What is the blue alcohol in Star Trek?

Romulan Ale Vodka A hint of corn sweetness with the higher notes from a plump smell of good wheat grain. Our Romulan Ale Vodka has a fantastic electric blue appearance. On swirling, it leaves a phenomenal blue coat on the inside of the glass with long thin legs.
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What is the blue drink on Star Trek?

The legendary blue drink from Star Trek lore!
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What alcohol did they drink on Star Trek?

Saurian Brandy

The intergalactic version of Thunderbird. Enjoyed by Captain Kirk, and sometimes the crew when he wasn't hogging it all.
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Why is the Romulan Ale illegal?

Why Romulan Ale Is Illegal. Romulan ale is illegal in the Federation because of the fraught political situation with the Romulan Star Empire. Following the end of the Earth-Romulan war, a trade embargo was in place alongside the rules on cloaking devices.
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What is the point of synthehol?

On the TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation," the characters enjoy all the buzz of drinking alcohol without the nasty hangovers and other negative effects, thanks to a fictional creation called "synthehol." A similar alcohol alternative could soon become a reality.
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What does Romulan Ale taste Like? (Star Trek Spirits)

Is synthehol intoxicating?

Synthehol does have intoxicating effects, but according to no less an authority than Data, the “intoxicating effects can be easily dismissed". So basically, synthehol is meant to be all the good parts of real alcohol without any of the bad. So no hangovers, no nausea, minimal loss of faculties, etc.
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Can you get drunk from synthohol?

It's likely, then, that synthehol does actually contain booze, but that it has no effect on the drinker. This was proven true when Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan), a former Borg, found that her Borg implants prevented synthehol from being broken down in her system.
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Why can't Vulcans eat chocolate?

Vulcans are mostly Vegetarians and supposedly didn't drink alcohol though they were often seen doing so. Vulcans are not supposed to eat chocolate. The way Sucrose in chocolate is broken down by Vulcan metabolism has the same effect as humans metabolizing Alcohol, the Vulcan may become inebriated (Drunk).
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Can Vulcans drink alcohol?

A little digging shows that Vulcans are absolutely prissy when it comes to food and drink. First of all, alcohol reportedly has no effect on them (even though they do produce spirits on the planet Vulcan).
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Is a Vulcan stronger than a Klingon?

While Klingons are normally shown to be the strongest of all species within the Star Trek franchise, they are surprisingly weak when compared to the Vulcans. This is another perfect example of how Star Trek subverts expectations, hoping time and time again that raw power is not what gives a person power.
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What was Captain Kirk's favorite drink?

Whether it be Saurian Brandy or the dreaded Romulan Ale, Captain Kirk prefers drinks that would scandalize his fellow officers and put him at odds with Federation rules. Given Kirk's status as the pioneer of “cowboy diplomacy,” his preference for illegal beverages makes sense.
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What is the BORG drink in Star Trek?

The Origin of Borg Drink

Regarding the origin of the term, there is no definable connection to the “Star Trek” franchise, despite the name. As stated, the term “borg” is short for “blackout rage gallon.” Some people do, however, cosplay while drinking borg drinks.
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What does Worf drink in Star Trek?

Do you know what Worf's favorite drink from Star Trek is? Prune Juice. In a handful of TNG episodes, the exact names escape me, Worf was drawn to Prune Juice, calling it “a warriors drink” when he first tried it at Guinans suggestion.
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What is the BORG College drink?

Borg is an acronym for "blackout rage gallon," a gallon jug filled with a mix of alcohol (often vodka) and flavored water. Students are using pop culture puns to name the jugs and TikToking their use of borgs at parties. BestColleges spoke with Dr.
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What alcohol do they drink in Star Trek?

10 - Saurian Brandy

A standard social refreshment about starships, Saurian Brandy works as both a diplomatic aperitif as well as when a crewman is looking to get sloshed.
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What is in romulan ale?

Per the Star Trek Cookbook, the Romulan ale shown on the shows was actually Glacier Freeze Gatorade mixed with seltzer.
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Do female Vulcans have Pon Farr?

Every seven years, Vulcan males and females experience an overpowering hormone imbalance known as pon farr. Once triggered, a Vulcan must have sexual intercourse with someone or the chemical imbalance may cause insanity, loss of self-control, and death.
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Why do Vulcans not eat meat?

The majority of characters still eat and enjoy animal protein, with one societal exception: the Vulcans. The first, more obvious reasons behind not eating meat, is that the Vulcans have a profound respect for all living creatures, and eating them would go against everything they stood for in this respect.
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How do Vulcans kiss?

Vulcan finger-touching was a ritualistic gesture among Vulcans involving the index and middle fingers. It was used throughout their culture, including in public as a greeting or to signify affection, intimacy, respect, or meditation. It was also used at reunions, at wedding ceremonies, and during the pon farr.
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What is the green stuff Romulans spit?

The headgear comes off one of the dead goons and Picard sees that they are Romulans. Unfortunately, one of the wounded Romulans spits some weird, green "Alien"-acid-for-blood stuff that hits Dahj and the disruptor rifle she's holding, causing it to overload and explode. (Who knew Romulan stomach acid was so dangerous?)
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What is the lifespan of a Vulcan?

Lifespan. The Vulcan lifespan is longer than that of humans. Vulcans have been known to live over 200 years, though there has been cases where 250 or 300 can occur. After reaching adulthood, the aging process of Vulcans slowed a great deal.
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Are Romulans just Vulcans?

In fact, Romulans share a common ancestry with Vulcans and are considered an offshoot of the same species. They have pointed ears and arched eyebrows, and possess great strength, intelligence, and longevity. The Romulans diverged from their Vulcan counterparts centuries ago due to ideological differences.
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What is synthol in Star Trek?

Synthehol is a science-fictional substitute for alcohol that appears on the Star Trek:The Next Generation television series. It allows drinkers to experience all of the enjoyable, intoxicating effects of alcohol without unpleasant side-effects like hangovers.
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Does Starfleet allow alcohol?

Star Trek has introduced all sorts of impressive, fantastical technologies including synthehol, a specially-fabricated alcohol substitute. Throughout Star Trek, synthehol allows Starfleet officers to drink and even catch a buzz without becoming permanently impaired.
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What are the side effects of boozing?

Feeling ill: Alcohol triggers the immune system to release chemicals that cause loss of appetite, and problems with concentration and memory. Nausea, vomiting and aching tummy: Alcohol irritates the lining of the stomach and increases the amount of acid in it.
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