What did Cinderella lose on the step of the ballroom?

When Cinderella left one of her glass shoes in the ballroom, the servants of the prince found it. The prince announced that he wanted to search every home for the beautiful lady whom he had danced with at the ball and who had left her shoe behind.
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What does Cinderella lose at the ball?

In the case of Cinderella and her glass slipper, the story reaches its climax when her shoe falls off as she hurriedly exits the ball.
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What does Cinderella lose a slipper made of at the ball in the pantomime?

Tale Summary

The next night, she returns to the ball but leaves in haste, dropping one of her glass slippers. The prince orders a search for the woman who fits the shoe, and Cinderella is discovered, eventually marrying the prince.
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What shoe did Cinderella lose?

In the animated film, Cinderella loses her left slipper, while in the live-action film, she loses her right slipper. Also in the animated film, it's the slipper that Cinderella left at the ball that got shattered, while in the live-action film, it's the one that Cinderella brought home that Lady Tremaine shattered.
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What happened to Cinderella at the ball?

The unknown lady who arrives at the ball charms the guests, and especially the prince. He and Cinderella slip away to the garden. Their flirtations are interrupted by the clock striking midnight. Cinderella rushes away, losing one of her slippers, and she arrives home, a ragged cinder girl once more.
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Cinderella(1950) - The Glass Slipper/Finale, Clip 3/3

Why did Cinderella lose her shoes?

On the third night, the prince wised up and had the palace staff spread something sticky, like tar, on the steps to slow her down. She managed to get away, but one of her shoes came off in the process. Even a perfectly fitting shoe will come off in those circumstances. The prince then hunted her down with the shoe.
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Why could Cinderella not go to the ball?

Cinderella wept but did as she was asked. She then asked her stepmother if she could attend the ball, to which she told her no because she had not clothes and she couldn't dance and they would be ashamed of her.
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What would happen if Cinderella didn't lose her shoe?

If Cinderella hadn't lost her shoe, she would go back to her house and work for her stepmother and step-sisters like a servant and she would never see the prince again. The prince would die searching for the Cinderella he loved and he would never come to know the housemaid version of Cinderella.
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Is it possible to wear a glass shoe?

Simple wearable glass shoes are chosen by men who don't know what kind of decorations their girlfriends like. You can also add decorations later. Women who like simple things and clothes prefer transparent glass shoes. It has a smooth, smooth glass texture, and is made with a solid and heavy feel.
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Why does Cinderella's shoe not turn back?

Everything else reverts to their original forms at the stroke of midnight, but the glass slippers weren't made from Cinderella's shoes: they were made from pure magic. There was no other form for the glass slippers to revert to, so they remained as they were.
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Which of these fairy tale characters loses a shoe?

His tale about Cenerentola (Cinderella) included a wicked stepmother, evil sisters, losing her shoe, magic, and a nobleman who south the owner of the shoe. Charles Perrault, from France, wrote the story of Cinderella that is best known in its translated English version.
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How many balls were in Cinderella?

In the original story, there were three balls, and therefore 3 dresses; one gold, one silver and one pink.
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What does Cinderella wear to the ball?

With her dress now reduced to shreds, a heartbroken Cinderella runs out to the garden and cries, where her Fairy Godmother appears to help her go to the ball. It is then turned into a beautiful sparkling blue-white ball gown until midnight, when it reverts back into tatters again (except the glass slippers).
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What kind of food did Cinderella lose running from the ball at midnight?

As the clock was about to strike midnight she lost her glass slipper on the stairs, which prompted the prince to search for who's it was. He found it to be none other than Cinderella's, they then lived happily ever after much to the annoyance of her two ugly stepsisters.
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Who did Cinderella fall in love with at the ball?

Cinderella's stepsisters bully her and make her do all the chores, but she stays kind and good. She is rewarded when her fairy godmother gives her what she needs to attend the prince's ball, where she meets the prince and falls in love.
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What shoes did Cinderella wear to the ball?

Perhaps the most iconic shoes in fairy tale history are the sparkling glass slippers worn by Cinderella.
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Why did Cinderella's slipper only fit her?

Also, since her feet are naturally small, no one's feet would swell to the same size. Finally, since she spends all day every day on her feet doing work, Cinderella's feet aren't swollen in the least. This allows the slipper to fit perfectly.
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What does the shoe represent in Cinderella?

So, the glass slipper represents about Cinderella's true identity, gentleness, purity, and natural beauty. The glass slipper represents true identity because it is the media for Cinderella to reveal her identity as the one the Prince is looking for.
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Did Cinderella really wear glass slippers?

These fashions were often satirised by writers of the period. By expecting Cinderella to dance in glass slippers, Perrault was making an “in joke” about fashion fads that upper-class women, who frequented the Parisian salons where fairytales were told, would have understood only too well, Warwick said.
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Who picked up Cinderella shoe?

She left behind one of her glass slippers, which the prince picked up most carefully. She reached home, but quite out of breath, and in her nasty old clothes, having nothing left of all her finery but one of the little slippers, the mate to the one that she had dropped.
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What happens to Cinderella at 12?

The clock strikes midnight

The Prince was so charming that Cinderella forgot all about the time until the clock began to strike twelve. She jumped up and fled from the room. The startled Prince raced after her. She managed to escape him, but in her haste she lost one of her glass slippers.
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Where did Cinderella left her shoe?

When Cinderella left one of her glass shoes in the ballroom, the servants of the prince found it. The prince announced that he wanted to search every home for the beautiful lady whom he had danced with at the ball and who had left her shoe behind.
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What is Cinderella's original name?

Tale Notes

Here, Cinderella's birth name, Ella, is mentioned. In this version, the stepmother and stepdaughters only show their cruel nature after Ella's father falls ill and passes away.
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Which girl has very long golden hair?

She grows up to be a beautiful child with long golden hair. When she turns twelve, the sorceress locks her up in a tower in the middle of the woods, with neither stairs nor a door, and only one room and one window. In order to visit her, the sorceress stands at the bottom of the tower and calls out: Rapunzel!
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Why did Cinderella's shoe not fit anyone else?

It also depends on which version of the tale we refer to. But the easiest answer in the versions with the Fairy Godmother is that the shoes were magic. This would explain why she lost a slipper in the first place if they fit perfectly and why it refused to fit another woman's foot.
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