What did Jar Jar Binks do after Episode 3?

After the Battle of Endor Jar Jar wasn't just booted out of the Gungan swamps again, but he was made completely homeless. But despite being shunned and ostracised by pretty much all of Naboo, Binks didn't let it crush his spirit. In the capital of Theed Jar Jar found work as a street performing clown.
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What happened to Jar Jar Binks after episode 3?

Having lost any prospects for the future, Jar Jar returned to Naboo and settled down in the capital city of Theed, where he became a street performer. Eventually, Jar Jar encountered a young boy named Mapo and took him on as an apprentice, teaching Mapo how to become a performer like Jar Jar himself was.
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Does Jar Jar appear after episode 3?

Jar Jar appears throughout the Star Wars prequel trilogy – as a major character in Episode I: The Phantom Menace and with a supporting role in Episode II: Attack of the Clones and Episode III: Revenge of the Sith – as well as having a role in the television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
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What did Jar Jar Binks do?

Affiliation(s) Jar Jar Binks was the first Gungan to represent his people in the Galactic Senate, first serving as a Junior Representative along with Senator Padmé Amidala, and then, after her death, serving as full Senator himself. Like most Gungans, Binks was lanky and spoke Basic with a unique accent.
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What happened to Jar Jar after the prequels on Reddit?

Answer 2 suggests that jar jar ascended in the gungan society, eventually becoming a senior representative for naboo.
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How "Star Wars: The Bad Batch - Season 3" Should Have Ended

Is Jar Jar Binks a Sith Lord?

Summary. Jar Jar Binks's clumsiness may not be genuine, but rather an act to disguise his true nature as a Sith Lord infiltrating the Republic. Palpatine carefully orchestrated events to manipulate the galaxy, and Jar Jar's involvement suggests he may have been the eyes and ears on Naboo.
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What happened to Naboo after episode 3?

Naboo was among the first worlds to be attacked. Despite the planet sustaining heavy losses, Operation: Cinder was foiled before Naboo could be destroyed. After that, however, little is known about Naboo, other than it was saved from the First Order after Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.
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Why did Jar Jar give power to Palpatine?

On the eve of the First Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY, Junior Representative Jar Jar Binks convinced the Senate to increase the scope of the Chancellor's emergency powers because of the apparent threat of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
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Who is Anakin Skywalker's father?

Summary. Anakin Skywalker's birth mystery is solved - his mother, Shmi Skywalker, reveals that there was no father and she can't explain what happened. Qui-Gon Jinn believed that the Force itself created Anakin in Shmi's womb, making him the Chosen One who would bring balance to the Force.
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Who does Jar Jar Binks love?

So, we know Jar Jar had a girlfriend during the Clone Wars, the Bardottan Queen Julia, as she calls him her "love" and shares kisses with him.
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Did Jar Jar survive?

Binks survived multiple life-threatening situations including war. As a Gungan, Jar Jar Binks could live comfortably both on land and underwater.
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Was Darth Jar Jar planned?

Of course, this probably wasn't George Lucas' plan at all. He intended Jar Jar to appeal to children, so it's highly doubtful that he'd have written the character as a secret Dark Lord of the Sith.
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Are there any Gungan Jedi?

Kin-Ya Dosun was a Gungan Jedi Knight who served the Jedi Order during the waning years of the Galactic Republic. Dosun trained the Jedi Padawan Kosa-Yin Hadu, a fellow Gungan. The pair disappeared around 33 BBY while on a mission from the Jedi Temple on the planet Coruscant.
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Who saved Jar Jar Binks?

Having been saved by Qui-Gon Jinn during the Trade Federation's initial invasion of Naboo, Jar Jar becomes the surprise companion of the Jedi Master and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi, citing the sacred Gungan life debt as his obligation to stay by Qui-Gon's side.
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Where does Jar Jar Binks go?

After the battle, Jar Jar continued to ascend in Gungan society, putting his awkward past as an outcast behind him. Jar Jar eventually became a Senior Representative for Naboo, serving in the Galactic Senate.
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How is Rey related to Anakin?

Rey is a palpatine and they planning to have her be the granddaughter of Obi wans younger brother from Stujohn so Rey is not a skywalker or biologically related to them. Although She is connected to the skywalker family through her grandfather Palpatine and her great uncle Obi wan Kenobi .
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How many kids did Han and Leia have?

Han Solo marries Princess Leia and they have three children: twins named Jacen and Jaina, and a younger son named Anakin. Luke reestablishes the Jedi Order, marries a non-movie (but fan favorite) redheaded Force-wielder named Mara Jade, and they have a son, Ben Skywalker (named in honor of Obi-Wan “Ben” Kenobi).
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How is Rey a Skywalker?

Following Palpatine's final defeat and her own resurrection, Rey adopts the name Rey Skywalker to honor her mentors and their family legacy and renounce her lineage.
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Why is Jar Jar hated in Star Wars?

Jar Jar had a strange patois and his antics served as the film's comic relief. Many audiences didn't appreciate a slapstick character like Jar Jar in the ordinarily more staid world of "Star Wars," and he was violently rejected by fans as one of the most irritating things ever.
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Was Jar Jar meant to be Darth Plagueis?

The most agreed upon theory, started by Reddit user Lumparoo in 2016, is that Jar-Jar is a powerful Force-user conspiring with Darth Sidious. In addition to this, some believe he either trained, or was supposed to become Supreme Leader Snoke, or that he is a reincarnation of Darth Plagueis.
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What is the evil theory of Jar Jar Binks?

The Jar Jar Binks (Sith Lord) Theory: He's a Sith collaborator, using clumsiness to mask his manipulation of events for Darth Sidious.
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Why did Palpatine want to destroy Naboo?

Sidious had been the one who suggested Naboo be the Federation's target, as, in his guise as Naboo Senator Sheev Palpatine, he planned to use his people's suffering in a bid for political sympathy, which would push him to be the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, allowing him to further his own plans.
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Who ruled Naboo after Padme died?

Queen Jamillia served as the successor of Queen Amidala as the elected sovereign of Naboo.
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Did Darth Maul survive Naboo?

Darth mauls deep connection to the dark side of the force kept him alive. His hatred for the kenobi combined with zabrak species insane durability allowed him to survive.
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