What did Boo stab his dad with?

He becomes like a ghost who is unable to lead a normal fulfilling life, apparently rebelling only when he stabs his father in the leg with a pair of scissors.
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What did Boo Radley stab his father with?

Scout recounts how, as a boy, Boo got in trouble with the law and his father imprisoned him in the house as punishment. He was not heard from until fifteen years later, when he stabbed his father with a pair of scissors.
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Did Boo Radley's dad abuse him?

Even though Boo is abused and misunderstood, he still has some courage in him. Boo Radley is abused by his father who prevents him from having contact with the outside world, even if that contact is miniscule. Boo's father is a foot washing baptist that believes that anything that is a pleasure is a sin.
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What crime did Boo commit?

After Maycomb's Sheriff, Sheriff Heck Tate, was called to the scene and investigated the crime, he reluctantly arrested Arthur “Boo” Radley for the crime of murder in the second degree. Both Sheriff Tate and Dr. Reynolds knew that Bob Ewell had threatened to get revenge on Atticus Finch.
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Why did Boo's father lock him up?

While his others friends were sent away to school, Boo's father decided it was best to lock Boo in the basement and prevent him from interacting with others. It is evident that his brother Nathan, Boo's guardian when the novel takes place, also distrusts Boo.
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What happened after Boo stabbed his father?

For a while after this incident Boo is imprisoned in the basement of the courthouse, but is later moved back home. When Mr Radley dies, people in Maycomb think Boo might be allowed outside but his brother Nathan Radley returns home and Boo's imprisonment continues.
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Was Boo Radley autistic?

While Boo's autism initially leads to his isolation, it also serves as an unexpected superpower because it is arguably the reason he saves Scout and Jem. A symptom of autism is impulsivity, so Boo exercises self-defense against Mr. Ewell more quickly than a person without autism would.
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Who was killed by Boo?

As the men argue, Atticus realizes that Boo Radley killed Ewell, and it is Boo who Tate is trying to protect. They finally agree that Ewell did fall on his own knife, a decision Scout fully understands.
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Why did Boo Black go to jail?

It is never directly established what landed Big Boo in prison, although she does refer to herself as a “thieving dyke”, implying that theft could be the reason for her incarceration. Before she was imprisoned, Boo ran a gambling ring.
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Who killed Mr Ewell?

Despite Tom being found guilty, Bob Ewell vows revenge on Atticus for humiliating him during the trial. On the night of the Halloween pageant Bob follows the children home and attacks them but Boo saves Jem and Scout but fatally stabs Bob Ewell.
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Is Atticus Scout's real father?

Atticus is a lawyer and resident of the fictional Maycomb County, Alabama, and the father of Jeremy "Jem" Finch and Jean Louise "Scout" Finch.
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Why do they call him Atticus and not dad?

They call him Atticus because they are formal with their father. Calling him by his first name shows that the father and his children see each other as equals.
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Are Jem and Scout adopted?

Boo adopted jem and scout, he watched over them, loved them, and protected him and in that way he was their father. He adopted them as his children. So at the end of the story yes, jim and scouts' adopted father is watching over them.
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Did Boo Radley have a knife?

The kitchen knife is the weapon Boo Radley used to kill Bob Ewell, protecting the Finch children. The switchblade is the weapon Ewell used to attack the children earlier that night.
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Was Boo Radley locked in the courthouse basement for attacking his father with scissors?

Several years earlier, Boo Radley had been locked in the courthouse basement for attacking his father with scissors. The story takes place in a small town in the Midwest. Atticus believed that people like the Cunningham's and Ewells should be made to follow all of society rules.
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What was the rumor of Boo Radley?

Boo Radley is called an “unknown entity” and a “malevolent phantom” because Jem, Scout, and Dill have never actually seen him. However, they have heard many stories and rumors about how he mutilated animals and attacked his family members with scissors, so they believe he someone to be feared, especially at night.
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Why was Poussey killed off?

In the penultimate episode of the fourth season, Poussey is accidentally suffocated by CO Baxter "Gerber" Bayley (Alan Aisenberg) during an initially peaceful demonstration in the cafeteria to protest Captain Desi Piscatella (Brad William Henke) and his unfair treatment of the inmates, where inmates stood on tables and ...
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Why did Poussey go to jail?

Poussey Washington was sentenced to six years in prison after she trespassed and was caught in possession of cannabis with the intent to sell the drugs. Poussey was heartbreakingly accidentally suffocated by a correctional officer, Baxter Bayley, during a demonstration in the cafeteria that was supposed to be peaceful.
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Why does Norma not talk?

Episode 7 reveals in a flashback scene that the reason Norma doesn't speak is that she is a stutterer. We see her attempt to speak in a scene from her youth to a cult leader.
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Why did Boo save the children?

Answer and Explanation: Boo Radley saves Jem and Scout because he sees himself as their self-assigned protector. Boo has difficulty relating with adults, but he has a soft spot for children. They are still innocent and kind, unlike many of the adults in the town.
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Who did Boo stab with scissors?

A reason to support this is because he stabbed his father with a pair of scissors. One quote from the book to give you a visualization is “As Mr. Radley passed by, Boo drove the scissors into his parent's leg, pulled them out, wiped them on his pants, and resumed his activities” (Lee 13).
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What race is Boo Radley?

Boo Radley and Tom Robinson share many similarities in spite of fact that one man is white and the other black.
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Is Boo Radley a nice guy?

In the reality of the story, Boo Radley is a kind but mentally underdeveloped recluse who stays inside after an accident in his childhood. He secretly leaves the Finch siblings little gifts in a tree outside as a friendly, social gesture and becomes a hero who saves them from an attack at the end of the book.
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Does Boo Radley have a mom?

Mrs. Radley, Nathan and Boo's mother, dies and Atticus goes to the Radleys' house. Scout and Jem speculate that Boo murdered his mother, but Atticus tells them that she died of natural causes. Jem asks him if he saw Mr.
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Why was Boo Radley called Boo?

His real name is Arthur Radley, but the name 'Boo' is used by the children of Maycomb because he is very ghost-like, in the manner that he's never seen. In the film, Radley (Arthur Radley) does not speak, this could be symbolism for his ghost-like manners.
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