What does Frankenstein's monster personify?

The Monster personifies knowledge as something that "clings" to a mind. Of course, knowledge isn't a living thing that is capable of holding onto anything, but someone's awareness of knowledge can feel so overpowering and inescapable that it's as if knowledge were alive.
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What does Frankenstein's monster represent?

The monster as a metaphor

Another proposal is that Victor Frankenstein was based on a real scientist who had a similar name, and who had been called a modern Prometheus – Benjamin Franklin. Accordingly, the monster would represent the new nation that Franklin helped to create out of remnants left by England.
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What is the creature Frankenstein personality?

The Monster seems to be driven by an unstoppable force and is therefore unable to curb his own destructive nature. This is increased by his experiences of prejudice, fear and loneliness. He does, however, display the human quality of remorse or regret towards the end of the novel.
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What does Frankenstein's monster compare himself to?

In Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, the Creature compares himself to both Satan and Adam from Paradise Lost by John Milton. The Creature compares himself to Adam, believing himself to be an innocent first creation, the first and only of his kind. He also compares himself to Satan.
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How is nature personified in Frankenstein?

In Frankenstein, Shelley presents an image of nature that is at once benevolent and diabolic, breathtaking in its beauty and shattering in its brutality. The natural world is life-giving and nurturing to humans, but she is also under threat by the forces of progress.
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Frankenstein is More Horrific Than You Might Think | Monstrum

What does Frankenstein's creature personify?

The Monster personifies knowledge as something that "clings" to a mind. Of course, knowledge isn't a living thing that is capable of holding onto anything, but someone's awareness of knowledge can feel so overpowering and inescapable that it's as if knowledge were alive.
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What are some personification quotes in Frankenstein?

Personification Examples in Frankenstein

There are many examples of personification used throughout the book. Examples of personification from the text include: ''He had partially unveiled the face of Nature, but her immortal lineaments were still a wonder and a mystery. '' (Chapter 2).
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What does Frankenstein's monster call himself?

In the novel he is never given a specific name, that's why he is just called “the creature”, “the monster”, “Frankenstein's creature” or “Frankenstein's monster”, some argue that he dubbed himself “Adam” and recognized himself as Victor's son making him Adam Frankenstein, but even that is spurious, he does not get the ...
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How does Victor describe the monster?

His yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath; his hair was of a lustrous black, and flowing; his teeth of a pearly whiteness; but these luxuriances only formed a more horrid contrast with his watery eyes, that seemed almost of the same colour as the dun-white sockets in which they were set, ...
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Why does Frankenstein's monster hate him?

The Monster hates Frankenstein for abandoning him after his creation: “He had abandoned me: and, in the bitterness of my heart, I cursed him.” The Monster is also angry with Frankenstein for making the Monster the only one of his kind: “I was dependent on none and related to none.” The Monster also feels hatred and ...
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What is Frankenstein's personality disorder?

In Frankenstein, Victor's dual diagnosis of monomania and antisocial personality disorder bridges the historical gap between early eighteenth century and modern society's perception of insanity, while the attribution of these two diagnoses can enable the audience to sympathize with Victor.
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Is Frankenstein's Monster good or evil?

While Victor feels unmitigated hatred for his creation, the monster shows that he is not a purely evil being. The monster's eloquent narration of events (as provided by Victor) reveals his remarkable sensitivity and benevolence.
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Who is the real villain in Frankenstein?

In the novel, the villain is Victor Frankenstein with no doubt. He tried to play God by creating a creature and then left it on its own. Being ambitious is commendable, but being over ambitious is reprehensible. Frankenstein was extreme with regard to his passion and ambition.
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What is the personality of the monster in Frankenstein?

The Monster

The eight-foot-tall, hideously ugly creation of Victor Frankenstein. Intelligent, eloquent, and sensitive, the Monster attempts to integrate himself into human social patterns, but all who see him shun him. His feeling of abandonment compels him to seek revenge against his creator.
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How does Frankenstein's monster view himself?

In sum, the creature has an acute understanding of himself. He knows that he is innately good inside but that his appearance has made him repulsive to others. He knows that what he will become—either good or evil—depends on how the world treats him.
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What words best describe the monster in Frankenstein?

3 of 5 What words best describe the monster?
  • Deformed, Evil, Selfish.
  • Heroic, brave, charismatic.
  • Complicated, sensitive, vengeful.
  • Loving, weak, sociable.
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How is the monster in Frankenstein presented?

In her novel, Shelley uses a frame narrative to present the Creature as a stereotypical gothic villain through the perspectives of Walton and Frankenstein. She does this by using adjectives with negative connotations to describe the Creature such as 'demoniacal corpse.
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Why is Frankenstein's monster green?

Going green

Pierce's decision to paint Karloff's skin a greyish green was a conscious choice to play on these limitations, distinguishing the monster from the rest of the cast by giving him a skin color that would be captured as a ghostly white on film.
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Was Frankenstein's monster beautiful?

(Shelley 35) Victor's desire for the creature to have beautiful features fails, resulting in the creature's ugly “watery eyes” and “straight black lips” (35). Additionally, though “his hair was of a lustrous black, and flowing,” something that could be understood to be beautiful becomes something ugly.
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What is Frankenstein's monster a metaphor for?

The Monster is a metaphor for humanity because, as humans the monster was "born" pure. It wasn't until he was exposed to the torments of humanity that he became murderous and vengeful.
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Is Frankenstein's monster a symbol?

The Creature is a physical representation of the pursuit of knowledge gone wrong. He compares himself to Adam at one point, saying, "I remembered Adam's supplication to his Creator.
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Does Frankenstein's monster have a gender?

In “'Passages' In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein: Toward a Feminist Figure of Humanity?” Pon discusses the idea of masculine creation outside of the influence of the feminine. She contends that the monster, as a creation, is strictly masculine without the influence of the feminine.
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What are 5 lines of personification?

Personification Examples in Everyday Language

The sun kissed me while I was clicking a picture. The flowers danced to the wind. My clothes stood so erect as if someone had ordered them to stay in attention, as soon as I had ironed them. I felt like the food kept calling me.
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How does the creature treat the family?

He then decides to help gather firewood for them and leaves it out for them at night to find in the morning. Through his actions, the creature shows his kindness and caring personality. By observing the family, he realizes that the sounds they make have meaning and that they are communicating with each other.
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Is Frankenstein an allegory?

Frankenstein is an allegory, a work that conveys a hidden meaning—usually moral, spiritual, or political—through the use of symbolic characters and events. Victor Frankenstein's creation of the Monster is an allegory for the creation story from the Book of Genesis, in which God creates Adam.
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