What is Victor's weakness in frankenstein?

There are many tragic flaws in the novel. For instance, Victor's lack of forethought can be considered one. Victor labors seemingly endless hours to create the new being without even considering the rather obvious dangers. Victor does not realize his fault until it is too late and the monster lives.
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What are victors flaws in Frankenstein?

Victor seeks to use science for the greatest human good: to conquer death, but his tragic downfall is brought about by his all too human flaws, or hamartia. He's ambitious and proud, tampering with forces beyond his control, presuming to violate the laws of nature and the authority of God.
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What are the weaknesses of the monster in Frankenstein?

But the creature has a fatal flaw as well: it is his desire for vengeance when he is ostracized. Whereas Victor's self-isolation is a symptom of his innate monstrosity, it is his ostracization of the creature—the creature's othering, to use the modern parlance—that turns his creation into a monster.
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What is Victor's greatest fear?

Answer and Explanation: In Chapter 18 of Frankenstein, Victor's greatest fear as he leaves for England is that he will have to begin making a new female creature to be a partner for his first male creature. Victor had agreed to make a partner but dreads beginning the process.
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What was Victor's downfall in Frankenstein?

Without a strong love for his caring family, Frankenstein's scientific obsessions cause his downfall. His 'ardent desire' remains unchallenged by any other interest in his life.
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GCSE English Literature - Frankenstein: Victor Frankenstein Character Traits

What was Victor's downfall?

As Victor dies, he realises that ambition and obsession has been his downfall. He warns Walton, who is also risking everything for scientific discovery, that he may be pursuing a foolish and misguided course of action. Victor is so caught up in the pursuit of knowledge and the creation of life that he feels invincible.
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Which personality trait leads to Victor's downfall?

Victor shows signs of being a tragic hero. He is heroic when he decides to follow the monster to prevent it from causing further chaos. We can also argue that his fatal flaw is his obsessive ambition, as this is ultimately what causes his downfall.
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What is Victor scared of?

Victor is terrified of the monster and flees as soon as it comes to life. His fear is entirely based on how the monster looks; Victor doesn't know anything else about the monster or its intentions before he runs away from it.
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What was Victor's greatest potential fear with his creations?

One night in his laboratory, Victor starts to fear that his new creation might not stay away from humans, or that the two creatures might breed a "race of devils." At this moment he looks up and observes the monster "grinning" at the window. Overcome by repugnance, Victor demolishes his work.
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What is Victor's dying thought?

Victor believes it is his fate to live the rest of his life pursuing the monster, and as the one who brought the monster into the world, is set on destroying him. After Victor's death, the monster feels he must die as well.
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Does Frankenstein's monster regret killing?

He tells Walton that he regrets the murders he has committed and that he intends to commit suicide.
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Why does Frankenstein's monster hate Victor?

The Monster hates Frankenstein for abandoning him after his creation: “He had abandoned me: and, in the bitterness of my heart, I cursed him.” The Monster is also angry with Frankenstein for making the Monster the only one of his kind: “I was dependent on none and related to none.” The Monster also feels hatred and ...
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What is Frankenstein's monster afraid of?

Frankenstein's creature is afraid of fire because fire is deceptive. When he first sees it, he is delighted by its brightness, color, and warmth. It fascinates him, so he tries to touch it. Only then does he discover that its beauty is illusory, hiding a potential to cause great pain.
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What was Frankenstein's biggest mistake?

Frankenstein made his most serious moral error when he neglected to consider his moral obligations to the being he was creating. The prospect of raising the dead remains squarely in the realm of science fiction.
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What did Victor do that was bad?

Victor Frankenstein determined his own fate by all of the bad choices he made. One of Victor's mistakes was creating a monster that he really had no control over. The second mistake victor made was abandoning the monster because of fright without know what the monsters intentions were.
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How is Victor unreliable?

In the novel, Victor is an unreliable narrator due to his own bias and suffering (which he brings upon himself). Because he cannot see past the creature's appearance, Victor is already inclined to abhor him. The death of William and the pain it causes only serves to deepen his hatred.
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What to Victor was an extreme anguish?

' Anyone who's ever procrastinated on a dreaded project should spare a thought for poor Victor too. He said, 'Every thought devoted to it was an extreme anguish, and every word that I spoke in allusion to it caused my lips to quiver and my heart to palpitate.
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What is Victor's greatest fear after Justine's death?

Following the trial and execution, the plot of chapter 9 centers around the impact of Justine's sentence on Victor. Victor becomes increasingly engulfed in his guilt that now two innocent victims have died. He feels that both of these deaths are his fault, and he fears that there will be more deaths in the future.
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What are two of Victor's fears in his new work?

Victor is afraid in Chapter 19 because he fears he is taking too long creating the Creature's mate. He also fears hearing news from home about another death.
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What is Victor obsessed with?

He becomes obsessed with building a large human-like creature. He isolates himself from everyone, including his family. His father writes to chastise Victor for not writing. As he nears the end of his project, Victor feels scared about the outcome of his creation.
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Why does Victor become obsessed?

His pursuit, however, quickly devolves into obsession. He discovers how to animate lifeless material, and he becomes so focused on his potential fame that he can do nothing but work on his creation. Overcoming death: Victor also becomes obsessed with overcoming death.
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Does Victor feel bad for the Monster?

In these ways, Victor was very similar to the characters of these stories. Victor was constantly sickened with guilt after completing his work, and after each terrible act the monster committed. He did realize that his actions were wrong, yet he did nothing in attempt to right them.
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What are 3 negative characteristics of Victor?

Though Victor Frankenstein and his creation both have qualities that are clearly monstrous, Victor's selfishness, his abandonment of his responsibilities, and his inability to recognize his own faults and the monstrous qualities within himself qualities within himself make him the true monster while his creation is ...
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What is Frankenstein's personality type?

Frankenstein's creature felt pretty easy to identify as an INFP. Even though his introverted nature seemingly comes from the reactions his appearance provokes, the creature demonstrates that he enjoys solitude and wants quiet companionship.
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What do victor and walton have in common in frankenstein brainly?

Victor and Walton are both obsessed with scientific knowledge and discovery, and they both set out on dangerous and ambitious quests to achieve their goals. However, both men ultimately fail to achieve their desired outcomes.
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