What religion is Spock?

One of my favorite characters is Spock, played by Leonard Nimoy. Nimoy was also Jewish and he played Spock as a Jewish character and was very vocal about how Judaism influenced his portrayal of Spock. The famous Vulcan hand salute was taken from a ritual he witnessed in synagogue as a child.
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What is the religion of the Vulcans?

Vulcans once practiced a form of polytheism; this can be seen in gods of war, peace, and death depicted on the Stone of Gol relic in the TNG episode "Gambit".
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What is Spock's ethnicity?

Spock's mixed human–Vulcan heritage serves as an important plot element in many of the character's appearances. Along with Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) and Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy (DeForest Kelley), he is one of the three central characters in the original Star Trek series and its films.
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What did Spock say about God?

"If this is your God, he's not very impressive. He has so many psychological problems; he's so insecure. He demands worship every seven days. He creates faulty humans and then blames them for his own mistakes.
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Is there any religion in Star Trek?

In Star Trek, there are fewer religions depicted than you might expect, often with all members of a race or residents of a particular planet holding only one, but we do see many examples of religious belief systems. There's no by-law in joining the Federation about giving up your faith.
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Who Is Spock? Everything A New Trekkie Needs to Know About Star Trek In 3 Minutes (or less)!

What is Captain Kirk's religion?

Kirk's religious views have never been expressly stated. He seems fairly atheistic when he talks about how if God exists he exists within the human heart. But he also has some lines within the original series suggesting a more Christian outlook, particularly when they encountered Apollo.
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What killed Spock?

Spock's First Death In Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Tragically, the heroic Vulcan succumbed to radiation poisoning.
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What was the controversy with Spock?

He campaigned on a maximum wage, legalized abortion, and withdrawing troops from all foreign countries. His books were criticized by conservatives for propagating permissiveness and an expectation of instant gratification, a charge that Spock denied.
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What did Spock believe?

Spock's theories were heavily influenced by Freud, which led to the publication of his bestselling book, the Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care in 1946. Some of Spock's theories on child-rearing include: Children need to be hugged. Parents should let their children know they are loved and special.
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What is Spock's girlfriend name?

Uhura's first name was not used in Star Trek canon until Abrams's 2009 film. The mystery regarding Uhura's first name is the subject of a running joke in the film, as Captain Kirk repeatedly tries to find out what it is, before finally hearing Spock call her "Nyota" in a moment of intimacy.
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Who did Spock marry?

As Spock explained to Kirk in Star Trek: TOS, his union with T'Pring was "less than a marriage but more than a bethrothal." Indeed, Spock was meant to finally undergo the koon-ut-kal-if-fee marriage ritual with T'Pring in "Amok Time" before she invoked her right to have Spock fight to the death for her.
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Did Spock have a child?

No canonical children have been mentioned for Spock. Drafts of the scripts for Star Treks III and IV hinted that the rejuvenated Spock impregnated Saavik during his accelerated Pon Farr, but this was not referenced in the script as filmed.
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Who do Klingons worship?

Formal worship

A minority of Klingons continued to identify as Followers of Molor, a sworn enemy of Kahless, in the 23rd century.
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What is a Vulcan lifespan?

Lifespan. The Vulcan lifespan is longer than that of humans. Vulcans have been known to live over 200 years, though there has been cases where 250 or 300 can occur. After reaching adulthood, the aging process of Vulcans slowed a great deal.
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Do Klingons have religion?

This, combined with the Klingons' strong religious tradition, could suggest that religious beliefs might have been a driving force behind early Klingon space travel.
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Why did McCoy hate Spock?

My impression was that McCoy's usual relationship with Spock was needling him about his Vulcan culture of “logic,” which McCoy thought silly, irritating, and unhealthy. But if Spock needed help of a medical or situational nature, McCoy was always there for him.
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Who turned down the role of Spock?

Surprisingly, though, there's evidence the role of Spock was originally offered to Oscar award-winning actor Martin Landau instead. In a 1986 interview with Starlog, Landau, who had since become associated with Gerry Anderson's Space: 1999, recalled being offered the role, only to turn it down.
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How old was Spock when he died?

Spock was 157 when he ended up in the Kelvin Timeline and lived another four years there before passing away at the age of 161. His death in canon was the result of Leonard Nimoy's passing in 2015.
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What made Spock cry?

Nimoy stated that after "The Naked Time", in which a disease causes Spock to cry, "I knew that we were not playing a man with no emotions, but a man who had great pride, who had learned to control his emotions and who would deny that he knew what emotions were. In a way, he was more human than anyone else on the ship."
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How old was Spock when he died in real life?

Leonard Nimoy, who popularised the gesture in his role as Mr. Spock on the 60s TV series Star Trek, both lived long and prospered, before dying at the age of 83. In an age where the word is overused, the half-man, half-alien was truly an iconic character.
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Does William Shatner believe in Jesus?

William Shatner grew up in a Jewish household. “My father and mother had an observant religious life,” he once said. “They went to temple every Sabbath, prayed to God, and I was dragged along. I'm not religious, but I'm spiritual.
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Did Shatner get along with Nimoy?

Shatner Regrets His Falling Out With Nimoy

In Leonard, a book detailing and celebrating their long-held friendship, he writes, "One of my greatest regrets is that Leonard and I were not as close as we had been during those last few years of his life," later adding that “[…] it is heartbreaking, heartbreaking.
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What is William Shatner suffering from?

Actor William Shatner shared his melanoma story with attendees of the American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting.
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