What gift does Katniss receive and why is it so special?

The people of District 11 show their gratitude for Katniss' kindness by sending her a loaf of bread. This is unique in the Games' history; never before has a district sent a gift to a tribute that was not its own.
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What important gift does Katniss receive and why is it important?

The bow and arrows, meant for her from the beginning, particularly signal her shift from hunted to hunter; she now has a major advantage over the other tributes in the Games. The gift of ointment also restores her faith in Haymitch. She no longer feels alone in the Games.
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What gift does Katniss receive?

The gifts do not come in a protective silver casing in the books. In the book, Katniss receives bread from District 11, sleep serum, burn medicine, soup, and lamb stew. In the movie, she receives burn medicine and soup.
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What gift does Katniss receive and why is it priceless?

what gift does katniss recieve? why is it priceless to her? she receives ointment for her burn that works instantly. it's priceless to her because she realizes how many sponsors it took for her to get it and she appreciates it.
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Why is Katniss so special?

She's able to come up with plans in a crunch, and she's great at thinking on her feet. While Katniss sometimes makes impulsive grand gestures, it's generally when she's trying to protect the people she loves. She's incredibly loyal, but she's slow to trust new people. There is a special significance behind her name.
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What Makes the Hunger Games Series So Special

What was Katniss disability?

Katniss is rendered deaf in one ear after she blows up the Careers' supplies, and she doesn't regain any hearing on her left side until afterwards when the Capitol gives her a hearing aid.
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What is Katniss special skill?

When Haymitch asks what their special skills are, Peeta claims to have none; Katniss says she can hunt, but doesn't know whether she's a good hunter. Then, Peeta begins to talk about how Katniss has incredible hunting abilities and how adept she is with a bow and arrow.
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What important gift does Katniss receive Why is it important Chapter 14?

When she gets back to her sleeping bag, she sees a gift that Haymitch must have gotten from her sponsors and sent during the anthem. It's a burn ointment, and it instantly soothes Katniss's hands and leg. Grateful, she falls asleep.
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What two gifts did Katniss receive in Chapter 3?

The gift of cookies from the baker symbolizes a fondness that he holds for Katniss' family, foreshadowing facts about Peeta's father that Katniss will learn later in the novel. The mockingjay that Madge gives Katniss symbolizes many things.
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What is unusual about the gift Katniss receive in Chapter 18?

The people of District 11 show their gratitude for Katniss' kindness by sending her a loaf of bread. This is unique in the Games' history; never before has a district sent a gift to a tribute that was not its own. This is exactly the kind of interaction that the Capitol fears.
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What gift does Katniss receive in Chapter 19?

He talks about what Katniss should do if he doesn't make it back. She's worried that he might die, and to keep him from speaking of such things, she kisses him. It's her first kiss. She steps outside and a gift falls from the sky, a pot of broth.
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What is unusual about the gift Katniss receives?

What is unusual about the gift Katniss receives? It is the first gift that a tribute received from another district. What is the new rule? Both people from a district can survive and win.
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What's the first gift Katniss receives?

The first gift Katniss receives from a sponsor is burn medicine. She uses it on her leg after having received terrible burns from a raging fire and the arena. The medicine sped up the healing process multifold and allowed Katniss to continue on her journey with ease.
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What gifts did Katniss receive at the end of Chapter 22?

When and how did Peeta fall in love with Katniss? He fell in love with her on the first day of school (when they were 5) when he heard her sing in music class. What was the gift they received at the end of chapter 22? A feast--the lamb stew dinner Katniss raved about in her interview, complete with silverware.
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Why does Katniss not want to cry?

Katniss comes close to crying, something she knows she mustn't do because it would indicate weakness to the other tributes and make her look vulnerable; thankfully, Haymitch distracts the crowd and the cameras by stumbling off stage.
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How did Katniss get the money to pay for Prim's gift?

Because she doesn't want to get other people in trouble by connecting them with her illegal hunting, she says she got the money for the goat by selling her mother's old silver locket, but in reality she and Gale killed a large buck and sold it at the Hob.
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What gift does Katniss receive in Chapter 20?

Then, when she's outside the cave at the stream, a gift parachutes down to her. It's a vial. At first, Katniss thinks it's anti-infection medicine meant to cure Peeta, but she smells and tastes it and recognizes that it's sleep syrup. She understands why Haymitch sent it.
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What gift did Prim leave for Katniss?

Prim has left her a gift of goat cheese from her goat, Lady, wrapped in basil leaves on the table. Katniss makes her way to the Meadow, then through the fence that is meant to keep the people of the impoverished District 12 inside.
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What gift does Peeta give to Katniss?

When Peeta opens one of the oysters, he finds a tiny pearl inside. He gives it to Katniss as a gift. She accepts the gift, noting that it is the last gift she can accept from Peeta. She cannot let him give up his life for her, so this will be the final gift she will enjoy from Peeta.
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What does Peeta's dad say to Katniss?

Page 38 Peeta's father visits Katniss and says, “I'll keep an eye on the little girl. Make sure she's eating.” has been lifted off her shoulder. But I was wondering why he was being nice to the person that is soon going to try and kill his son.
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What surprise does Katniss realize at the end of Chapter 12?

Summary: Chapter 12

Katniss is shocked that Peeta joined the Careers. She sees he is badly bruised and realizes he must have fought at the Cornucopia.
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What kind of injury does Katniss receive and how did she get it?

She outruns the fire but ends up in a section of the arena in which the Gamemakers shoot fireballs at her, and one catches her calf as she runs. She puts the fire out with her hands, leaving them mildly burned and her right calf much more severely injured.
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What are Peeta's weaknesses?

In a normal world, most of Peeta's biggest weaknesses would be seen as positive personality traits. However, because he is forced into constant life-or-death situations, characteristics like his sentimentality become threats to his safety rather than strengths.
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Why doesn t Katniss use a gun?

A gun is a firearm designed to be used by an individual. Guns are never used in the Hunger Games—because they would give the wielder an unfair advantage—but are instead used by Peacekeepers and the Panem military. They are manufactured in District 2, which is also where most Peacekeepers and soldiers come from.
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Why doesn t Haymitch send her water?

She believes she must have sponsors who want to send her some water. It occurs to Katniss that perhaps she's close to finding some, and this is the reason Haymitch is withholding it, but by afternoon, she believes she's reached the end of her abilities.
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