What happened to Cinderella when the clock struck 12?

The clock began to strike twelve. Cinderella ran out of the palace and down the stairs. In her hurry she lost one of her glass slippers. The prince ran after Cinderella, But it was too late.
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What does Cinderella turn into at midnight?

In Cinderella, she's told by her fairy godmother that her magic would wear out at midnight the night of the ball. Sure enough, at midnight her dress turns to rags and her footmen turn into mice. Yet her glass slipper she leaves behind retains its magic and doesn't disappear with the rest.
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Why did Cinderella leave the ball when the clock struck twelve?

The fairy godmother told Cinderella she must leave the ball before midnight. Cinderella went to the ball and danced with the prince all night. When the clock began to strike twelve, Cinderella ran out of the palace. The prince ran after her but he was too late!
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When the clock strikes Cinderella summary?

It tells the story of a silk merchant's daughter, and how she was taught the Black Arts by her mother. After her mother's death the girl continues to perform dark magic in a grand scheme to end the life of the Duke that rules the city.
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What happens to Cinderella at the stroke of midnight?

Basically all the magic/spell disappears at midnight. Her gown/dress turns back into rags. The carriage is back to being a pumpkin. The coachmen and footmen turn back into mice and lizards.
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What Exactly Happens to Cinderella at Midnight? | Disney Princess

What does Cinderella turn into after 12?

"Have a good time, but remember this: you must not stay one minute after midnight. If you do, your coach will become a pumpkin again; your horses, mice; your footmen, lizard; you coachman, a rat. And your beautiful dress will turn into rags."
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What does Cinderella turn into at 12?

Midnight is clearly the time of Cinderella revealing her hidden identity as a servant, but even there there's room to go even deeper, because her true identity is really her father's daughter, and rightful co-heir of his estate.
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What will happen to Cinderella if she Cannot return home before 12 o clock answer?

If Cinderella did not return home by 12 o'clock, the magic would end and her clothes would turn back into rags and all the footmen, coach and horses would turn back into what they were before.
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What time did the clock strike in Cinderella?

The drama, romance and beauty of Disney's Cinderella comes to a head in this classic moment when the clock strikes twelve and the magic fades.
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Why was it important for Cinderella to be home by midnight?

Now Cinderella was ready, she climbed into the coach; but her godmother told her she must be home by midnight because if she stayed at the ball one moment more, her coach would turn back into a pumpkin, her horses to mice, her footmen to lizards and her clothes back into overalls again.
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What does the clock struck 12 mean?

The phrase 'the clock struck' is used to refer to a particular time. The clock struck twelve means the time is either twelve in the afternoon or at night. The clock does not 'beat, hit, shoot or turn' to indicate a particular hour of the day, it strikes.
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Why was Cinderella crying?

One day, it is announced that the prince will hold a royal ball and invites all the ladies of quality in the kingdom. Cinderella wants to attend, but her stepmother makes her stay home to clean the whole house. Cinderella cries as her stepsisters leave, but then is surprised by the appearance of her fairy godmother.
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How does Cinderella a twist in time end?

During the credits, Cinderella allows Anastasia to move into the palace, where she falls in love with the Baker from the previous movie once again. In a mid-credits scene, Drizella and Lady Tremaine are restored to their human forms, but are both dressed in Cinderella's old rags, much to their horror.
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What is the dark origin story of Cinderella?

But do you know what the original story was like? If you thought the story started the same as Disney made it, then you are right! Cinderella's mother dies and then her father marries her evil stepmother, adding her and Cinderella's evil stepsisters to the family. Lucky for Cinderella, her father doesn't die.
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Does Cinderella have a dark story?

But when you peel off the magical veneer, you realize that it was a grim story of child abuse, disguised as a fairy tale. Cinderella was a young girl condemned to a life of drudgery and torment, with the story never addressing her pain and suffering or giving it the gravity it deserved.
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Who kissed Cinderella to wake her up?

In this tale, a princess named Zellandine falls in love with a man named Troylus. Her father sends him to perform tasks to prove himself worthy of her, and while he is gone, Zellandine falls into an enchanted sleep. Troylus finds her and rescues her after waking her up with a kiss.
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What does the fairy godmother say to Cinderella about midnight?

“You look lovely! There is only one rule. You must be home by midnight or the spell will be broken,” said the fairy godmother. Cinderella agreed.
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What warning was given to Cinderella about staying in the palace after midnight?

Her godmother bade her not to stay beyond midnight what ever happened, warning her that if she remained at the hall a moment longer, her coach would again become a pumpkin, her horses mice, and he lackey lizards, while her old clothes would reappear upon her once more.
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Which shoe did Cinderella lose at midnight?

Despite being called glass slippers, they are actually high heels, not slippers. In the animated film, Cinderella loses her left slipper, while in the live-action film, she loses her right slipper.
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How did Cinderella's glass slippers stay if everything was supposed to disappear at 12 00?

This is why the glass slippers stay. Everything else reverts to their original forms at the stroke of midnight, but the glass slippers weren't made from Cinderella's shoes: they were made from pure magic. There was no other form for the glass slippers to revert to, so they remained as they were.
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What does Cinderella's mom tell her before she dies?

These were the last words that Ella's (Cinder-Ella) mother's shared with her before she dies. Although there were times where it was difficult to do so, Ella honored her mother's wishes. She showed us when you live your life with courage and kindness, life will be good to you.
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Why is Cinderella called so?

They called her Cinderella or the cinder-maid, because she sat in the corner with the ashes after finishing her work.
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Why is Cinderella rated 12?

There are suggestive and lewd jokes throughout, including jokes about small penises and references to sex ('engaging in the disgusting practice of making a son'). Several ensemble dance sequences include suggestive choreography. Ella and Prince Robert kiss.
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Is Cinderella Based on a true story?

Forget everything you've ever known about fairy tales: Rhodopis, the first version of Cinderella, actually originated in first century BC/AD (and, is also believed to be loosely based on a real person).
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Is Cinderella older than 18?

For a rundown, the 11 characters of the official Disney Princess franchise are Snow White (age 14), Jasmine (15), Ariel (16), Aurora (16), Mulan (16), Merida (16), Belle (17), Pocahontas (18), Rapunzel (18), Cinderella (19) and Tiana (19).
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