What does the Dodo bird represent in Alice in Wonderland?

Characters in: Wonderland Ironically, given its stereotype as the stupidest of birds, the Dodo seems to be the brains of the operation, suggesting a "Caucus-race" as the best way to get dry and organizing the awards ceremony at the end. The Dodo is also Lewis Carroll's affectionate self-parody.
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What does the Dodo symbolize in Alice in Wonderland?

Why the Dodo? It is thought that Lewis Carroll chose the particular animal to represent himself because of his stammer, and thus would accidentally introduce himself as "Do-do-dodgson." The Dodo has become a symbol of extinction, ending and conclusion. Some say that it even symbolizes stupidity and ignorance as well.
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What does the dodo bird represent?

The dodo is frequently cited as one of the most well-known examples of human-induced extinction and also serves as a symbol of obsolescence with respect to human technological progress.
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Who does the duck represent in Alice in Wonderland?

Alice is, of course, represented by herself; the Duck is Reverend Duckworth of Trinity College who accompanied them on the journey; the Dodo is Dodgeson himself, a name derived from the effect that his own stuttering had on how he pronounced his own name; the Lory, a kind of Australian parrot is Lorina; the Eaglet is ...
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Was there a dodo bird in Alice in Wonderland?

The Dodo is a fictional character appearing in Chapters 2 and 3 of the 1865 book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson).
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Alice in Wonderland(1951) - The Dodo Bird

What is the weird bird in Alice in Wonderland?

The Cage Bird is one of the curious inhabitants of Tulgey Wood that Alice encounters in the Disney 1951 film. Like all of the other weird Tulgey Wood creatures, he has an unusual part on his body, it being the golden cage he has for a stomach.
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What style of language is the Dodo using in Alice in Wonderland?

The Dodo, Lewis Carroll's own self-parody (a play on the way he would stutter his real name "Do-Do-Dodgson"), likes using flowery language and fancy words, but this really isn't necessary for his audience of child readers.
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Do the characters in Alice in Wonderland represent mental disorders?

zooming at some topics of this novel, we come up to understand that Little Alice suffers from Hallucinations and Personality Disorders, the White Rabbit from General Anxiety Disorder “I'm late”, the Cheshire Cat is schizophrenic, as he disappears and reappears distorting reality around him and subsequently driving ...
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What drugs are referenced in Alice in Wonderland?

Alice drinks potions and eats pieces of mushroom to change her physical state. The caterpillar smokes an elaborate water pipe. The whole atmosphere of the story is so profoundly disjointed from reality - surely drugs must have had an influence? After all this was the era of legal opium use.
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Why was the bird angry with Alice?

The Pigeon accuses Alice of being a serpent, which causes her to doubt not only who she is but also what she is. Estranged from her old self, Alice has trouble defending herself to the Pigeon.
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What is the dodo bird controversy?

The Dodo bird verdict (or Dodo bird conjecture) is a controversial topic in psychotherapy, referring to the claim that all empirically validated psychotherapies, regardless of their specific components, produce equivalent outcomes. It is named after the Dodo character in Alice in Wonderland.
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Why was the dodo bird called disgusting?

The dodo's moniker came from the Portuguese.

The Dutch called it walghvodel, or “disgusting bird,” because of the toughness of its flesh. “The longer and oftener they were cooked, the less soft and more insipid eating they became.
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What's the story with the dodo bird?

The Dodo is a lesson in extinction. Found by Dutch soldiers around 1600 on an island in the Indian Ocean, the Dodo became extinct less than 80 years later because of deforestation, hunting, and destruction of their nests by animals brought to the island by the Dutch. The Dodo may not always have been flightless.
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Why is the Dodo iconic?

'Dead as a dodo'

This everyday phrase highlights how the dodo has become a fixture in popular culture. Since its famous role in Alice in Wonderland, the dodo is seen as a symbol of extinction and obsolescence.
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What is the extinct animal in Alice in Wonderland?

Among the most famous species driven to extinction by humans is the dodo, a bird that primarily lived in the island nation of Mauritius and was popularized by its appearance in Lewis Carroll's book “Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.” Dodos were first mentioned by Dutch sailors in the late 16th century and last seen in ...
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What does the Cheshire Cat represent?

The Cheshire Cat is sometimes interpreted as a guiding spirit for Alice, as it is he who directs her toward the March Hare's house and the mad tea party, which eventually leads her to her final destination, the garden.
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What drug does the Mad Hatter represent?

The “Mad Hatter” character represents Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD), the “Dormouse” represents sleeping pills, and the “King of Hearts” represents heroin.
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Why did Alice have hallucinations?

Currently, there is no known specific cause of Alice in Wonderland Syndrome. However, theories point to infections such as the Epstein-Barr virus, medications such as topiramate and associated migraines.
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What disorder does Mad Hatter have?

The diagnosis the Mad Hatter seems to fit best is Borderline Personality Disorder (301.83). He displays this among Mally and the Hare. He is constantly changing his mood and one minute is harsh to them, and the next minute he thinks they have the greatest idea ever.
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What is the mental illness in the White Rabbit Alice in Wonderland?

What mental illnesses do Alice in Wonderland characters have? Throughout the reading, it becomes known that Little Alice has hallucinations and personality disorders, the White Rabbit suffers from a generalized anxiety disorder, and the Cheshire Cat is schizophrenic.
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What is the real name for Alice in Wonderland syndrome?

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome (AWS), also known as Todd's syndrome or Lilliputian hallucinations, is a condition in which visual perception is altered.
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Who killed the last dodo bird extinct?

No single cause drove the dodo into extinction. Humans hunted the naive birds, of course, but the rats, cats, pigs, and other animals that we brought along with us were just as destructive. The extinction of the dodo was not simply a matter of systematic extermination.
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What species is the Dodo bird an example of?

The bird Dodo is an example of Extinct species.

Extinct species refer to those that have no living individual on Earth now. Extinction of a species can be caused by various natural and man-made reasons.
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What is the dragonfly in Alice in Wonderland?

Its name and form is a pun on a traditional game called Snap-dragon. Its body is made of plum pudding with holly-leaves as wings and its head is a raisin burning in brandy. It makes its nest in a Christmas box, and lives on frumenty and mince pie.
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What animal was Alice chasing before she fell into Wonderland?

The White Rabbit is a fictional and anthropomorphic character in Lewis Carroll's 1865 book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. He appears at the very beginning of the book, in chapter one, wearing a waistcoat, and muttering "Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late!" Alice follows him down the rabbit hole into Wonderland.
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