What is the personification in Frankenstein?

We can also think of the creature in Frankenstein as being an example of personification. He is, after all, a collection of inanimate objects, body parts that were once dead. Even more specifically, the creature could be an example of anthropomorphism because he is a walking, talking, feeling object.
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What is an example of personification for a monster?

The Monster crawled through the winding streets groaning as it chugged uphill. Its yellow eyes dimly peered out of the driving rain and he slowly turned to face the oncoming traffic. Its heart began to falter and he screeched to a halt. Personification is giving an object or a place human characteristics.
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What are some figurative language in Frankenstein?

Figurative language in Frankenstein includes personification and similes of natural phenomena. When the inventor sees the monster during a storm, he thinks: “A flash of lightning illuminated the object.” The reader can compare this approach to Victor's insight.
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What is the figurative language in Chapter 5 of Frankenstein?

Personification appears in Chapter 5, cleverly "animating" non-human objects in Victor's laboratory and the surrounding setting. For example, the "rain pattered dismally," suggests that the weather itself is expressing a human emotion.
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What literary devices are used in Chapter 10 of Frankenstein?

Contained in this chapter are at least the following devices: personification, imagery, allusion, metaphor, theme, tone, oxymoron, and symbol.
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What is personification? 🤔 | Personification in English | Learn with examples

Where is personification used in Frankenstein?

Examples of figurative language in the novel include: Personification: When an author gives human-like qualities to an idea or an object. One example of personification from Frankenstein is: ''He had partially unveiled the face of Nature, but her immortal lineaments were still a wonder and a mystery. ''
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What literary devices are used in Chapter 24 of Frankenstein?

Literary devices within the Frankenstein last chapter include frame narration, allusion, irony, and the themes.
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Does Mary Shelley use personification?

There are many literary devices in Mary Shelley's gothic novel Frankenstein. A literary device is when an author hints at more significant ideas, themes, or meanings in their writing. Both figurative language and personification are examples of literary devices that Shelley uses in her story.
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What is an example of a hyperbole in Frankenstein?

Mary Shelley's use of hyperbole can be seen in paragraph 1 on page 126 of Frankenstein: “A fiendish rage animated him as he said this; his face was wrinkled into contortions too horrible for human eyes to behold; but presently he calmed himself and proceeded…”
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What is a metaphor in Chapter 20 of Frankenstein?

In Chapter 20 we again see a metaphor, but this time being used by the creature. He swears revenge on Victor for destroying the second creature before she was finished, thus destroying his hopes for happiness and a mate. 'I will watch with the wiliness of a snake, that I may sting with its venom. '
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How is simile used in Frankenstein?

Victor uses a simile to describe her demeanor, comparing her unhappiness to a cloud: But hers was the misery of innocence, which, like a cloud that passes over the fair moon, for a while hides, but cannot tarnish its brightness.
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How does Frankenstein use metaphors?

In Chapter 4, Victor uses a metaphor of light to describe his reaction after discovering the secret to life: Life and death appeared to me ideal bounds, which I should first break through, and pour a torrent of light into our dark world.
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What are three examples of imagery in Frankenstein?

We also looked at three moments in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein that use particularly vivid imagery: Walton's ship in the ice, for which she borrowed from Samuel Taylor Coleridge's Poem 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner'; the creation of the creature; and the ominous Alps nature scene.
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What are 3 examples of personification?

Personification examples
  • “The sun smiled down on us.”
  • 'The story jumped off the page.”
  • “The light danced on the surface of the water.”
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What is personification with 5 examples?

The sun kissed me while I was clicking a picture. The flowers danced to the wind. My clothes stood so erect as if someone had ordered them to stay in attention, as soon as I had ironed them. I felt like the food kept calling me.
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What is personification examples in a story?

Personification is a figure of speech in which human qualities are given to objects, animals, or ideas. For example: the fire breathed hot in our faces and its flames grabbed at our clothes, or the chocolate cake is calling my name. Personification can make your writing much more interesting.
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What is an example of a metaphor in Frankenstein?

But I, the true murderer, felt the never-dying worm alive in my bosom, which allowed of no hope or consolation. In the presence of innocent Justine, Victor's guilt is a “worm” in his chest that eats away at him endlessly.
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What literary device is Frankenstein an example of?

Foreshadowing. Throughout Frankenstein there are many examples of foreshadowing. In the beginning of the novel, Walton writes to his sister that he wants to travel to North Pole. Since this is a frame story, his determination to discover the secrets of the Earth foreshadows Frankenstein's actions later in the novel.
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What is a alliteration in figurative language?

Alliteration is the repetition of the same sound at the start of a series of words in succession whose purpose is to provide an audible pulse that gives a piece of writing a lulling, lyrical, and/or emotive effect. This paragraph is an example of alliteration.
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What is the irony in Frankenstein?

Instead of freeing humanity from the terror of mortality, he delivers his family into early and violent deaths. Victor dreams of founding a new species that would bless him as a father and creator. Instead, his creature curses rather than blesses him for abandoning him to a lonely life.
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Why does Mary Shelley use symbolism in Frankenstein?

Lesson Summary. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is a horror novel which shows the dangers of seeking knowledge too quickly and too deeply. The novel uses symbolism to explore these themes. A symbol is a person, place, or thing that represents something else, usually an abstract concept.
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What are some examples of foreshadowing in Frankenstein?

Immediately after the monster comes to life, Victor has a nightmare involving a vision of Elizabeth lying dead, and then transforming so that “I thought I held the corpse of my dead mother in my arms.” This vision foreshadows that Elizabeth will die, and that her death is in some way connected to the monster.
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What is an example of repetition in Frankenstein?

Shelley uses repetition to build an emotional climax, for example when Victor's mind is 'filled with one thought, one conception, one purpose' (p. 49) as he resolves to return to his studies.
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What is the irony in Chapter 24 of Frankenstein?

Irony in Frankenstein Chapter 24

Victor chases after the monster seeking revenge, but the monster wants Victor to chase after him. The monster leaves messages and hints for Victor, so that Victor can stay on his trail. The fact that Victor is chasing the monster for revenge is an example of irony, or a contradiction.
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How is illness a symbol in Frankenstein?

Victor Frankenstein is consumed by guilt almost constantly as the book progresses. Whenever something causes him to become exceptionally guilty, he becomes ill. The illness allows him to temporarily escape from any responsibility he has and also to talk about his guilt, soothing his conscience.
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