Was the Death Star ever completed?

Having taken much longer than expected to develop, the massive construction project was finally completed almost twenty years after its conception during the Clone Wars, and at some point was rechristened as the Death Star.
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Was the Death Star completed?

Tarkin would become the battle station's greatest champion, seeing it as the key to vanquishing all resistance to Palpatine's rule. The Empire completed construction of the Death Star, but Rebel Alliance spies managed to steal data tapes containing its schematics.
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Why was Death Star 2 unfinished?

Umm. because it is? It was two-three times larger than DS1 and took far more materials to build it. Sid also wanted it to look unfinished so he could lure the Rebels in: “it's a trap!” But he ensured the planet killer gun was operational by sending Vader in to oversee it.
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How many times has the Death Star been blown up?

Both Death Stars were destroyed by the Rebel Alliance shortly after they became operational. The first Death Star was destroyed by Luke Skywalker, with the help of Han Solo, and the second Death Star was destroyed by Wedge Antilles and Lando Calrissian.
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Was the second Death Star fully operational?

Second Death Star

In fact, the station's superlaser is fully operational, and it begins firing on and destroying Rebel capital ships during the battle.
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Death Star 1 vs Death Star 2: Complete History, Differences and Facts - Star Wars Revealed

Was there ever a Death Star 3?

Present for battles/events

For other uses, see Death Star (disambiguation). The Death Star III, also known as the third Death Star, was a mock Death Star battle station created from an incomplete worldcraft by the Kaarenth Dissension.
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How was Death Star 2 built so quickly?

Methods of faster construction had been developed in the years since the original station's conception, added to the fact that Imperial engineers made sure to allocate enough space on the station for the maximum possible amount of self-replicating construction droids.
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Can the Death Star go into hyperspace?

But what made the Death Star particularly menacing was its ability to travel through hyperspace. Not only was it equipped with destructive armaments, it could pursue its prey with those armaments.
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What if Death Star 2 was finished?

Upon completion, the DS-2 Death Star would have been an immense battle station 200 kilometers in diameter that featured 560 internal levels which could house 2,471,647 passengers and crew.
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Is the Death Star more powerful than Starkiller Base?

The answer to this question will come down to each person's individual preference for the functionality of a sci-fi super weapon. If one considers the sheer might of the Starkiller Base and nothing else, then it is clear that the Starkiller Base is the better of the two.
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Was there a fourth Death Star?

Death Star IV was the fourth Death Star, a type of space station with the ability to destroy an entire planet.
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How big is the Death Star 1 vs 2?

There are a lot of different numbers floating around out there as to the size of all three of these weapons. For DS1, I've seen diameters of 120, 140, or 160 km. For DS2, I've seen 160 to 900 km. Wookieepedia has Starkiller Base at a diameter of 660 km.
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Why did the Death Star take so long to build?

As revealed in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and its corresponding novel Catalyst, the really complicated part of the Death Star's completion was the entire point of the battle station: the superlaser. As it turns out, a laser that is able to destroy an entire planet is what took so long.
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Who killed Darth Vader?

During the battle, Anakin, who had been known as the Sith Lord Darth Vader, was redeemed by Luke and brought balance to the Force. However, the redemption cost Anakin his life, having been mortally wounded by the Emperor, Darth Sidious, while killing his former Master.
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Is Rogue One about the first Death Star?

The Death Star we see in Rogue One and which is subsequently destroyed in A New Hope was DS-1 or the First Death Star. This was the one that destroyed Alderaan. It was actually significantly smaller and less powerful than its successor, Death Star II or the Second Death Star.
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Did it take 20 years to build the Death Star?

The Death Star was a moon-sized, deep-space mobile battle station constructed by the Galactic Empire over the course of 20 years.
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How did Palpatine survive?

Palpatine In Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker

Although his body was destroyed when Vader threw him down into the second Death Star's reactor, Palpatine survived by transferring his spirit into a clone on Exegol. This was achieved through dark science that only the Sith knew of, but the process was far from perfect.
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Was the Empire Building both death Stars at the same time?

Summary. The planning for the second Death Star began before the first one was even finished. The Empire had all the resources and labor necessary to quickly construct the second Death Star much faster than the first.
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Could the Death Star be built?

Firstly, we cannot build structures that big. The nascent Death Star would warp and deform before it reached any appreciable fraction of its projected size. We do not have the orbital lifting capability to get sufficient mass into space. We don't have the logistical capability to build something of that size.
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Is Lightspeed faster than hyperspace?

Lightspeed was slang for the speed at which a starship traveled through hyperspace. In reality, though, a class 1.0 hyperdrive motivator could propel a ship through hyperspace faster than light, allowing a ship to cross the galaxy in a matter of days. Hyperspace could be dangerous without the right coordinates.
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Why was the Death Star so weak?

The Death Star's most famous weakness was its thermal exhaust port, but Star Wars has hinted the battle-station had another critical weakness that would have become clear over years. Emperor Palpatine intended the Death Star to be almost invincible, but he had not factored in Galen Erso's sabotage.
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What is the difference between the Death Star 1 and 2?

The improved superlaser was able to focus much more precisely, allowing for reliable strikes against starship-sized targets, as the Rebel Alliance was shocked to discover during the Battle of Endor. This weapon could also be recharged much more quickly than that of the first Death Star.
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