What happens when Loki cut Sif's hair?

According to legend, Loki, the mischievous trickster fire god, cut off Sif's hair while she slept (in one version, he burns it off). Thor was so angry that he forced Loki to replace Sif's hair with a wig, crafted by the dwarfs and made of the finest strands of gold.
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What was Loki's punishment for cutting Sif's hair?

The Prose Edda recounts that Sif once had her hair shorn by Loki, and that Thor forced Loki to have a golden headpiece made for Sif, resulting in not only Sif's golden tresses but also five other objects for other gods.
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Why does Loki cut Sif's hair?

Loki, in his role as a trickster, lived to introduce chaos where there was order, doubt where there was none, and humility where there was pride. In Loki's mind, the pride over Sif's hair warranted a lesson in humility. While Sif slept one night, Loki stole into her chambers and cut all of her hair from her head.
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What happened when Loki put the gold crown on SIFS head?

Then he ascended to Asgard and the Heavens and went to find Sif. “Take your veil off, Sif” he said “for you will have golden hair again”. And he wrapped the Cap around Sif's head where it fitted perfectly. Sif was so overjoyed with her new hair that she twirled around, her long locks flowing behind her.
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How does Loki trick the dwarves into fixing Sif's hair?

In his rage, Þór demanded that Loki replace the hair, or else he would break every bone in Loki's body. Loki traveled to Níðavellir, the land of the dwarves, where he found the two dwarf sons of Ivaldi. They agreed to fabricate hair from gold, as fine as Sif's own hair, and with the magical ability to grow on her head.
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Loki Cuts Goddess Sif's Hair (The gifts of the gods Part 1/2) Norse Mythology

Why is Sif mad at Loki?

In an act of jealousy, Thor's adoptive brother Loki cut Sif's golden hair while she slept, but replaced it fearing retribution with new locks made by dwarves Eitri and Brokk. But Loki reneged on their payment so the dwarves caused the hair to turn black when placed on her head.
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Why did Sif punch Loki?

Loki's Mischief

Furious, Sif had then immediately confronted Loki and punched him in the face, before kicking him in the groin, while calling him a pathetic worm, although Loki remained unfazed and chose to forget about this prank by taking a bath and a glass of wine.
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Does Loki love Sif?

Did Sif and Loki date? There is no evidence in the Poetic or Prose Eddas that the two were ever a couple. However, in the Lokasenna we see this exchange in which Loki tells the gods that he had carnal relations with Sif, and Sif does not refute the point.
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What happens if Loki wears the mask?

What would happen if MCU Loki put on the Mask of Loki? Well he would definitely become more powerful because in The Mask movies Loki created The Mask himself to spread his mischief on earth. plus he would look just like Alan Cumming's version from Son of The Mask if Loki from the MCU wore The Mask.
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Who is Sif Thor's wife?

in Norse mythology, the wife of the thunder god, Thor. Sif was a giantess, goddess of grain and fertility, and one of the Asynjur. She was the mother of Ull, god of archery, skiing, and single combat.
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Why does Loki have scarred lips?

After a discussion on the matter, while parts of Loki clearly belonged to the head or the neck, neither side could agree exactly where one ended and the other began. Loki therefore kept his head indefinitely, afterwards his lips were stitched shut by Brokkr as punishment for using tricky wordplay.
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Why was Loki a girl?

Two years after Ragnarök, Thor looks for the reincarnated Asgardians in a small town in Oklahoma where Asgard has been reborn. Unexpectedly, he finds his brother, but this time Loki isn't male. The Trickster God has stolen the body intended for Lady Sif. And like that, Lady Loki was born.
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What did Sif's unhappiness or loss of her hair represent?

Copies of Mjollnir were worn as jewellery to keep people safe and to bring good luck. Sif was famous for her pure gold, flowing hair. Sif's unhappiness at the loss of her hair represented the darkness of the winter season.
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Did Thor cheat on Sif?

At some point in her life, Sif met Thor, falling in love with him and later getting married. Sometime during their marriage, Thor in an act of infidelity, cheated on his wife Sif with the Jötunn, Járnsaxa. Through Járnsaxa, Sif became the stepmother to Thor's eldest son, Magni.
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What is Loki's final punishment?

Loki was bound to a rock (by the entrails of one or more of his sons, according to some sources) as punishment, thus in many ways resembling the Greek figures Prometheus and Tantalus. Also like Prometheus, Loki is considered a god of fire.
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Who was Thor's first wife?

Thor was married twice: first to Iarnsaxa and second to Sif. He had 3 sons and 1 daughter from these 2 marriages. He did not kill any of his family.
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Why does Loki never turn blue again?

This means that Odin must have used a formal spell on Loki, which did not require constant magical upkeep. The spell was permanent, making it so Loki only reverted to having blue skin when touching a Frost Giant or one of their artifacts.
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Who is Atreus' real father?

Pelops then entered Pisa, became its king and named the land "Peloponnesus", meaning "island of Pelops". He fathered several sons, including Thyestes, the father of Aegisthus, and Atreus, the father of Menelaus and Agamemnon.
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Why did Loki turn evil?

This perceived weakness that causes Loki's villainy stems from his childhood and the reveal of his heritage that made Loki assume Odin did not love him. This was disproven in Thor: Ragnarok when Loki finally accepted he was Odin's son and turned the corner into an MCU hero.
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Does Thor love Jane or Sif?

Sif the warrior even tried to compromise and live a mortal life, for a time. She quickly got bored, though, and grew frustrated that Thor had only affections for Jane Foster. Sif does love Thor, but their attempts at relationship are always frustrated by the interruptions of another woman, be it Jane or Amora.
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Who will Loki marry?

Loki is married to Sigyn and they have two sons, Narfi or Nari and Váli. By the jötunn Angrboða, Loki is the father of Hel, the wolf Fenrir, and the world serpent Jörmungandr.
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Who did Loki love the most?

In the films, his most prominent relationships are with his family, notably his adoptive brother Thor (see: Thorki) and his adoptive mother, Queen Frigga. In his TV series, Loki and a female version of himself called Sylvie fall in love (see: Sylki) and their relationship becomes a prominent point of the show.
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What did Sif say to Loki?

In the scene, Sif calls Loki a "conniving, craven, pathetic worm," adding, "You deserve to be alone and you always will be." After going through the time loop repeatedly, Loki admits how much the moment affects him.
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Why did Hulk smash Loki?

When he reaches Loki, the trickster god reacts by telling the Hulk that he's beneath him and that he is a God, calling his muscled opponent a "dull creature." As Loki tells the Avenger brute that he won't be bullied by him, Hulk grabs him by the leg and viciously smashes him against the ground multiple times.
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Why does Sif hate Loki?

Throughout Thor, and no matter what Loki did, Sif immediately suspected he was up to no good, while Thor and the Warriors Three were more permissive and tolerant, arguing that he was a prankster but not malicious.
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