What does the creature want of Victor?

The monster wants Victor Frankenstein to create a mate for him. He says that his monstrous behavior is due to not having a companion like him and that if he had a mate, he would live peacefully with her and far from humanity.
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What does the creature want from Victor in Chapter 10?

The monster asks Victor to listen to his story and then they can fight if Victor still wants to. Victor curses the monster and himself for creating him.
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Why does the creature want revenge on Victor?

He seeks revenge on Victor for his abandonment, and for his rage after Victor destroys the mate that he promised to construct to accompany him in life. The creature retaliates by framing Victor's friend and maid, Justine, for the murder of young William, leading to her prosecution and hanging.
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Why does the creature seek Victor out?

In this moment, the creature is seeking out his creator, his father, for affection and love, but Victor has already labeled him a “miserable monster” and is therefore unresponsive to his creation's needs.
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What did the creature promise to Victor?

What does the Creature promise to do? What does Victor understand that promise to mean? The creature vows to "see him on his wedding night." The monster vows to destroy Victor's happiness. Victor interprets this to mean that the monster will kill him on his wedding night.
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Frankenstein is More Horrific Than You Might Think | Monstrum

What does the creature say about Victor?

He entreats Victor to “remember, that I am thy creature: I ought to be thy Adam; but I am rather the fallen angel.” By comparing Victor to God, the monster heaps responsibility for his evil actions upon Victor, scolding him for his neglectful failure to provide a nourishing environment.
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What does the creature ask of Victor and why does he want this?

Answer and Explanation:

The creature asks Frankenstein to make him a mate. He longs for companionship, and by this point in the novel, he knows that he will never be accepted by humans. However, if Frankenstein makes him a wife, she will be the same as him, and therefore much less likely to judge him for his ugliness.
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Why does the creature hate Victor?

The Monster hates Frankenstein for abandoning him after his creation: “He had abandoned me: and, in the bitterness of my heart, I cursed him.” The Monster is also angry with Frankenstein for making the Monster the only one of his kind: “I was dependent on none and related to none.” The Monster also feels hatred and ...
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Does the creature regret killing Victor?

At the end of Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein dies wishing that he could destroy the Monster he created. The Monster visits Frankenstein's body. He tells Walton that he regrets the murders he has committed and that he intends to commit suicide.
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Where does the creature want Victor to go?

Victor has been charged with a monumental task. The monster has asked him to build a mate, a female monster, in return for a promise that he would go away to the rain forest in South America and never bother Victor again. Victor agrees, but he needs time and room to work.
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What does the Monster want?

The monster wants Victor Frankenstein to create a mate for him. He says that his monstrous behavior is due to not having a companion like him and that if he had a mate, he would live peacefully with her and far from humanity.
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What does the creature want from Victor quizlet?

The creature wants Victor to create a companion for him. He wants his companion to be of his own species.
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Why does the creature threaten Victor?

Faced with the prospect of isolation forever, the monster vows revenge on Victor by threatening him with the pain of isolation (though, at this point, it's ambiguous whether the monster intends to kill him or Elizabeth).
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Why does Victor feel guilty?

In Frankenstein, the deaths of his loved ones leaves Victor with an unbearable feeling of guilt, for it is because of his creation of the monster that leads to their murders.
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Why does the creature want to learn to speak?

He uses his acquired language in hopes of making relations, in order to become a part of the human community. He desires companionship and goes to considerable lengths to be accepted. The creature recognizes that people communicate through sounds, and that these can result in specific emotions.
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What will the creature do if Victor fulfills this wish?

II, the monster expresses his eager wish to have a companion; his Eve. He vows to leave Victor and the rest of society in exile if Victor is to create another of his kind and fulfill his single wish.
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What are the creature's final words?

I shall die, and what I now feel be no longer felt. Soon these burning miseries will be extinct. I shall ascend my funeral pile triumphantly and exult in the agony of the torturing flames.
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Why does Victor get killed?

Summary. Gus killing Victor in such a brutal manner sends a clear message to Walt and Jesse that he would not hesitate to kill them if they put the operation at risk. The decision to kill Victor not only protected Gus' drug operation but also displayed his cold, calculated nature as a villain.
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Is the monster sad when Victor dies?

Once he learns that Victor is dead, the creature feels that he no longer has a purpose. He both hates and pities Frankenstein and knows that ultimately he cannot live without his creator, no matter how much the two of them hated each other.
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Does the creature hate himself?

The monster doesn't believe he is a person, and he wonders what he is and where he belongs. He hates Victor for his abandonment, but he hates himself more.
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Why is Victor so evil?

The real villain of Frankenstein isn't the creature, but rather his creator, Victor. As a romantic novel Victor is responsible, because he abandoned his creation. As an archetype novel, Victor is the villain, because he was trying to play god.
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Why does Victor describe the creature as both beautiful and horrifying?

Accordingly, the description upon the creation of the creature reveals Victor's initial intentions to create something that could be considered beautiful, but ultimately becomes something ugly: His limbs were in proportion, and I had selected his features as beautiful.
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What is Victor's ultimate goal?

Victor Frankenstein is the protagonist of Frankenstein. His goal is to achieve something great and morally good, which will secure him a lasting reputation. In pursuit of this goal, he creates the Monster, but his pursuit of his goal also causes his conflict with the Monster.
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How does the creature hope to win over the family?

Spring has come at the end of chapter 12, and the creature shows that he was looking forward to what was to come. At that point in the story, he thought he would be able to show the De Lacey family his gentle demeanor, that he could speak their language, and that they would accept him.
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Why does the creature want a companion?

The monster feels lonely, isolated, and rejected by his creator, he craves the love and attention of a companion or creator like any child would. Victor Frankenstein agrees to make a second monster as a companion for his first monster so that the monster won't be lonely.
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