What did the Mandalorians put Maul in?

Usage and history I suspect even Maul couldn't get out of there." A Mandalorian vault, also known as a Mandalorian sarcophagus, was a mobile prison cell utilized by the warriors of the planet Mandalore to contain captured Force-sensitives.
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Where is Maul during Mandalorian?

Maul was taken to a Separatist prison on Stygeon Prime. In the aftermath of the fighting in Sundari, the commandos Rook Kast and Gar Saxon rescued Maul on the order of Prime Minister Almec, the Mandalorian politician who served as a figurehead in Maul's government.
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What is Maul's takeover of Mandalore?

Late in the Clone Wars, Darth Maul took over Death Watch and led the conquest of Mandalore. He executed Satine and installed a puppet prime minister as the planet's new ruler, sparking a new chapter in Mandalore's violent history.
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Why did Mandalorians follow Maul?

The Mandalorians that followed him did that out of an extreme devotion to the Creed, disregarding the fact that Maul himself never took it, he only won the Darksaber in combat. The Armorer's words to Din in The Book of Boba Fett may also hint that she did in fact follow Maul, then.
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What did Sidious do with Maul after Mandalore?

After defeating Maul and killing his brother Savage Opress, Sidious takes him to a Separatist prison, where Count Dooku tortures him for information about the Shadow Collective.
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Maul Inspires The Mandalorians [1080p]

Who was the last Sith the Jedi knew about before Maul?

Almost 1,000 years after Bane's death, Darth Plagueis trains Darth Sidious, who ultimately kills his master and takes Darth Maul as his first apprentice. Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace - Sidious and Maul are the only known Sith in the galaxy.
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Did Maul ever meet Dooku?

The two were able to free Maul after he had been interrogated by the Sith Lord Count Dooku, and together the three rendezvoused with more Death Watch forces on the moon of Zanbar. Maul took command of his forces once again, and assured them that the war they had longed for was at hand.
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Did the Jedi know Maul was a Sith?

Darth Maul and Qui-Gon Jinn's duel on Tatooine in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace revealed the Sith Order's survival to the Jedi after 1,000 years of secrecy, with Jinn somehow concluding that Maul was a Sith Lord.
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Was Maul the rightful ruler of Mandalore?

Despite Maul claiming leadership over Death Watch, Bo-Katan and her Nite Owls refused to follow an outsider and made their escape. Despite their objection plunging Mandalore into a new civil war, Maul maintained his status as the rightful ruler of Mandalore until the Siege of Mandalore at the end of the Clone Wars.
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What are Darth Maul's Mandalorians called?

The Mandalorian super commandos, or Kyr'tsad Ori'ramikade in Mando'a, were a group of Human Death Watch soldiers loyal to Darth Maul's Shadow Collective during the Clone Wars.
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Who ruled Mandalore after Darth Maul?

The resulting siege by a Mandalorian-Republic joint force ended Maul's rule over the planet. The Republic subsequently appointed Bo-Katan Kryze, the leader of the Mandalore resistance, as Regent of Mandalore.
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Did Darth Maul become a Jedi?

Serving as a defining moment on the same level as Luke Skywalker's vision in the caves of Dagobah, Darth Maul's surreal time as a Jedi would serve to cement his beliefs that the Jedi Order had to be exterminated at all costs.
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Is Maul still a Sith?

Chastened by his former Master on the principle of the Rule of Two, Maul abandoned his claim to the mantle of the Sith, focusing instead on building an empire of his own—the Crimson Dawn—by controlling the criminal underworld.
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What is Darth Maul's real name?

As the son of Mother Talzin, the Zabrak male was taken from a young age by Sidious to act as his impressionable apprentice. The boy was raised as Darth Maul, a name he carried throughout his life. In Legends, it was insinuated that he was born "Maul" before attaining the honor of the "Darth" title.
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Why did Sidious let Maul live?

Sidious revealed to Maul that he did not intend to kill his former apprentice, as he still had use for Maul; it was Sidious' hope that Maul would lead the Sith to Mother Talzin, Maul's mother and the leader of the Nightsisters, so she could be eliminated as a potential threat to the eventual Sith rule of the galaxy.
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Is the armorer Darth Maul?

Her fervor for the Mandalorian code has inspired and condemned Din Djarin throughout her life. Yet, nothing is really known about The Mandalorian character. One theory contends she may have a deep connection to the Clone Wars: that the Armorer is actually Rook Kast, former follower of Darth Maul.
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Is Maul technically a Mandalorian?

Maul was a Zabrak from the planet Dathomir. However, though he was not Mandalorian by blood, the fact that he won the Darksaber in battle made him the last wielder before Din Djarin with a legitimate claim to the throne.
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Who else did Maul want on Mandalore?

Maul, having expected the assault, was waiting down in the sewer system, planning to set a trap for the Jedi Kryze brought with her, whom he had been hoping would be his old enemy Kenobi.
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How many Mandalorians were Jedi?

There have been other Mandalorians who have become Jedi, though. The first was Tarre Vizsla, the Mandalorian Jedi who created the Darksaber. Huyang mentions in Ahsoka episode 3 that there have also been few other Mandalorians who have trained to be Jedi in addition to Tarre and Sabine.
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Did Maul know Vader is Anakin?

And while his warnings don't work, at the very least, it shows that Maul became aware of Anakin and what he would soon become. With the rise of the Empire, it's likely Maul caught on to Vader's existence pretty quickly.
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Did Dooku know of Maul?

Following Qui-Gon's death by Maul's hand on Naboo, Dooku visited Palpatine in distress about his apprentice's death, hoping to have one day made Jinn an ally while also directly stating he knew of Maul's existence.
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Why didn't Maul tell Ahsoka about Palpatine?

Maul Was Terrified of Palpatine

Maul had killed Qui-Gon and numerous other Jedi and started a huge Mandalorian conflict that left thousands dead. If he publicly announced that Palpatine was an evil Sith Lord, there would be few (if any) who would take him seriously.
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Did Palpatine prefer Maul or Dooku?

Indeed, Palpatine seems to have seen Maul as an ideal apprentice, admitting he was "a loss" compared to Dooku in Darth Vader #20.
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Could Maul have beaten Sidious?

It's already been shown in the source material… more than once… that Darth Maul is not on Darth Sidious's level. Every time he dueled Sidious as his apprentice (in Legends) he got easily defeated.
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