What took inspiration from Dune?

​Dune, the sci-fi Frank Herbert novel first published in 1965 has inspired several films over the years including expansive franchises like 'Star Wars', 'Mad Max' and even the monster thrillers like 'Alien' and 'Tremors'.
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What was the inspiration behind Dune?

The idea for the desert planet of Dune was based on Herbert's experiences at the Oregon Dunes during the 1950s. His imagining of a world that consisted only of dunes and his environmental message influenced science fiction writers and environmentalists, especially during the 1960s and 1970s.
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What were the influences of Dune?

Despite the fantastical nature of the novel, Dune finds itself entrenched in reality with its various real-world influences. It is common knowledge that a large part of Dune's lore owes itself to existing Islamic, Buddhist, Catholic, and other religious teachings.
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Did Star Wars take inspiration from Dune?

There is no question that George Lucas drew some inspiration for Star Wars from the book Dune. Along with The Flash Gordon serials and Akira Kurosawa's The Hidden Fortress, Dune clearly had an influence on Lucas in his creation of his saga that took place in a galaxy far far away.
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Did Avatar copy Dune?

7 Jake's Special Connection To Eywa Is A Lot Like Dune

This is similar to Paul Atreides' connection to the sandworms in Dune. It was a sign of his destiny and importance to Arrakis. Really, if Avatar were set in a desert, there would hardly be any difference between the two science fiction stories.
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How Dune Continues to Inspire Star Wars

Was Mad Max inspired by Dune?

​Dune, the sci-fi Frank Herbert novel first published in 1965 has inspired several films over the years including expansive franchises like 'Star Wars', 'Mad Max' and even the monster thrillers like 'Alien' and 'Tremors'.
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Was Tatooine inspired by Dune?

On April 5, 2010, a real-world planitia (plain) on Saturn's moon Titan was named Arrakis Planitia after Herbert's fictional planet. Arrakis is also an alternative name for the star Mu Draconis. The fictional desert planet of Tatooine in the Star Wars franchise was inspired by the desert planet of Arrakis in Dune.
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Was Jabba the Hutt inspired by Dune?

It's obviously Jabba the Hutt, right? But two years before this character appeared in Return of the Jedi, Frank Herbert, debuted a character with the exact same description in God Emperor of Dune. Lucas pretty much ripped the character straight out of Herbert's book and put him in his movie.
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Is Dune basically Star Wars?

Is Star Wars based on Dune? Based on their similarities, yes, the story of Star Wars is based on Dune. For instance, Han Solo smuggled the drug Glitterstim from the Spice Mines of Kessel in A New Hope. Dune universe also has a drug called the Spice Melange used for space travel.
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Who is Dume in Star Wars?

With the birth name of fallen Jedi Kanan Jarrus, Dume is a large Loth-wolf -- even by the species' own standards. The creature's origin unknown, he communes directly with Padawan learner Ezra Bridger.
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Why was Dune controversial?

The biggest Dune controversy was rooted in how the book is a complex epic about the dangers of messianic prophecies, which doesn't immediately read as a fun affair. The film follows three major groups: House Atreides, House Harkonnen, and the Fremen.
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What is the main problem in Dune?

Major Conflict The Harkonnens, led by Baron Harkonnen, want to overthrow the emperor by taking over the melange supply on Arrakis. Paul, from the opposing house of Atreides, works with the Fremen to secure Arrakis and the universe from the greedy Harkonnens.
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What is the terrible purpose in Dune?

The reason Paul views this as his terrible purpose is that his visions suggest his holy war is necessary for the greater good. Overthrowing the Emperor and defeating the Harkonnens is just the start. Many thousands of years in the future, humanity has grown stagnant and stopped evolving.
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Is Paul Atreides evil?

In addition he is prescient, and has the ability to foresee the future. Strictly speaking Paul Atreides is a flawed or failed hero. He isn't exactly a villain (bad guy) but he also isn't truly a hero. He is in fact an example of the danger of heroes.
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What happened to Earth in Dune?

As in real-world history, the human race started on Earth with several civilizations, explorations, empires, and world wars. However, an asteroid hit Earth thousands of years later, causing major destruction and damage to the planet. After the asteroid, Earth took a long time to recover environmentally.
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Was Dune inspired by Lawrence of Arabia?

Frank Herbert was partly inspired to write Dune by The Seven Pillars of Wisdom by TE Lawrence AKA Lawrence of Arabia. Lawrence, as a remarkably young British officer in the first world war, lead an uprising of of Arab tribes in revolt against the Ottoman empire.
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Would Star Wars exist without Dune?

Dune predates Star Wars by more than a decade, so no. People have easily made the connection between the similarities in George Lucas' Star Wars and Frank Herbert's Dune.
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Why is melange so important?

Without melange, the Spacing Guild's heighliners could not move ... Without melange and its amplification of the human immunogenic system, life expectancy for the very rich degenerated by a factor of at least four.
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What can the Bene Gesserit do?

The Bene Gesserit power of Voice allows them to control others by merely modulating their vocal tones. Sisters who survive a ritualized poisoning known as the spice agony achieve increased awareness and abilities through access to Other Memory, and are subsequently known as Reverend Mothers.
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Is Boba Fett based on Dune?

One can find the DNA of everything from Flash Gordon to Akira Kurosawa to Richard Wagner in the original movies. And let's not forget a little sci-fi novel called Dune. If anything, Dune's influence on Star Wars is all the more palpable thanks to The Book of Boba Fett.
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Is Paul Atreides like Anakin Skywalker?

Anakin Skywalker and Paul Atreides are two fictional characters from different science fiction franchises, Star Wars and Dune, respectively. While they share some similarities, they also have significant differences in their backgrounds, personalities, and fates.
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Do Star Wars and Dune exist in the same universe?

Dune predates Star Wars by more than a decade, so no. People have easily made the connection between the similarities in George Lucas' Star Wars and Frank Herbert's Dune.
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Are Tusken Raiders inspired by Dune?

The Tusken Raiders were clearly inspired by the Fremen in Dune. They're both desert-dwelling people living outside “modern society” often seen as an enemy of the Empire.
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Who ruled Arrakis before the Harkonnen?

If you consider the prequels/sequels by Brian Herbert and Kevin J Anderson then House Richese had the fief to Arrakis before the 80 year reign of the Harkonnens. Also according to the prequels, Duke Leto's mother Lady Helena Atreides was from House Richese before marrying Duke Paulus.
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Who was the Kwisatz Haderach?

In the Dune universe, Kwisatz Haderach is an old Chakobsa term that translates to “shortening of the way.” The Kwisatz Haderach must be male. The Bene Gesserit have been carving the way for the mythical figure for centuries through selective breeding—10,000 years of breeding to be precise.
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