What diseases does Jack Sparrow have?

Since the first movie, he has had a mark on his jawline that has seemingly worsened with each movie; while unconfirmed, it has been speculated that this is a sign of Jack Sparrow having syphilis.
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What is the disease Jack Sparrow has?

It starts off barely noticeable but, slowly, throughout the first movie and its sequels, it gets more and more obvious. This is actually an in-joke between Johhny Depp and the film's makeup department, who theorize that this scab is actually because Jack has syphilis.
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Why does Jack Sparrow have a black spot on his hand?

Thirteen years after Jack Sparrow made a deal with Davy Jones, to captain the Black Pearl for 13 years, Jones sent Bootstrap Bill Turner as an emissary to warn Sparrow that his debt had to be paid. Bootstrap Bill marked the pirate with the Black Spot, thereby making Jack marked for death.
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Why is Jack Sparrow always wobbly?

Jack has spent more time on a floating vessel at sea than on steady land for the entirety of his life. This is the reason why his “Sea Legs” are subconsciously commanding his body language and assumes that he has to balance his posture to prevent himself from falling over, even when he is walking or running on land.
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Why does Jack Sparrow walk funny?

Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack Sparrow's Drunk Walk Is Secretly Genius. Jack Sparrow's signature "drunk" walk, which gives him the appearance of being constantly inebriated, is actually the result of Sparrow's sea legs.
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Jack Sparrow's Progressive syphilis illness // Pirates Of The Caribbean

Why does Jack Sparrow say savvy?

In the film, main character Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) uses the question Savvy? to punctuate threats, jokes, and other swashbuckling statements. This savvy calls back to its roots for “do you understand?” with the sharp bark of a “Do you hear what I'm saying?”
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Who does Jack Sparrow have a crush on?

Angelica. Despite the character being a lead for all five Pirates of the Caribbean movies, Jack Sparrow only receives a conventional love interest in On Stranger Tides. The fourth movie introduces Angelica, the daughter of Blackbeard who Jack seduced years before the sequel's action begins.
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What is Jack Sparrow's worst fear?

Being trapped in one place. He loves his freedom. If he was forced to stay in one place for too long, he'd go mad (see: Davy Jones' Locker.)
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Who does Jack Sparrow fear?

Jack's hat completes him as a character and is a notable effect of his within every movie. Although he is clearly in fear of Davy Jones, his hat is the accessory that means the most to him so it is expected that he would try and retrieve it.
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Does Jack Sparrow have a love?

Angelica. Despite all the aforementioned characters being Jack's old flames, Angelica is the only one that particularly received the status of a true love interest. The daughter of Blackbeard was introduced in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides as a relentless pirate.
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What is the white thing in Jack Sparrow's hair?

By 1750, Jack Sparrow began wearing the bone trinket, tying it in his hair and above his bandanna. He notably found some beads on adventures that all tell a story, as well as a gold tooth at the bottom.
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What is Jack Sparrow's beard called?

How to Do a Sparrow Goatee. Pirate fan or not, the Sparrow beard (named after Jack Sparrow) is a blockbuster in the facial hair world. A mix of mustache, Soul Patch and goatee, this style is a crowd pleaser indeed.
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Why does Jack Sparrow have a red mark on his chin?

The red spot is actually supposed to be syphilis, and it gets progressively more noticeable in each film.
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What disease did most pirates have?

Scurvy is a clinical syndrome that results from vitamin C deficiency. Tales from pirates and British sailors made the disease infamous. This disease was first reported in 1550 BC when people accurately described the diagnosis and treatment using onions and vegetables.
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Did Captain Jack Sparrow have a child?

Captain Jack Sparrow has a daughter. Birdie Sparrow has never met her father and her mother is dead, so she seeks to find her father. When she finally finds him, she can't te him the thruth instead works as part of the crew on his ship.
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What is Jack Sparrow's most famous quote?

Without further ado, here are the 15 most iconic Jack Sparrow quotes.
  1. 1 "The only rules that matter are these: what a man can do and what a man can't do."
  2. 2 "I've got a jar of dirt, and guess what's inside it." ...
  3. 3 "Bring me that horizon." ...
  4. 4 "If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it." ...
  5. 5 "No survivors? ...
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Why can't Jack Sparrow use the compass?

Why doesn't your compass work?" Seeking help from the mystic Tia Dalma, she asked Jack on why he couldn't have just used the compass to lead him to the key. She then realized that either Jack didn't know what he wanted or he knew but are loath to claim it as his own.
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Why does Calypso turn into crabs?

As a heathen goddess, Calypso was able to take many forms. But since the crab was attributed as her symbol, most notably by pirates, she chose that form. When Tia Dalma was transformed back into Calypso, she grew to ten times her normal size and crashed to the deck of the Black Pearl as thousands of little crabs.
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What is Jack Sparrow's greatest desire?

Jack wants freedom and to sail the seas for eternity doing whatever, whenever he wants. He loves adventure and is in some ways selfish, but he has a good heart. He's had many opportunities at immortality throughout the films and despite his flaws, he always makes the right decision.
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Who is the most feared pirate in potc?

1 – Blackbeard

Easily the most famous buccaneer on the list and possibly the most terrifying pirate of all time, Blackbeard had a reputation of horrific magnitude in his day.
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Why will Turner have barnacles?

Orlando Bloom reprises his role as Will Turner in the fifth film, seen with barnacles forming upon his face, implying he's failing at the responsibilities as Captain of the Flying Dutchman.
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Is Jack Sparrow LGBTQ?

Plus, Depp's Sparrow could even be bisexual — there is no specificity here, but it is clear Depp was open to LGBT influence when creating Jack Sparrow. Entertainment Weekly noted an interesting way to interpret Depp's comment that all his characters are gay.
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Why did the girl kiss Jack Sparrow?

Kissing Jack

In Dead Man's Chest, Elizabeth kisses Jack Sparrow while they are fighting for their lives. Of course, it ends up she only did this to save the lives of the rest of the crew, but it was still cruel. She tricked both the men in her life with one action.
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What was Jack Sparrow's catchphrase?

Captain Jack Sparrow's 10 Best Quotes
  • 9 "Better To Not Know Which Moment May Be Your Last." ...
  • 8 "Not All Treasure Is Silver And Gold, Mate." ...
  • 7 "It's Remarkable How Often Those Two Traits Coincide." ...
  • 6 "If We Don't Have The Key, We Can't Open Whatever It Is That We Don't Have That It Unlocks."
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