What age did Kara leave Krypton?

When Kara was thirteen years old, she was sent to Earth from the dying planet of Krypton, charged with protecting her baby cousin Kal-El. Her mother told her that due to Earth's yellow sun, she'd have extraordinary powers and go on to do amazing things.
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How old was Kara Zor-El when she left Krypton?

Kara's pod finally landed on Earth in December 15, 2003. Since she didn't age during her time in the Phantom Zone, Kara still appeared to be a 13-year-old girl. She was found by her cousin Kal-El, who had arrived two dozen years prior and grown up to become Superman.
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How old is Kara in Supergirl season 6?

She was roughly 25 when she donned Supergirl's colorful costume and she is now about 30 years old when Supergirl season 6 begins. There's a significant discrepancy with her age since Kara is actually much older than 30 - in Krypton years, Kara Zor-El is 54 years old.
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How old is Kara Zor-El supposed to be?

Technicalities aside, it's safe to say Supergirl first arrives on Earth as a teenager in both the Silver and Modern ages of comics - 15-16 years old to be exact. The only thing that changes is her relationship to Superman as either his younger or younger-but-technically-older cousin.
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How old is Kara in season 1?

Storyline. Twenty-four-year-old Kara Zor-El, who was taken in by the Danvers family when she was 13 after being sent away from Krypton, must learn to embrace her powers after previously hiding them.
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Superman and Kara leaving Krypton HD

Who does Kara get pregnant with?

During the Invasion Mon-El and Kara had an affair which led to Kara's pregnancy with Mon-El's child.
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Why did Kara not age?

Kara was sent to Earth from the dying planet of Krypton to protect her younger cousin, Kal-El. However, Kara's pod got knocked off-course by Krypton's explosion, sending her ship into the Phantom Zone where she slept for 24 years, while being suspended in time and not aging.
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What is the age gap between Superman and Supergirl?

Superman however spent decades growing up on Earth. Making Clark Kent at the beginning of his career in his mid twenties, but in most versions when he meets Supergirl it's when he's already in his thirties. While when Supergirl wakes up she's still biologically not even pass 20 year old.
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Does Supergirl age slower?

This means that once exposed to a yellow sun, Kryptonians will age normally up to their prime, but the aging process will slow down considerably when their bodies reach a peak level of maturity. They are not immortal per se, but they age so slowly that they may as well be.
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Is Kara Superman's Daughter?

On New 52 DC Multiverse Earth-38, Supergirl is Kara Kent, the daughter of Superman and Lois Lane on an alternate Earth where Superman and Batman began their careers in the 1930s, married in the 1940s and had children in the 1950s.
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Does Kara Zor-El have a child?

In the comic continuity no, Supergirl has never canonically had any biological children. In fact, it was only very recently that her distant relative Kal-El had a son with Lois Lane under the name of Jonathan Kent.
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Who is Supergirl dating in real life?

Melissa Benoist and Chris Wood fell in love after costarring on Supergirl, and thankfully, their relationship had a happier ending than their onscreen alter-egos'. The actor joined the CW series in season 2 as Mon-El, a love interest for the leading lady's Kara Danvers (a.k.a. the titular superhero).
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Who was the youngest Supergirl?

Malina Weissman (born March 12, 2003) is an American actress and model, best known for playing the roles of Violet Baudelaire in the Netflix series A Series of Unfortunate Events, young April O'Neil in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and young Kara Zor-El in Supergirl.
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How long is a Kryptonian lifespan?

Kryptonian's Longevity

This can enable them to live well into their hundreds to even thousands of years with every detail of their appearance remaining unchanged. It is believed that their physical appearances reach the peak of their lives in the range of their twenty years (on Earth).
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Is Kara Zor-El stronger than Kal-El?

While many underestimate her and consider Kara to be a softer hero than Superman, her nature shows pure, unbridled determination and stubbornness — feats she overtakes her cousin in. With her persistence, she's able to push past any limits placed that hinder Kal-El, even going so far as to beat their own natural enemy.
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How did Kara leave Krypton?

Brainiac trapped her on Krypton in 1986 after traveling through time. Kara appeared to return to Earth with Clark but in reality, Brainiac had put Kara in the Phantom Zone and was posing as her on Earth. Chloe eventually rescued both Clark and Kara from the Phantom Zone.
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How old is Supergirl physically?

Modern Age

She is the biological cousin of Superman, and although chronologically older than him, the ship in which she traveled to Earth was caught in a large green Kryptonite meteorite which held her in a state of suspended animation for much of the journey, making her have the appearance of a 16-year-old girl.
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Do Kryptonians get stronger as they age?

The abilities of Kryptonians evolve and grow more powerful as Kryptonians age and develop.
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Who is faster Kara or Barry?

Most speedster can only run mach 10, but for main Flash's like Wally and Barry there are differing speeds. Kara is the fastest Kryptonian, but she still is not as fast as the fastest man alive. She did keep up with Season 2 Barry though.
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How old is Kara in Smallville?

kara is 33. lionel is 56 jorel is 67.. jonathan is 39. tess is 22.
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What is Supergirl's Earth name?

Kara-Zor-El, also known as Supergirl and Linda Lee Danvers, is a Kryptonian superhero based in Midvale and later San Francisco, New Athens, New York City and Chicago. She is the cousin of Superman, and for a long time served as his "secret weapon".
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Does Superman ever date Supergirl?

In Peter David's Supergirl series, this Linda Danvers finds herself in another alternate reality with a Silver Age Superman. When he discovers that this Supergirl isn't really his cousin, they fall in love and get married.
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How old was Kara El when she left Krypton?

When she was thirteen years old, Kara was sent to Earth from the dying planet of Krypton, charged with protecting her baby cousin Kal-El.
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Is Supergirl technically older than Superman?

So despite the Silver Age outlier, it's accepted that Supergirl is indeed older than her cousin, at least in terms of who was physically born first. However, no matter how many years Kara can claim, the end result is her being younger than Superman.
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Who is Kara in love with?

In the first season, Kara's original main love interest was James Olsen. Kara has no actual love interest in the fourth season. In the comics, Kara's most notable love interest is Querl Dox, aka Brainiac 5.
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