What was wrong with Vader's suit?

The suit was finally irreparably broken in 4 ABY, when Vader absorbed Darth Sidious' powerful Force lightning in his face aboard the second Death Star to save his son, Luke Skywalker, from certain death. After Vader's death, Luke ceremonially cremated his father along with the armor on the forest moon of Endor.
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Why was Darth Vader's suit bad?

It's clunky and bulky which inhibits his ability to move swiftly, the helmet he uses dilutes his vision and the suit itself causes him constany pain (which may help his connection to the dark side).
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Why did Palpatine make Vader's suit painful?

This served to do 2 things. One, it kept Vader in a constant state of pain, which fueled his anger and made him stronger, and 2 it served as a persistent reminder of his failure.
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Why is Vader's suit weak to lightning?

Could be any number of reasons ranging from faulty surge protection anodes, to Starkiller and Palpatine having vastly different current frequencies and voltages in their force lightening.
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Why didn't Darth Vader get a better suit?

well there are many answers, but the 2 most important ones. Vader probably wouldn't have survived the process. and also in upgrading his armor, Darth Sidious would have saw this as a threat rat. and he would have acted accordingly.
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Why Darth Vader's Suit Was Designed to Cause Him Pain - Star Wars Explained

Why can Vader survive without his suit?

The high pressure and hyper-oxygen supplied while the private chamber was closed around him gave Vader a chance to safely live without his armor.
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Would Darth Vader be stronger without the suit?

While Vader and his suit will always be iconic, it's clear that Anakin's Darth Vader would have been much stronger without it. His fights with Ahsoka in Ahsoka episode 5 prove that, as even she is clearly terrified of her own master.
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Why did Palpatine hate Vader's lightsaber?

Palpatine Always Hated Lightsabers

He believed that the Jedi's lightsabers, created as the order's primary weapon, clouded their vision and blinded them to the fact that everything around them is a weapon through the Force, and that the Jedi put too much stock in lightsabers.
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Why is Darth Vader's lightsaber so powerful?

The weapon featured a black-ridged handgrip, black power cell chamber, beveled emitter shroud, two dual-phase focusing crystals, high-output diatium power cell, and customary power and length adjustment knobs. Darth Vader was constantly fine-tuning and upgrading his lightsaber for maximum blade power and stability.
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Was Vader's suit intentionally painful?

Sidious created the suit to keep his apprentice alive, but he also intended to ensure Vader remained loyal to him. Acting primarily as a life support system, Vader's suit keeps him alive, but Sidious ensured it also kept him in pain. Vader constantly experiences excruciating pain due to the suit's design.
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What if Vader never had the suit?

If he hadn't been placed in his new armour and had been left on Mustafar by the Emperor who was disappointed with his failure to kill Obi-wan then he would have died. If he had won the battle then his force powers would only grow and it is estimated that he would be about twice as powerful as Palpatine.
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What happens if Darth Vader takes off his helmet?

Darth Vader Would Suffocate Without His Mask

Above all, Darth Vader's mask enables him to breathe through a series of devices. If he took his mask off, Vader would rapidly suffocate and die. Additionally, all its other enhancements would fail, compromising many if not all his primary senses.
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Is KYLO stronger than Vader?

Darth Vader and Kylo Ren are powerful villains in Star Wars, but Vader's control and training give him the edge over Kylo Ren. Kylo Ren may have raw Force power, but Vader's mastery of the Force and lightsaber skills make him the more formidable opponent.
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What does Vader hate?

For years, Vader has loathed Obi-Wan Kenobi, and he makes no secret of his blazing hatred for his Sith master Darth Sidious.
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What made Vader weak?

Age, his suit and his de-limbing lower his strength, but obviously his pain, anger and hate connect him to the dark side and make him more powerful. It's hard to quantify his power at the end without those dark side variables.
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Why was Vader's suit so bad?

Darth Vader's suit includes a layer of artificial skin that constantly itches to the point that it drives him insane and makes it difficult to sleep. To deal with the unbearable itch, he has to have it scrubbed by droids frequently.
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How did Kylo Ren find Vader's helmet?

Kylo Ren's obsession with Vader is clear, but Star Wars never explained how he acquired the helmet. It is speculated that he may have found it himself on Endor, or it could have been passed down to him by Supreme Leader Snoke.
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