What are the parallels between Harry Potter and the Bible?

The lives of Jesus and of Harry Potter parallel each other in several respects. Both Jesus and Harry are targeted even before their births due to prophecies of them being the “chosen ones” to bring peace to the world, but both ultimately survive due to their parents' protection.
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How is the Bible similar to Harry Potter?

The Bible and the Potter books both detail how death is not an ending, but a part of a continuous journey. Rowling also makes a reference to Heaven with the scene in King's Cross Station after Harry sacrifices hisself. The station is pure white and full of light and mist, and is what we can assume to be Limbo.
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What are the biblical allusions in Harry Potter?

The inscription on Dumbledore's family tomb, “Where your treasure is, your heart will be also”, is from Matthew 6:21, while the tombstone of Harry's parents bears the quotation “And the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death” from 1 Corinthians, which also informs one of the major themes of the book.
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How is Harry Potter related to Christianity?

As Harry Potter is the main hero of the series, he is comparable to a Christ-figure, which is most obvious in the seventh novel when he gives himself up to be killed by Voldemort during the final battle in order to save the people he loves.
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What Bible themes are in Harry Potter?

Probably the clearest biblical symbol in the series is how Harry Potter is himself an allegory for Jesus Christ. He is a savior who is foretold to defeat a great evil by sacrificing himself to save everyone, but then is resurrected to show that even death cannot hold him.
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The Bible verses that sum up Harry Potter?

What is the parallel between Harry Potter and Jesus?

Jesus also dies on the cross to save humankind from sin. He is reborn to give his believers everlasting hope. Both Harry and Jesus sacrifice their lives to bring hope to the world and later resurrect from the dead to come back and save humankind. The book series and The Bible are the books most translated in the world.
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Where in the Bible does it mention the Potter?

Bible Gateway Jeremiah 18 :: NIV. "Go down to the potter's house, and there I will give you my message." So I went down to the potter's house, and I saw him working at the wheel. But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him.
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Is the Bible mentioned in Harry Potter?

While Rowling said that "Hogwarts is a multifaith school," these quotes, of course, are distinctly Christian. The second is a direct quote of Jesus from Matthew 6:19, the first from 1 Corinthians 15:26. As Hermione tells Harry shortly after he sees the graves, his parents' message means "living beyond death.
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Are the spells in Harry Potter real?

Like the books, they are fictional.
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Should Christians read The Lord of the Rings?

Tolkien's fiction was anti-Christian.

There are wizards, ghosts, and many kinds of magical beings, subjects usually considered offensive to Christians.
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Is Dumbledore John the Baptist?

Inside the Christian narrative, there are two roles that Dumbledore could easily fit into that of Jesus's cousin, known as John the Baptist, or perhaps we could say that Dumbledore is God in the Wizarding world. Other aspects also bring a huge parallel between these characters.
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Where in the Bible does it talk about the potter's field?

Then was fulfilled what was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet, saying, “And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the value of Him who was priced, whom they of the children of Israel priced, 10 and gave them for the potter's field, as the Lord directed me.” Matthew 27:9-10, NKJV.
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What prophecy did Harry Potter have?

The prophecy told by Sybill Trelawney tied Harry and Voldemort together and predicted that one must die at the other's hand for “neither can live while the other survives.” Once acted upon by Voldemort, the prophecy doomed Harry and Voldemort to a life of battling each other which concluded in the Battle of Hogwarts.
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Is it OK for Christians to read Harry Potter?

As always, it's important to use biblical discernment when reading a book, watching a film, or listening to music. Though Harry Potter is a fantastic series, not everyone may be on board with it and that is perfectly fine. Harry Potter isn't something Christians should avoid but certainly go into with caution.
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Did Harry Potter surpass the Bible?

For the first time in a thousand years, another book series (promoting witchcraft and homosexuality) edges out the Bible as the most influential book in English speaking countries. So far, J.K. Rowling has sold 400 million copies of her Harry Potter series. Nonetheless, there are still more Bibles in the world.
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What's longer, the Bible or Harry Potter?

For example, the Bible I use for morning reading, which has no notes and a little larger print, is 1,170 pages long. Let's compare these to something millions of people have read: the Harry Potter series; that series runs 4,224 pages for all seven books, according to the books' publisher, Scholastic.
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Why was Harry Potter banned in schools?

There were concerns over the violence and increasingly dark tone of the later books but most of the censorship attempts were for religious reasons. It was also banned in some Christian schools in the UK.
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Is J.K. Rowling a pagan?

However, the author of the series, J. K. Rowling, describes herself as a Christian, and many have noted the Christian references which she includes in the final novel Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
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Is Hogwarts a witchcraft?

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, often shortened to Hogwarts, was a Scottish wizarding school located in the Scottish Highlands.
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How is Harry Potter related to Jesus?

Harry, as a pureblood Potter, has a prestigious lineage that goes all the way back to the Peverell line just as Jesus came from the line of David. Both Harry and Jesus had to flee their birthplace for their protection because both had powerful enemies from the time they were very young.
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Does Christianity exist in Harry Potter?

Christianity in Harry Potter

James and Lily Potter had bible verses written on their tomb stone, so it is known that they did practice, or at least have some belief in Christanity, as they also had a Christening of Harry Potter, their son.
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Do they say God in Harry Potter?

Many wizards, witches and Muggles often used terms such as thank God and oh my God to express excitement, shock, awe, dismay, or supplication; analogous to the wizard-used Merlin's beard.
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What is the Bible allusion in Harry Potter?

Harry is the final horcrux that must be destroyed – which means he must die if he wishes to defeat Voldemort. However, once Harry sacrifices himself, he finds life again after death. This thought fully embodies the christian belief system. For christians, Jesus, God, and Heaven are life after death.
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Is Harry Potter a biblical allegory?

Vanessa Zoltan, co-host of the Harry Potter and the Sacred Text podcast, suggests there are even further parallels between the “deaths” of Harry and Jesus. “An important part of the Christian allegory, and also just of the stories in and of themselves, is that he doesn't want to die.
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What does the potter's House represent in the Bible?

When God wanted to teach the prophet Jeremiah an important spiritual lesson, God “nudged him” to go down to the Potter's House. In that unlikely setting, God showed Jeremiah how the clay can be molded and spoiled in the Potter's hand. God was warning Jeremiah that the people of Judah must make God their #1 priority.
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