakin had to choose between losing Padme — fearing that she might die in childbirth — or turning to evil to “save” her from death, he chose evil. His desire to “save” her at all costs led Anakin to the dark side. For him, the dark side became a means of saving his loved one.
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Why did Anakin choke Padme if he cared?

Why did Anakin Force choke Padme? He Force Choked her in a momentary loss of control and paranoia resulting from Obi- Wan's badly timed entrance. Some people say Obi Wan came out of Padme's ship to save her from being harmed, but seriously watch that scene again.
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