What ship did the Titanic tell to shut up?

Evans's message that SS Californian was stopped and surrounded by ice was heard very strongly on Titanic due to the relative proximity of the two ships and drowned out a separate message Phillips had been in the process of receiving from Cape Race, bringing Phillips to rebuke Evans: "Shut up, shut up!
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Why did Titanic tell Californian to shut up?

The SS Californian, the closest ship to the Titanic at the time it sunk, was attempting to broadcast another ice warning to all ships in the area at about 10:30 pm. The message was broken off by Phillips with a terse: “SHUT UP!
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Why did Phillips tell the Californian to shut up?

When a nearby vessel, SS Californian, telegraphed that it was already surrounded by ice, Phillips testily responded “Shut up! I am busy.” Once Titanic hit the iceberg, Phillips tone shifted and he used the Marconi distress signal: “CQD.”
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What ship ignored Titanic distress signal?

Titanic sank at approximately 2:20 a.m. on April 15, 1912, claiming the lives of 1,500 passengers. With the Californian stopped in the ice before any SOS messages were sent from the Titanic, the ship didn't see the sinking liner's calls for help until dawn, hours after they'd been sent.
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What was the warning of the Californian on the Titanic?

The Californian had left Liverpool carrying a mixed cargo but no passengers on 5 April 1912, bound for Boston. She received several ice warnings and at 6.30 p.m. Lord himself ordered an ice warning sent to the Antillian, this was overheard by the Titanic.
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Titanic deleted scene: Shut up! I am working Cape Race.

How close was the Californian to the Titanic when it sank?

Both the American and British inquires found that Californian must have been closer than the 19.5 miles (31.4 km) claimed by Captain Lord, and that each ship was visible from the other. Indeed, when Carpathia arrived at the wreck site, a vessel was clearly seen to the north; this was later identified as Californian.
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What was the biggest mistake on the Titanic?

1. Icebergs – the ultimate hazard. The poor navigation of icebergs is undoubtedly the most well-known and momentous of mistakes that caused the sinking of the Titanic. Indeed, the collision between the Titanic and an iceberg – on 14 April 1912 at 11:40pm – is what caused the tragedy.
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Did anyone survive the Titanic that was not in a lifeboat?

In researching his genealogy he has connected with distant cousins who descended from his grandmother Evelyn Kearney Connors side of the family. It was her sister, Edna Kearney Murray who survived the sinking of the Titanic but it wasn't in an overloaded lifeboat.
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Did the captain of the Titanic receive warnings?

Smith cancels a scheduled lifeboat drill. After receiving iceberg warnings throughout the day, Captain Smith changes the Titanic's course, heading slightly south. However, the ship's speed is not lowered.
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Why the Californian didn't come to the rescue of the Titanic's passengers and crew?

First, and most obvious, was the use of her powerful radio to signal for help, reaching ships hundreds of miles away. Californian was deaf to these signals because her only wireless operator was asleep. He went to bed only minutes before Titanic struck the iceberg.
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Was the captain of the Californian punished?

While Lord was never tried or convicted of any offence, he was still viewed publicly as a pariah after the Titanic disaster. His attempts to fight for his exoneration gained him nothing, and the events of the night of 14–15 April 1912 would haunt him for the rest of his life.
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Who received the first SOS from the Titanic?

On today's date in 1912, Robert Hunston and James Godwin, two young wireless radio operators from Newfoundland, heard the first distress call from the RMS Titanic, which was en route to New York from England.
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Could the Californian have saved the Titanic?

Both the U.S. and British inquiries determined that the Californian and Capt. Lord could have “pushed through the ice to open the water without any serious risk” and done more to save the passengers on the Titanic.
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Why can't we pick up the Titanic?

As time has passed, the Titanic has degraded, leading to its structural integrity becoming very flimsy. Any movement could destroy the ship. The most successful operation took place in 1998 when a company called the RMS Titanic Inc.
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Why won t the Titanic be raised?

Now it turns out that the Titanic will stay where it is, at least for now, as it is too fragile to be raised from the ocean floor. The acidic salt water, hostile environment and an iron-eating bacterium are consuming the hull of the ship.
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Why didn't Titanic turn left?

The Titanic was about 20,000 times heavier and had the full momentum of all that weight driving it forward. Though the engines were immediately thrown into reverse and the rudder turned hard left, slowing and turning took an incredible distance because of the tremendous weight (or mass) of the ship.
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What were the last words of the captain of the Titanic?

Because Steward Brown's account of Smith giving orders before walking onto the bridge was the last reliable sighting, this would make Smith's last words simply: "Well, boys, do your best for the women and children, and look out for yourselves."
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Does the iceberg from the Titanic still exist?

The average lifespan of an iceberg in the North Atlantic typically is two to three years from calving to melting. This means the iceberg that sank the Titanic "likely broke off from Greenland in 1910 or 1911, and was gone forever by the end of 1912 or sometime in 1913."
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Why did Titanic ignore ice warning?

Iceberg warnings went unheeded: The Titanic received multiple warnings about icefields in the North Atlantic over the wireless, but Corfield notes that the last and most specific warning was not passed along by senior radio operator Jack Phillips to Captain Smith, apparently because it didn't carry the prefix "MSG" ( ...
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Who was the guy who got drunk on the Titanic?

The sinking would condemn more than 1,500 to die in the frigid North Atlantic, but someone conspicuously not among the dead that night was the ship's chief baker Charles Joughin, who survived history's worst maritime disaster by getting incredibly soused.
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Did sharks eat Titanic victims?

No, there were no shark attacks, because sharks actually don't like water that is extremely cold. For example, water that has a temperature below freezing, as it was the night that Titanic sank.
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What happened to the bodies never found Titanic?

What is clear, though, is that almost all of the missing bodies have been dissolving and will continue to do so until their eventual disappearance. Not only because of the salt water but also because of ocean animals and bacteria in the area, which feed on human tissues such as skin.
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How long did it take the Titanic to hit the bottom?

It took just two hours and 40 minutes for the “unsinkable” RMS Titanic to sink.
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How long did Titanic passengers survive in water?

Almost all of those who jumped or fell into the sea drowned or died within minutes due to the effects of cold shock and incapacitation. RMS Carpathia arrived about an hour and a half after the sinking and rescued all of the 710 survivors by 09:15 on 15 April, some nine and a half hours after the collision.
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What was worse than Titanic?

At 10:15 pm, the ship finally sank about 23 nautical miles off the coast of Pomerania, taking 9,400 people with it, many of which were women and children. In terms of the number of lives lost, the sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff remains to this day the worst maritime disaster in human history.
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