What is the original version of the Sleeping Beauty story?

The earliest known version of the tale is found in the narrative Perceforest, written between 1330 and 1344.
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What is the original storyline of Sleeping Beauty?

In the original story, the beautiful princess was put to an eternal sleep by way of magic. She was constantly raped by the king who came across her and she gives birth to his children as well and that all while being asleep the whole time.
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What is the OG version of Sleeping Beauty?

The original story with elements similar to Sleeping Beauty is Perceforest, printed in France in 1528. Another story, written much later, by Giambattista Basile called Sun, Moon, and Talia was much more similar to the story that most know today.
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What happened in the Grimm version of Sleeping Beauty?

Since the twelfth wise woman had not yet given her gift, she says that instead of death, the princess will fall into a deep slumber for a hundred years. The princess, Rosamond, pricks her finger in her fifteenth year and fulfills the prophecy, where she falls into a deep sleep along with the entire castle.
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Is the original Sleeping Beauty dark?

The tale of Aurora in Disney's Sleeping Beauty closely follows the story included by the Brothers Grimm in their collection, a story that in turn was based on French author Charles Perrault's version. However, the first version to be published, by Giambattista Basile, takes a much darker turn.
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The Tisul Princess / A find that is 800 million years old: truth or nonsense?

Which Disney princess has the darkest story?

So, here are six Disney princesses with much darker fairy tales.
  • Cinderella. If only finding outfits could be this easy. ...
  • The Little Mermaid. A twist that leaves us speechless. ...
  • Sleeping Beauty. Aurora is the queen of napping. ...
  • Rapunzel. ...
  • The Princess and the Frog. ...
  • Snow White.
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Was the original Little Mermaid dark?

Summary. The original story of The Little Mermaid is much darker than the Disney version, featuring gruesome elements that wouldn't fit well in a family-friendly film.
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How old was Sleeping Beauty in the original story?

While her parents are away, sixteen-year old Beauty discovers an old woman spinning and pricks her finger falling into a deep sleep. A fairy, summoned by a dwarf in seven league boots, returns to put the entire castle and all who work there under a sleeping spell and then.
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Who is the witch in the original Sleeping Beauty?

In the original Sleeping Beauty (1959), Maleficent is a horned witch-monster who can fly, apparate out of nowhere, shape-shift into a dragon, command the thunderous sky to do her bidding, and, of course, issue death curses at an infant christening she wasn't invited to.
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What is the real dark story of Cinderella?

But do you know what the original story was like? If you thought the story started the same as Disney made it, then you are right! Cinderella's mother dies and then her father marries her evil stepmother, adding her and Cinderella's evil stepsisters to the family. Lucky for Cinderella, her father doesn't die.
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Does Sleeping Beauty have a name in the original story?

2. One of the princess's most notable claims to fame is the many names she is known by. Her actual name is Princess Aurora, but was given the name Briar Rose when she was living in hiding with the good fairies. Oddly enough, she was unnamed in Perrault's original tale, but did have a daughter named Aurore.
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What is the dark story behind Snow White?

There has also been the suggestion that the story of Snow White originated from the real-life story of a countess and her alleged lover, Philip II of Spain. The countess, named Margarete von Waldeck (1553 – 1554) was supposedly poisoned at a young age, as politics were more important than real love at the time.
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How long did Sleeping Beauty sleep in the original story?

One day, a prince was hunting nearby and asked the countrymen the story of the place, and one tells him how a beautiful princess has been asleep for one hundred years and waits for a king's son to wake her.
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How does the original Sleeping Beauty end?

Sleeping Beauty stalls by stripping naked, one article of clothing at a time—go figure. Eventually, the king catches Maleficent and orders the guards to burn her instead. The king finds out the children are still alive, marries Sleeping Beauty, and they live happily ever after.
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Where did Sleeping Beauty story originate?

Disney's Sleeping Beauty is closest to the Grimms' Little Briar Rose. That story was based on Perrault's The Sleeping Beauty, which itself was inspired by an Italian story called Sun, Moon, and Talia by Giambattista Basile.
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Was there a remake of Sleeping Beauty?

Maleficent did get a live-action movie, but Sleeping Beauty has not received a true remake.
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Which is the oldest Disney princess?

1937: Snow White

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs came out in 1937, debuting the very first Disney princess with Snow White herself. Voiced by Adriana Caselotti, she's incredibly of her time (i.e. dated af).
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What is the age gap between Aurora and Prince Philip?

This couple in Sleeping Beauty had been betrothed since Aurora's birth! Aurora was 16 and Phillip was 20.
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Which is older Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty?

The First Generation (1937-1959):

This period is the foundation of the 'Princess' genre as a whole. In this generation, Snow White (1937), Cinderella (1950), and Sleeping Beauty (1959) were created.
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What is the dark version of Cinderella?

That story, called Aschenputtel (Cinderella in the English translations), appeared more than 100 years after Perrault's version in the 19th century. Aschenputtel is a much darker tale. Cinderella's wishes come not from a fairy godmother but from a tree growing on her mother's grave.
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What color skin did the original Little Mermaid have?

Since the animated feature film had a white mermaid as Ariel, some people are angry that Disney has gone with a black actress in the live-action. Some people also believe that Hans Christian Andersen described the Little mermaid as a white mermaid in his book.
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What Disney Princess has PTSD?

Believing this to be his true love, he finds and kisses her. The Princess then wakes up, the spell being broken by their first kiss. She is then swept off her feet and rides into the sunset with her Prince Charming. Snow White can be classified as having Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
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Who is Disney's forgotten princess?

Forgotten Princesses - Megara (Hercules), Pocahontas, Kida (Atlantis), Maid Marian (Robin Hood), Eilonwy (The Black Cauldron).
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