Was the original Star Trek political?

The Original Series aired between 1966 and 1969—a fertile period for the political imagination in spite of great unrest. Gene Roddenberry, Star Trek's creator, certainly subscribed to this optimism. He believed that humanity, rather than being doomed to self-destruct, was destined to evolve out of our political myopia.
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Was Star Trek liberal?

Among television programs of the late 1960s Star Trek was somewhat anomalous in tackling philosophical and political themes, and in doing so in a consistently liberal voice.
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When did Star Trek become woke?

Star Trek has always been “woke.” There was a black woman who was a bridge officer. Unheard of, if not outright scandalous, in 1966. And there was a Japanese man on the bridge, too.
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Is Star Trek socialism?

Though Starfleet might fairly be called a Socialist utopia, it is not always a perfect one. One of the most common themes in each of the series is the captain's deliberate defiance of a direct order, thereby saving the day.
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What is the political structure of Star Trek?

The Federation is a representative republic, with an elected president as the head of the entire interstellar state. An election is held every four years, and a president may serve for an unlimited number of terms.
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Trek Was Always Political: A Star Trek The Original Series Retrospective

What is the politics of Star Trek?

Star Trek has based much of its drama — and many of its philosophical questions — on ideas about what futuristic governments might look like, from the military dictatorship of the Cardassian Union, to Vulcan's rationalist meritocracy, to the matriarchies of Orion, Angel I, and the Skrreeans.
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What is the ideology of Star Trek?

Following Gene Roddenberry's dream of a future society lacking prejudice and focused on inclusion, social and legal equality, and egalitarian post-scarcity economics, Trek is well-known for its strong moral compass and its progressive, even leftist values.
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Is there communism in Star Trek?

In fact, while it may be overly simplistic to say that Star Trek depicts a socialist society, its utopianism owes much to the ideas of Marx in that it imagines a future where collectivism triumphs, money is obsolete, and every material need is met.
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What kind of society is Star Trek?

Star Trek is the most famous example of the post-scarcity society. Saadia analysed the economics of Star Trek, based on various comments and observations related to this aspect as seen in various episodes of the show. He asks the readers "What would the world look like if everyone had everything they wanted or needed?"
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Is Star Trek LGBTQ?

Star Trek's original series did not have any explicitly LGBT characters, although in 2005 George Takei, who portrayed helmsman Lt. Hikaru Sulu, came out as gay. In October 2011, Zachary Quinto, who plays Spock in the rebooted feature film franchise, publicly came out as gay.
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What was the banned Star Trek episode?

TOS episodes "The Empath," "Whom Gods Destroy," "Plato's Stepchildren," and "Miri" were all banned. Although TNG's "Conspiracy" may be the most well-known episode to have been banned, this kind of censoring wasn't new to Star Trek.
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What is the most controversial Star Trek episode?

  1. 1 Tuvix — VOY, Season 2, Episode 24.
  2. 2 Plato's Stepchildren — TOS, Season 3, Episode 12. ...
  3. 3 Patterns of Force — TOS, Season 2, Episode 21. ...
  4. 4 The High Ground — TNG, Season 3, Episode 12. ...
  5. 5 Up the Long Ladder — TNG, Season 2, Episode 18. ...
  6. 6 Miri — TOS, Season 1, Episode 8. ...
  7. 7 The Enemy Within — TOS, Season 1, Episode 4. ...
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Is Star Trek colonialism?

As we have indicated above, the colonialist ideology of Star Trek is conveyed in many ways. One significant and important component is the use of colonialist terms. As already noted, the terms 'self' and 'Other' are commonly used in post- colonial and colonial discourses.
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Does Bill Gates like Star Trek?

Bill Gates was one of many high-profile visitors who were also Star Trek fans, and this included Stephen Hawking, who came to the set of Star Trek: The Next Generation and cameoed in an episode.
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Is Christianity in Star Trek?

In the Star Trek: Vanguard novel Harbinger, the series' titular station has a non-denominational Christian chapel presided over by Father McKee (β), while the Pocket TNG novel Guises of the Mind portrays Catholicism as still being practiced by the 24th century.
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Does Star Trek believe in God?

Religion in Star Trek

For example, Kirk seems to declare himself (or at least some Humans) as monotheist by saying "Mankind has no need for gods.
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What do you call people who like Star Trek?

A Trekkie or Trekker is a fan of the Star Trek franchise, or of specific television series or films within that franchise.
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Why is there no money in Star Trek?

A cut scene in the script of Star Trek: First Contact would have established that, as of 2063, "no one" had used currency in ten years, apparently due to scarcity. However, a currency called Dome money was also mentioned.
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Is the Borg an allegory for communism?

Rather than a metaphoric iteration of the Communist threat, the Borg instead represent the age-old American paranoia of being held in thrall by an Other who would drag Americans where they do not wish to be dragged. [1] Brooks, Peter (1984) Reading for the Plot.
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Does the United States still exist in Star Trek?

As a subdivision of United Earth, and later of the United Federation of Planets, the United States remained a distinct political entity into the 24th century. Many famous Federation citizens were born in the United States, from Jonathan Archer to Benjamin Sisko to Kathryn Janeway to James T. Kirk.
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What is the main message of Star Trek?

The original Star Trek television series purported to depict a future in which such evils as sexism and racism do not exist, and intelligent beings from numerous planets live in a condition of peace and mutual benefit.
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What religion is Spock?

One of my favorite characters is Spock, played by Leonard Nimoy. Nimoy was also Jewish and he played Spock as a Jewish character and was very vocal about how Judaism influenced his portrayal of Spock. The famous Vulcan hand salute was taken from a ritual he witnessed in synagogue as a child.
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What is the capitalist race in Star Trek?

Ferengi culture, especially as portrayed on Deep Space Nine, is depicted as hyper-capitalistic, focused on the acquisition of profit as the highest goal. Deep Space Nine writers have described how they saw the Ferengi as a satirical presentation of 20th century humans.
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