What is the fire spell Hermione?

Hermione's de facto signature spell is 'Bluebell Flames', also known as 'Cold Flames'. The incantation is unknown but is at least 2 words long. Hermione uses it 4 times: Once to set Snape's robe on fire in the Slytherin-Gryffindor Quidditch Match in their 1st Year.
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What is Hermione's signature spell?

Hermione's bluebell flames

Hermione's magical talents meant she was good at every spell, right from the beginning – Wingardium Leviosa, anyone? But the bluebell flames she once used against Snape became one of her trademarks, and it's also one of our favourites.
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What spell does Hermione use to set Snape's cloak on fire?

Hermione's bluebell flames

Hermione first uses it against Snape when she and Ron think he is cursing Harry's broom in his first Quidditch match. Her bright blue flames set Snape's robes alight, before Hermione scoops them up and puts them into a jar.
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What was the purple flame spell that hit Hermione?

This curse (incantation unknown) was used by the Death Eater Antonin Dolohov during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries in 1996. The curse was cast using "a sudden slashing movement with the wand," causing a streak of purple flame to strike the target.
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What is Hermione's main spell?

The spell that Hermione uses most is either Alohamora or Reparo. But I think her favorite spell would have been the bluebell flames spell that she uses multiple times. These flames can survive water and are used inside the toilet bowl when they are brewing Polyjuice.
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All Hermione Granger's Spells and Charms

What is Hermione's blue fire spell?

Hermione's de facto signature spell is 'Bluebell Flames', also known as 'Cold Flames'. The incantation is unknown but is at least 2 words long. Hermione uses it 4 times: Once to set Snape's robe on fire in the Slytherin-Gryffindor Quidditch Match in their 1st Year.
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What is Hermione's strongest spell?

  1. 1 Expecto Patronum - The Patronus Charm. Harry Taught Hermione How To Summon A Patronus During Their DA Sessions. ...
  2. 2 A Jinx Placed On The List Of Dumbledore's Army Members. Any Traitors Would Have The Word SNEAK On Their Forehead In Spots. ...
  3. 3 Protean Charm. ...
  4. 4 Confringo - The Blasting Curse. ...
  5. 5 Obliviate - The Memory Charm.
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What spell did Draco use on Hermione?

The spell used was Densaugeo. It is a hex which causes the teeth to elongate at a grotesque, alarming rate.
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What is the fire spell in Snape?

The Incendio spell can be deadly in the right hands, capable of setting things on fire but also controlled tactically for various purposes.
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What is Hermione's curse?

Hermione placed it on a piece of parchment signed by all D.A. members so that if any of them betrayed the group, boils would form on his or her face across the cheeks and nose, forming the word "SNEAK".
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What is Ginny's signature spell?

Ginevra Weasley was well-known for her ability to cast a particularly potent Bat-Bogey Hex, which could be considered her signature spell as she used it several times on people who annoyed her and was referred as "an accomplished caster" of the spell.
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What is Snape's Favourite spell?

Sectumsempra is a curse invented by Professor Severus Snape, during his childhood, when he was known as "The Half-Blood Prince". He created it with the intention of using it against his enemies, and it soon became one of his specialties.
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What spell did Snape use against McGonagall?

Snape questioned McGonagall as to why she was patrolling the corridors at that hour, and then discreetly used Legilimency on the Professor. As he asked McGonagall if she had seen Harry Potter, McGonagall quickly slashed her wand through the air, but Snape cast a Shield Charm that threw McGonagall off balance.
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What is Bellatrix signature spell?

Her signature spell was the Cruciatus Curse, which she used with such proficiency that her victims would often pass out or lose their sanity from prolonged exposure. Bellatrix's knowledge of powerful spells was so vast that she confidently boasted to Harry Potter about her superior magical abilities.
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What is Hermione's secret?

Hermione explains that the hourglass is a Time-Turner; she has been using it all year to get to all her classes. Professor McGonagall instructed her to tell no one about it.
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What is Ron's favorite spell?

9 Ron Weasley: Stupefy / Wingardium Leviosa

When in combat, Ron's go-to, and probably favorite, spell would have to be Stupefy. This spell is meant to stun your opponent.
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What fire spell did McGonagall use?

It is possible that this spell in the film is simply the Fire-Making Spell, or one of its variants, like the Incendio Duo Spell or Incendio Tria.
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What spell healed Draco?

Vulnera Sanentur was the song-like incantation of a healing spell which was used to heal deep wounds, which could also be used as the counter-curse for the curse Sectumsempra.
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What was Dumbledore's fire spell?

Firestorm. Firestorm was a spell that created a large ring of fire around the caster's wand. This spell is one of the last and most powerful spells that Albus Dumbledore cast using the elder wand before his death.
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What spell did Ron use on Draco?

Instead he gave an almightly belch and several slugs dribbled out of his mouth on to his lap. Ron curses himself. The Slug-Vomiting Charm (Slugulus Eructo) is a charm that causes the victim to burp up slugs and slime for approximately ten minutes; they may also take on a sallow complexion as a side-effect.
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What spell did Bellatrix use on Hermione?

After being on the run from a bunch of Snatchers, Harry, Ron and Hermione were taken to Malfoy Manor, where Bellatrix proceeded to torture Hermione using the Cruciatus Curse.
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What did Draco always call Hermione?

Malfoy called Hermione a "Mudblood" in 1992; this was the first time Harry Potter ever heard the term. Malfoy also called her a Mudblood, and used the term more generally, on many other occasions.
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Can Hermione do wandless magic?

In half blood prince:Gryffindor quidditch team selections, when it was Cormac's turn Hermoine casted the confundus charm and he missed his last save. We don't know about how she casts the spell in the book but in the movie it's shown that she just whispers "confundus" and that's it. Without a wand!
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Who has the weakest wand in Harry Potter?

Umbridge's magical object overall is definitely one of the weakest wands in Harry Potter.
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What spell killed Voldemort?

The Disarming Charm became Harry Potter's signature spell, and it notably caused the final defeat of Lord Voldemort during the Battle of Hogwarts by rebounding his Killing Curse, because the Elder Wand recognised Harry as its master through the spell connection, and thus strengthened the Disarming Charm to the point ...
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