What does the man in the library tell Nick and Jordan?

Nick and Jordan venture to find their unknown host, and end up in Gatsby's library. There, they encounter a small, somewhat inebriated man wearing glasses like an owl (whom Nick dubs Owl Eyes). This man is astounded by the fact that the books in Gatsby's vast library, while obviously unread, are actually real books.
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What does the man in the library tell Nick and Jordan about Gatsby's books?

Nick meets a "stout, middle-aged man, with enormous owl-eyed spectacles" In Gatsby's library. This man, later known as "Owl Eyes", is amazed that Gatsby's books are "real". Fitzgerald uses Owl Eyes to highlight the tension between appearance and reality in Gatsby's life.
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What surprises the man that the narrator and Jordan meet in the library?

He is stunned that the books in Gatsby's massive library are real. In West Egg, it's common to find that things have been built merely for show, but that they are actually a facade.
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Who does Nick see in the library?

Described as "a stout, middle-aged man with enormous owl-eyed spectacles," Owl Eyes is obsessed with the library in Gatsby's home. At one of Gatsby's parties, Owl Eyes shows Nick around the library, fascinated by the countless number of genuine and impressive books that Gatsby possesses.
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What does the owl eyed man in the library find extraordinary about Gatsby's library?

Answer. Answer: The owl-man sees Gatsby as a fraud, so he would naturally assume everything about him is also fraudulent, which is why he is surprised that the books in Gatsby's library are real, and not cardboard with realistic spines.
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The Great Gatsby (2013) - Jordan Baker Tells Nick The Whole Truth Scene (18/40) | Momentos

What does the man with owl eyed spectacles notice in Gatsby's library?

One of his guests, Owl Eyes, is surprised to find that his books are real and not just empty covers designed to create the appearance of a great library.
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What does the owl eyed man in the library find extraordinary about Gatsby's library quizlet?

What discovery does the owl-eyed man make in Gatsby's library? The owl-eyed man discovered that the books in his library were all real. He was surprised when he said this, therefore he must be used to them not being real.
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Who does Nick meet in Gatsby's library What is the man looking at why?

Before readers are introduced to the more prominent eyes in the novel—those of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg—Nick meets a character he knows only as “Owl Eyes” at the first party he attends at Gatsby's house. Nick comes across a drunk Owl Eyes in the library, in disbelief that all of the books in Gatsby's library are real.
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What happens to the man from the library when he leaves the party?

Gatsby invites him to go out on his hydroplane the next day, and Nick leaves as Gatsby is summoned to a phone call from Philadelphia. He waves goodbye from the steps of his mansion, looking lonely. Outside, the man with the owl-eyed spectacles from the library has crashed his car.
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What is the drunk man that Nick meets in Gatsby's library amazed about seeing?

Jordan leads Nick on a half-hearted search for Jay Gatsby and, on the way, the two come into contact with a very drunk man describes as having huge owl-like spectacles. The man is very interested in the fact that Gatsby's books are real. Jordan Baker was based on the real life golf star Edith Cummings.
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What secret is revealed by Jordan to Nick in this chapter?

What is revealed about Gatsby in Chapter 4? Jordan tells Nick that Gatsby and Daisy had been in love before she married Tom Buchanan. Gatsby wants Nick to get Daisy to come to Nick's house, presumably to continue their interrupted love affair.
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What does Tom reveal to Jordan and Nick on his way into the city?

Nick rides with Jordan and Tom in Gatsby's car, and Gatsby and Daisy ride together in Tom's car. Stopping for gas at Wilson's garage, Nick, Tom, and Jordan learn that Wilson has discovered his wife's infidelity—though not the identity of her lover—and plans to move her to the West.
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What does the vast library in Gatsby's house symbolize about the roaring twenties?

The vastness and "realism" of Gatsby's book collection astounds him. The shallowness of the Roaring Twenties: the vast library of "realism" that Owl Eyes admires is full of books no one reads. The books contain "realism" but are just for show.
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What does the man in the library symbolize in The Great Gatsby?

Owls represent wisdom as well as a symbol for death. This man is a symbol for both within the novel. The man seems to represent the entity of Death or is at least a harbinger or omen for Gatsby's death.
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Was Nick in love with Gatsby?

This is at the very end of the novel. Of the late Gatsby, Tom says, “That fellow had it coming to him. He threw dust in your eyes just like he did in Daisy's….” And that's why it matters that Nick is gay and in love with Gatsby: because Tom's assessment is spot-on, but Nick will never admit it.
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Did Gatsby really love Daisy?

As it is revealed throughout the novel, the sole purpose of his efforts is to gain the affection of his past lover Daisy Buchanan, whom he deserted five years earlier to go to war. Despite Gatsby's “romantic readiness” (2), as narrator Nick Carraway puts it, he subtly shows that his love for Daisy is never genuine.
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Who do Nick and Jordan meet in the library?

This is page 47 when Jordan Baker and Nick Carraway meet Owl Eyes, a drunken party guest who is amazed by Gatsby's library, and by the fact that the books are real, and not cardboard.
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What is Jordan's most incurable flaw?

Final answer: Jordan's most incurable flaw is her dishonesty, which Nick recalls as he reflects on their interactions and his understanding of her character.
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What is the significance of the owl-eyed man's conversation with Nick in the library?

"Owl Eyes" is seen in the library exclaiming that Gatsby was real because the books were filled with stories. He is important because he confirms to the reader that Gatsby is to make his entrance soon. He is also one of the few people who sees Gatsby as a person and not just a myth.
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What happens to Nick and Jordan's relationship?

Sick of the East and its empty values, Nick decides to move back to the Midwest. He breaks off his relationship with Jordan, who suddenly claims that she has become engaged to another man.
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What is the purpose of Nick's last meeting with Jordan?

The purpose of Nick's last meeting with Jordan was to say goodbye and make everything straight before he leaves to go back home.
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What does Jordan declares to Nick that she hates?

Jordan declares to Nick that she "hates careless people." Explain the irony here. The irony is that Jordan is careless herself. This means that in a way she hates herself basically.
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What surprises Owl Eyes and Jordan about Gatsby's library?

Nick and Jordan venture to find their unknown host, and end up in Gatsby's library. There, they encounter a small, somewhat inebriated man wearing glasses like an owl (whom Nick dubs Owl Eyes). This man is astounded by the fact that the books in Gatsby's vast library, while obviously unread, are actually real books.
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What does the owl eyed man in the library find extraordinary about the books in Gatsby's library?

This man, later known as "Owl Eyes", is amazed that Gatsby's books are "real". Fitzgerald uses Owl Eyes to highlight the tension between appearance and reality in Gatsby's life. The books are real but have never been read - they're props. 2.
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Why are owl eyes so fascinated by Gatsby's library?

Scott Fitzgerald, Owl-Eyes is a party guest who attends one of Gatsby's extravagant parties. He is impressed by Gatsby's library because he discovers that the books in the library are real, high-quality books with uncut pages.
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