Was The Martian realistic?

There is the plausible science (using rocket fuel as a source for water) and the downright impossible fiction (Mars sandstorms are not strong enough to cause damage. They're more like gentle breezes.). So while the overall Martian scenario may be fictional, the science in COLL 150 is very real.
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Was The Martian scientifically accurate?

In summary, although there are some minor scientific details that are glossed over, on the whole the film is pretty accurate. In terms of realism, The Martian is a worthy successor to 2001.
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What is the most unrealistic part of The Martian?

The most unrealistic thing about the film “The Martian” is the only unrealistic thing about it: the dust storm at the beginning. Dust storms on Mars cannot get strong enough to cause those kinds of problems.
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Is the storm in The Martian realistic?

Unlike dust devils on Earth and depicted in the movie, actual Martian dust devils are wispy and thin and form from the ground up. This differs to those shown in the movie as they descend from clouds but there just simply isn't enough atmosphere for that to actually occur as tornadoes do on Earth.
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What is the biggest inaccuracy in The Martian?

The least plausible thing about the story was the force of Martian winds -- at less than 1% of Earth atmospheric pressure, even a big storm on Mars wouldn't lift anything other than the finest grains of dust. Both the initial accident and the flapping of the makeshift hab repair job make no sense given that fact.
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What was unrealistic about The Martian movie?

Let's get the big one out of the way nice and early: The dust storm that sets everything in motion at the start of the movie is not accurate. Although Mars does get dust storms, the atmospheric pressure is so low that the wind is negligible, although the dust itself can be harmful.
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How much of The Martian is realistic?

There is the plausible science (using rocket fuel as a source for water) and the downright impossible fiction (Mars sandstorms are not strong enough to cause damage. They're more like gentle breezes.). So while the overall Martian scenario may be fictional, the science in COLL 150 is very real.
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Where is the F word in The Martian movie?

At about the 23:30 mark there is a "F you, Mars." One use of 'Jesus' at 23:35.
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Could potatoes grow on Mars?

While most of the native potatoes died shortly after their roots entered the 'Martian' soil, a few of them and most of the LTVR clones managed to grow and produce potatoes.
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Why is The Martian realistic?

A lot of the science you'll see in the film is accurate: Matt Damon's character creates water using a dangerous (but real) chemical reaction involving rocket fuel. He grows potatoes using a realistically potent mash-up of Martian soil, water, and earthly bacteria.
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How many times is the F word used in The Martian book?

Great Book.

I loved almost everything about this book, but it's definitely not appropriate for 14 year olds like Common Sense recommends. There are at least 100 "F" words and numerous other profanities.
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Are there two versions of The Martian?

In June of 2016, an extended cut was released on Blu-Ray and Ultra HD 4K Blu-Ray that adds 10 additional minutes of footage: Extended footage of Watney shortly after his abandonment, waking up in the habitat.
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Was there a body double in The Martian?

Matt Damon Used A Body Double Instead Of Going Christian Bale For The Martian - IMDb. It's not uncommon for an actor to change their body for a role. If they're portraying a professional athlete for instance, they may want to get into peak physical condition in order to better embody the character.
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What did Mark Watney burn to make water?

It seems unlikely that the 2nd MAV could be placed on Mars for long periods of time and be expected to stay upright until the next mission arrived. The Hydrazine fuel that Watney uses to create water by dripping it over a catalyst is extremely toxic.
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Why was The Martian so good?

One of the film's best strengths is that it is based on what we know about the landscape and atmosphere of Mars right at this point in time. It's a desert planet with water and no life as we know it. Compared to what Matt Damon has to go through, Robinson Crusoe was on that tropical isle for a picnic.
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How did NASA realize that Watney was still alive?

NASA eventually discovers that Watney is alive when satellite images of the landing site show evidence of his activities; NASA personnel begin devising ways to rescue him, but withhold the news of his survival from the rest of the Ares 3 crew, on their way back to Earth aboard the Hermes spacecraft, so as not to ...
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Could a tree grow on Mars?

Some conditions would make it difficult for plants to grow on Mars. For example, Mars's extreme cold temperatures make life difficult to sustain. Sunlight and heat reaching that planet is much less than what the Earth gets. This is because Mars is about 50 million miles farther away from the sun.
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How long is a day on Mars?

Mars is a planet with a very similar daily cycle to the Earth. Its sidereal day is 24 hours, 37 minutes and 22 seconds, and its solar day 24 hours, 39 minutes and 35 seconds. A Martian day (referred to as “sol”) is therefore approximately 40 minutes longer than a day on Earth.
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Why can't we grow crops on Mars?

With an atmosphere 100 times thinner than Earth's, only half the amount of sunlight, no known accessible fresh water, and average temperatures of -81 degrees Fahrenheit, Mars is the most challenging environment in which humans have ever planned to produce food.
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Was The Martian filmed in a desert?

With its ochre vastness and dramatic sandstone heights, Jordan's Wadi Rum, also known as the Valley of the Moon, has long been a favourite among Hollywood filmmakers scouting for otherworldly vistas. The desert has doubled for Mars in several blockbusters including The Martian and Red Planet.
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Was The Martian filmed at NASA?

Budapest, Hungary Was Used For The Martian's Internal Scenes

The sterile, cool shots of The Hab and NASA headquarters offer a stark contrast to Mars' dry, desolate landscape. According to Collider, The Martian's internal scenes were filmed in Budapest, Hungary.
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Was The Martian filmed on Mars?

Wadi Rum in Jordan was used for external scenes on Mars in filming The Martian. Korda Studios 26 kilometres (16 mi) west of Budapest, Hungary, in the wine-making village of Etyek, was chosen for filming interior scenes of The Martian. It had one of the largest sound stages in the world.
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Is there a clean version of The Martian?

About 35 profanities would've been enough to earn The Martian its PG-13 rating, but there's more content ClearPlay trims: some graphic injuries, partial nudity, and business involving human waste. The ClearPlayed version is a crowd-pleaser for all ages.
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Is The Martian true 4K?

Right up there with Mad Max: Fury Road in the pantheon of 4K landmarks, The Martian has become a standard bearer for ultra high definition and high dynamic range. If you want to really enjoy what your home cinema setup has to offer, The Martian on 4K UHD Blu-ray with HDR is an obligatory pick.
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How long was Matt Damon in space in The Martian?

In other words, Mark Watney was left alone on Mars for 546 Earth days. Had NASA followed their initial plan of rescuing Mark during the Ares IV mission, Matt Damon's character would have spent four years on Mars.
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