What injury does Katniss sustain at the feast?

A second knife slices Katniss across the forehead, and as the blood runs down her face, Clove knocks Katniss to the ground, pinning her. Clove talks about how she's going to enjoy killing her, just like they killed her ally, Rue.
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How is Katniss injured at the feast?

Wishing she had done the same, Katniss sprints to the table, and just as she gets to her backpack, a knife clips her forehead, spilling blood down her face. Clove, the girl tribute from District 2, slams into her, knocking her down.
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What injuries does Katniss sustain?

She outruns the fire but ends up in a section of the arena in which the Gamemakers shoot fireballs at her, and one catches her calf as she runs. She puts the fire out with her hands, leaving them mildly burned and her right calf much more severely injured.
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What injury does Katniss get in Chapter 17?

The explosions knock the wind out of Katniss and cause her to lose hearing in both of her ears. She knows that the Careers will be coming back to see what's become of their camp, but she can't stand.
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What injury does Katniss suffer Why does she find this ironic?

What is ironic about Katniss's injury? A fireball hit her calf and burned it, ironic is that she is known as "the girl on fire".
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Katniss Finds an Injured Peeta | The Hunger Games

What injury does Katniss get in Chapter 21?

She takes off, hears a knife approaching from her right, and knocks it away with her bow. She turns and hits Clove with an arrow in the arm. A second knife slices Katniss across the forehead, and as the blood runs down her face, Clove knocks Katniss to the ground, pinning her.
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What are the injuries in Chapter 11 of Katniss?

Summary and Analysis Part 2: Chapter 11

Instead, she climbs a tree and jumps down over the fence. She injures her heel and tailbone, and she has to hide her limp as she walks home. She arrives home and is surprised to see two Peacekeepers waiting to speak with her.
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What injury does Katniss sustain after blowing up the career tributes food supply of the following?

Katniss' injury is a burn injury on her calf which is ironic because she was the girl on fire at the beginning of the Games. The tributes are below her but they can't get to her because she is too high in the tree so she teases them.
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Why does Katniss feel torn in at the end?

Moreover, Katniss still feels torn between her interest in Peeta and her interest in Gale. She feels more comfortable with Gale than she does with anyone else, and as she returns home to District 12, she wonders whether her relationship with Gale could turn from friendship to romance.
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Who injured Katniss with a knife?

Clove starts to cut Katniss's mouth with one of her many knives, when all of a sudden Thresh appears and attacks Clove. He apparently heard her mention killing Rue, and he's back for revenge. He bludgeons Clove in the skull with a rock.
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Is Katniss a real name?

Katniss is a girl's name of Greek origin. It means "aquatic plant," which is fitting for your little water baby, who's bound to bloom and blossom like a beautiful plant.
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Did Katniss go deaf?

Katniss is rendered deaf in one ear after she blows up the Careers' supplies, and she doesn't regain any hearing on her left side until afterwards when the Capitol gives her a hearing aid.
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Who is screaming Katniss's name at the end of Chapter 17?

Katniss follows the birds, when is hears Rue cry out and scream her name. She finds Rue tangled in a net, and before she could reach her a spear pierces her body…. Chapter 18 Summary: Katniss kills the boy from district 1 before he can even blink.
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Who saves Katniss life at the feast?

An announcer informs the tributes that something they each need at a 'feast' (for D12 – Peeta's remedy). Katniss risks her life to get it for Peeta. She is almost killed by a girl from D3, but is rescued by Thresh – Rue's fellow District 11 tribute. 'Just this one time, I let you go.
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Who kills clove?

Clove figures among the favorites to win the games eventually won by Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) and Peeta Mellark (Josh Hutcherson), though the 15-year-old knife-thrower meets a grisly end at the hands of District 11's Thresh (Dayo Okeniyi) in a sequence that is both longer and more meaningful in the book.
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What does Katniss take with her to the feast?

Katniss decides to take her bow and arrows as well as the knife, since Peeta isn't in any condition to use a knife anyway. If Katniss doesn't return, Peeta won't live either. The remaining contestants now are Cato and Clove from District 2, Thresh from District 11, and Foxface from District 5.
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Why can't Katniss cry?

Katniss comes close to crying, something she knows she mustn't do because it would indicate weakness to the other tributes and make her look vulnerable; thankfully, Haymitch distracts the crowd and the cameras by stumbling off stage.
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Why doesn t Katniss cry?

When Peeta talks about how he hopes someone else will kill Thresh, Katniss starts to cry because she doesn't want anyone else to die, which is unacceptable from a tribute in the Hunger Games. Instead, she disguises her tears as homesickness.
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Is Gale jealous of Peeta and Katniss?

Gale is jealous of Peeta and the relationship he has with Katniss, and he wants Katniss to decide between them, though he doesn't press Katniss during her recovery in District 13. Gale is an excellent hunter and excels at setting snares and traps.
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What injury does Katniss suffer in the explosion she set off to destroy the careers supplies responses?

What injury does Katniss suffer in the explosion she set off to destroy the Careers supplies? Damage to her ear.
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Why did Haymitch not give Katniss water?

She believes she must have sponsors who want to send her some water. It occurs to Katniss that perhaps she's close to finding some, and this is the reason Haymitch is withholding it, but by afternoon, she believes she's reached the end of her abilities.
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What does Katniss do to Rue's body?

It is also Rue's death that makes Katniss want to shame the Capitol. She does so by adorning Rue's body with flowers, by showing this girl from another district her love, simultaneously telling the Capitol, and everybody watching, that the tributes aren't just pieces in the Games.
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How does Katniss get a knife?

She runs a bit of the way in and grabs a piece of plastic and some bread and fights with a boy over an orange pack. The boy is hit with a knife and dies, and Katniss takes off running. She lifts the pack behind her, protecting her head, and feels a knife embed itself there. Now she has a weapon.
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Why does Katniss cry?

Katniss spends the rest of the day crying on her bed. She believes that the Gamemakers will punish her for what she's done, that they'll make her an Avox and cut out her tongue. She imagines all of the possible scenarios, but is most fearful that the Capitol people will go after Prim and her mother.
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What did Katniss get stung by?

Tracker jacker venom causes visual, auditory, olfactory, and tactile hallucinations. After being stung three times, Katniss Everdeen experienced a number of false sensations. She believed a "foul-smelling green liquid" was oozing from her stings, and that the same substance exploded from Glimmer's.
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