Were any animals harmed in the making of Guardians of the Galaxy 3?

The animal characters are, of course, digital fictional creations — no real animals were harmed. Yet, understandably, many viewers are having intense emotional responses to seeing the animals be held in cages and mechanized contraptions where they are subjected to bodily mutilation and psychological terror.
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What animal dies in Guardians of the Galaxy 3?

Anticipating Rocket's rebellion, the High Evolutionary waits for the right moment to shoot Lylla in front of Rocket. And after Rocket gets consumed by grief and starts to shoot at the High Evolutionary's guards, Floor and Teefs are caught in the crossfire and die.
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What did PETA say about Guardians of the Galaxy 3?

In the release, which calls the film an “animal rights masterpiece”, Peta alleges that “like Rocket's friends Lylla, Teefs, and Floor, most animals used in laboratories are killed after enduring a lifetime of suffering”.
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Why are people upset about Guardians of the Galaxy 3?

There's no denying that writer/director James Gunn pushes the boundaries of those ratings with hard-to-watch scenes of animal torture throughout, as well as a gruesome face peeling scene that wouldn't be out of place in Gunn's horror work.
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Were any animals hurt in the making of Game of Thrones?

No animals were harmed in the making.
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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is an Animal-Rights Masterpiece

Did Daenerys eat a real horse heart?

In case you were unsure, it was not a pleasurable time for Clarke. Now, calm down — Clarke didn't actually have to eat legit horse heart, but what producers gave her still seems pretty bad.
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When did movies stop hurting animals?

The American Humane Association (AHA) has fought for animal rights since 1877, but it was not until the tragic death of a horse, during the filming of the 1939 Henry King film, Jesse James, that the AHA was given legal rights to monitor the treatment of animals in films.
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How bad is the animal abuse in Guardians of the Galaxy 3?

The abused animals are CGI, but it's still hard to watch

No actual animals were harmed in the making of the movie – all the critters are created through digital effects. But harrowing scenes of animal cruelty that on one hand bond a viewer more strongly to Rocket and his plight are also at times graphic and disturbing.
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How much animal abuse is in Guardians of the Galaxy 3?

A significant group of characters in the film are experimental animals that have been mutilated, with body parts missing or replaced with metal equivalents. A few scenes feature fresh, graphic animal wounds. Even with some of the violence happening off-screen, there's still quite a bit of animal gore to contend with.
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Did Guardians of the Galaxy 3 flop?

A decent result given recent blockbuster performances, but not a gamechanger. However, it is nonetheless a resounding box office success for Marvel and the Guardians of the Galaxy crew, and – if it must be – an impressive farewell that James Gunn and his team can be proud of.
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Will there be a Guardians of the Galaxy 4?

Guardians of the Galaxy 4 is unlikely to happen anytime soon, but never say never — particularly in the MCU. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 felt like an end of an era, so a fourth instalment is not on the cards (yet) for Marvel Studios.
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What happened to the dog in Guardians of the Galaxy?

Fictional character biography. Cosmo was a Soviet space dog during the 1960s. He was launched into Earth's orbit by the Soviet space program as part of an experiment but was lost in space, arriving in Knowhere and at some point being mutated by cosmic rays.
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What is inappropriate in Guardians of the Galaxy?

Guardians of the Galaxy contains intense sequences of action violence and peril, including multiple deaths and mass destruction of property. There is minimal blood and gore, however. For example: Aliens battle each other with laser beams.
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Who is the girl at the end of Guardians 3?

There's one more member of the new Guardians that's worth noting: a young girl with white hair (played by Kai Zen), rescued from the High Evolutionary's lab. The credits identify her as Phyla, an apparent nod to the comics character Phyla-Vell.
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What happened to Drax in Guardians of the Galaxy 3?

Drax the Destroyer is no longer a Guardian of the Galaxy by the end of “Vol 3.” He stays behind on Knowhere to help Nebula protect the population, which sees an influx of children and animals rescued from the High Evolutionary's ship.
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What happens to the dog in Guardians of the Galaxy 3?

After the museum was destroyed by the Power Stone, Cosmo was freed and continued to reside freely on Knowhere. A decade later, she reunited with the Guardians of the Galaxy after they purchased Knowhere and officially joined their team as they worked to rebuild Knowhere as a community and their headquarters.
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What happened to Teefs Floor and Lylla?

Floor & Teefs Are Killed By The High Evolutionary's Guards

The four creatures form a close bond, but Teefs and Floor also tragically lose their lives during Rocket's escape attempt. After Lylla's death, Rocket attacks the High Evolutionary, though he is soon interrupted by guards.
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What is the saddest scene in Guardians of the Galaxy 3?

In one of the saddest moments of the film, the Guardians struggle to override Rocket's kill switch and bring him back to life. When Rocket flatlines, Gamora tries to convince Peter that Rocket is gone, but Peter starts CPR chest compressions after telling her that he's "not letting [Rocket] go."
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Will Star Lord return?

Chris Pratt's days of playing Peter Quill will continue, as Guardians of the Galaxy 3's post-credits scene confirmed that the Legendary Star-Lord will return. Where that will happen is less clear.
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Is Guardians of the Galaxy 3 gruesome?

Spoilers: I just watched this movie and was shocked by the number of violent scenes and gruesome imagery including dismemberment and animals getting killed via firing squad. There were only a handful of chuckle moments in its bloated runtime. I was expecting a fun romp and not pure nightmare fuel.
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What movie harmed the most animals?

"Heaven's Gate" (1980)

Labeling "Heaven's Gate" as "popular" may be a stretch — it notoriously bombed at the box office — but it stands as perhaps the most notorious example of rampant on-set animal abuse.
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What movie was banned for animal cruelty?

Cannibal Ferox is recognized as the most banned movie ever by the Guinness Book of World Records, banned in 31 countries for its extreme violence and scenes of real animal cruelty.
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What movie caused no animals were harmed?

This core group went on to found a new organization, the National Humane Society, later known as The Humane Society of the United States, as an alternative to American Humane. American Humane's first "No Animals Were Harmed" end credit was issued at the end of the movie The Doberman Gang in 1972.
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Did Dany breast feed her dragons?

In the book series of Game Of Thrones, did Daenerys give birth to and breastfeed her dragons? She didn't give birth to them but she did nurse them. She miscarried further along in her pregnancy than on the show, so her milk came in even though her son didn't make it.
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Did Daenerys breastfeed her dragons?

Jorah Mormont tells Daenerys "They didn't suckle at your breast, they are dragons". In the novel, she did in fact breastfeed her dragons after they hatch in the funeral pyre.
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