What happened to Voldemort's body after he killed Harry's parents?

He didn't die. He merely lost his original body. This is because Lily Potter sacrificed herself to save her young son Harry, which ended up causing him to have protection from an attack from Voldemort by the power of love. His horcruxes kept him alive, but only as a fractured soul without a body.
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What happened to Voldemort's original body?

Behind the scenes. The book depicts Voldemort's body as being intact after his death. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Voldemort's body is depicted as disintegrating, omitting the chamber's mention and purpose completely.
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Was Voldemort deformed when he killed Harry's parents?

How did Voldemort look when he killed Harry's parents? - Quora. He had been a handsome, dark-haired youth but now he was in his mid 50s and his face had been melted and distorted by his use of dangerous magic.
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Why did Voldemort's body disintegrate?

By having Voldemort essentially disintegrate before everyone's eyes, he is reaffirmed as a magical being who is beyond death. There is no longer a physical body left to remind everyone that he is mortal after all.
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Where did Voldemort's soul go?

In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, the fragmented portion of Voldemort's soul that Harry sees in Limbo is the same in appearance to the rudimentary body that Voldemort inhabited four years prior.
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Why Did Voldemort HAVE to Kill the Potters? - Harry Potter Explained

Where is Voldemort's daughter?

After the deaths of her parents, Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange, Delphini is raised by Euphemia Rowle, who was not fond of her and allegedly only took her because she was offered a substantial amount of gold.
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How many times was Voldemort's soul split?

That being said however, Voldemort was able to split his soul into eight fragments without noticing any ill effects despite thinking at the time that his primary soul fragment was a sixth of a soul, not a seventh.
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What was Voldemort's baby form?

Pettigrew mixed up a potion for Voldemort using unicorn blood and the venom of Nagini. With this potion, they were able to create a new body for Lord Voldemort to finally return to. However, this body was not what Voldemort needed to return to his fearful leadership form. Instead, it was that of a scaly, hairless baby.
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Who actually killed Voldemort?

For the second time in Voldemort's life, the unforgivable curse rebounded on him, as the Elder Wand wouldn't kill its master. Since Harry and his friends had already destroyed all of Voldemort's Horcruxes, this finally ended Lord Voldemort's life, with Harry finally defeating the Dark Lord.
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Did Voldemort know Harry was a horcrux?

On his quest to reach immortality, Lord Voldemort created horcruxes, but he didn't know he accidentally created a seventh: Harry Potter. In 1997, readers were introduced to the Wizarding World in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, the first novel in what would become a series of seven books.
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Why did Tom Riddle turn evil?

With no one to claim him as their own, Tom lived in a Muggle-run orphanage where he felt abandoned and unloved. He slowly realized he was different from others and became obsessed with his powers, believing he was unique and elite.
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Why is there a baby Voldemort when Harry dies?

Hence, it could be that Voldemort's soul cannot "board a train" and leave the King's Cross purgatory as Harry could. This would mean that baby Voldemort was the combined soul fragments from the destroyed Horcruxes unable to move forward.
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Why did Voldemort choose Harry over Neville?

Voldemort made some crucial choices upon hearing the prophecy, and these choices were his own undoing. Voldemort's own narcissism caused him to choose Harry as he was half-blood like Voldemort, and this meant he viewed him as his equal. Also, Voldemort's first choice to follow the prophecy was the cause of his undoing.
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What happened to Voldemort's followers after he died?

After Voldemort's downfall on the fateful night of Halloween in 1981, many Death Eaters are captured, but Lucius avoids being imprisoned by claiming that he was under the Imperius Curse throughout the war. He manages to retain his position among the social elite, but still remains a power-hungry bigot.
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Why did Voldemort come back deformed?

Why Did Voldemort's Appearance Change? Tom's journey to immortality continued as he sought the horcruxes to spread his everlasting soul across the world. As a result, his soul was continually breaking, but so was the body that it once inhabited.
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Why did Voldemort's nose disappear?

The prevailing theory has been that Voldemort gradually lost his nose (and humanity) throughout his life due to his exclusive use of Dark Magic. The more Dark Magic he tapped into, the less human he became both figuratively and literally. This was only amplified as he split his soul to create the Horcruxes.
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Who killed Neville Longbottom?

Due to his humiliation in the Triwizard Tournament, Cedric eventually becomes a Death Eater and kills Neville Longbottom. Due to Neville's death, the final Horcrux Nagini was never destroyed, and as a result Voldemort is never defeated, kills Harry and takes over the Wizarding World.
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Who kills Bellatrix?

During the final battle, Bellatrix was the last Death Eater standing. She was eventually killed in a duel by Molly Weasley after her attempted murder of Ginny Weasley. Before her death, Bellatrix secretly gave birth to an illegitimate daughter named Delphini, whom she conceived with her beloved master, Lord Voldemort.
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What finally kills Voldemort?

During his final confrontation with Voldemort, Harry knew that he (Harry) was the Elder Wand's true master. He again cast Expelliarmus, ejecting the wand from Voldemort's hand into his own as the Killing Curse rebounded off his body, fatally striking Voldemort.
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Did Voldemort get Bellatrix pregnant?

In the play "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child," which has become part of "Harry Potter" canon, it was revealed that Bellatrix conceived a child with none other than Lord Voldemort.
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Who raises Voldemort's daughter?

As Bellatrix and Voldemort were both killed in the Battle and Bellatrix's husband Rodolphus was imprisoned at Azkaban, Delphi was raised by Euphemia Rowle, a Death Eater. However, the life at Euphemia's was miserable for Delphi as Rowle did not really care for her and only took her in because she was paid for it.
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Who is Voldemort's wife and child?

In Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, it is revealed that Bellatrix gave birth to Voldemort's daughter Delphi in Malfoy Manor before the Battle of Hogwarts.
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Did Hermione know Harry was a Horcrux?

IT was when Harry and Hermione were on their own without Ron, and were hunting for the Horcruxes, its when Harry used to wake up with terrible headaches in themiddles of the night screaming sometimes. Hermione's research into Horcruxes at that time concluded Harry was Voldermot's Horcrux.
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Why is Snape the half-blood prince?

Family. Snape's family background is mostly shown in flashbacks during the course of the last three novels. Snape was born to Eileen Prince, a witch, and Tobias Snape, a Muggle, making him a half-blood (hence the name, "Half-Blood Prince").
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Who was Voldemort's most loyal death Eater?

The "most faithful servant" is Barty Crouch Jr., who has already been in place at Hogwarts working for Voldemort. The three dead include Evan Rosier, Wilkes, and Regulus Black.
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