What does Gatsby's funeral represent?

Fitzgerald makes the scene about Gatsby's funeral express the idea that Gatsby is lonely and has no true friends. The people that came to his parties on the weekends, did not even bother to show up to his funeral after he died. These guests only used Gatsby for his lovely parties and the money he had.
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What is the symbolism in Gatsby's funeral?

At this point, you must understand that Gatsby's funeral had a symbolic meaning. So few people attending showed that only a few truly knew the man that Gatsby really was. The rest just saw him as a rich man and used him for his wealth. In a way, it was also a representation of society during the Roaring Twenties.
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What was so ironic about Jay Gatsby's funeral?

Gatsby's funeral is ironic because only three people attend, while enormous crowds attended his parties. Despite being a popular figure in the social scene, once Gatsby passes, neither Daisy, his business partner Henry Wolfsheim, nor any of his partygoers seem to remember him or care.
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What is symbolic about Gatsby's death?

Gatsby's death symbolizes the American Dream by demonstrating that even with hard work and sacrifice, sometimes a person cannot simply make all their dreams come true. Ultimately, hard work is only one factor in the equation determining success.
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Who attends Gatsby's funeral and why is it significant?

The only people at the funeral are Nick, Gatsby's father (Mr. Gatz), "Owl Eyes," and a couple of random servants. This is significant because it definitely shows who honestly thought of Gatsby as a person, and not just someone who threw extravagant parties.
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What is ironic about Gatsby’s funeral?

What is the symbolic importance of all the funeral arrangements being left to Nick?

What is the significance of Nick's taking charge of Gatsby's funeral arrangements? The significance of Nick taking charge was to reflect his true friendship with Gatsby and now he has come to know the truth of Gatsby.
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Who refuses to attend Gatsby's funeral?

Nick is left to organise Gatsby's funeral. Daisy and Tom have left town. Wolfshiem refuses to come. Hundreds of people attended Gatsby's parties but no-one comes to his funeral apart from Nick, Gatsby's father, and some servants.
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What is the irony of Gatsby's funeral quizlet?

What is the irony of Gatsby's funeral? Few people were at the funeral or the procession. Gatsby's father, Nick, the minister, some servants, and owl eyes were the only ones in attendance at the funeral.
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Why did Daisy not go to Gatsby's funeral?

Daisy is unable to confront the reality of her part in Gatsby's passing due to her feelings of guilt and shame; as a result, she is prevented from attending the funeral of Gatsby. In addition, Daisy is still married to Tom, so she may be concerned about what the aftermath of her attendance at Gatsby's funeral will be.
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What does Daisy killing myrtle symbolize?

Myrtle Wilson's death symbolizes the tendency of society to favor the elite at the expense of the lower classes. Tom and Daisy, the elite couple, walk away virtually consequence-free after destroying and killing Myrtle, as well as indirectly causing the deaths of George Wilson and Jay Gatsby.
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Why are owl eyes at Gatsby's funeral?

He is blown away by the sheer wealth of Gatsby, but also curious about who Gatsby is as a person. While most people coming to Gatsby's parties and taking advantage of his wealth do not truly care about Gatsby, Owl Eyes is one of the few that takes up an interest in Gatsby's life, which is why he attends the funeral.
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Why does no one go to Gatsby's funeral?

Quick answer: Nick has a difficult time getting guests to attend Gatsby's funeral because few people care enough about Gatsby to go. People loved attending his lavish parties when he was alive, but they came because they wanted to have a good time, not to get to know their host.
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Who shows up to Gatsby's funeral quote?

"Nobody came." No one attends Gatsby's funeral except Nick and his father. Proves that everyone just used him – he had no real friends and he only cared about Daisy – she does not attend.
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Why is it raining at Gatsby's funeral?

The scene uses rain to reinforce the varying tone of the interaction between Daisy and Gatsby. The rain at Gatsby's funeral gives a depressing tone.
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Who arrives 3 days after Gatsby's death?

Three days after the murder of Gatsby, a telegram from his father, 'signed Henry C. Gatz' arrives and, a few days later, Mr. Gatz arrives at the mansion.
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Was Daisy a gold digger?

Yet Daisy isn't just a shallow gold digger. She's more tragic: a loving woman who has been corrupted by greed. She chooses the comfort and security of money over real love, but she does so knowingly.
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Why did Daisy betray Gatsby?

She betrays him by being her cowardly self. She tried once to stand up for her love of him when they first met, but her life is more complicated now with an aggressive, domineering husband and a child. She doesn't have any support -other than Nick, her distant cousin, to help her do the right thing.
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Did Daisy actually love Gatsby?

Although Gatsby truly loved Daisy, this love was one-sided because Daisy was only attracted to Gatsby because of his wealth and status.
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How is Nick different after the funeral?

A while after the funeral, Nick saw Tom. Tom said that he told Wilson, the man who killed Gatsby, that it was Gatsby's car that hit Wilson's wife, Myrtle. Nick did not like living in the East anymore, and he decided to leave the city and move back west.
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What did Daisy do after killing Myrtle?

Possibly drunk from the day in the city, Daisy carelessly strikes Myrtle with Gatsby's car. She then negligently speeds off from the scene of the accident without stopping. She is only thinking about herself rather than the woman she struck.
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Why doesn't Daisy call Nick after Gatsby's death?

Expert-Verified Answer

In The Great Gatsby, Daisy does not call Nick after Gatsby's death due to her desire to avoid being associated with Gatsby, her absence from town, and her fear of making Tom angry.
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Why is Gatsby's father so proud of him?

Jay Gatsby's father, Henry Gatz, is proud of his son because Gatsby was a self-made man. He was born into poverty, but he did not let his social circumstances keep him from achieving his goals. Gatsby was driven, independent, and savvy to the way the world works.
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What is unique about Wolfsheim's cufflinks?

Another red flag is the rather gruesome fact that Wolfsheim's cufflinks are made from human molars.
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What reason does Gatsby give for Daisy's original decision to marry Tom?

What reasons does Gatsby give for Daisy's original decision to marry Tom? She thought Gatsby had died in the war. She didn't think Gatsby would wait for her. Deep down, she had always loved Tom.
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What does Nick decide to do with his life after Gatsby's funeral?

No one except the owl-eyed glasses man that Nick had met at one of Gatsby's parties comes to the funeral. Nick reconnects briefly with Jordan, who tell him that she is engaged. Nick runs into Tom, who admits telling Wilson that it was Gatsby's car that hit Myrtle. Nick decides to go back to the Midwest.
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