What trauma does Rapunzel have?

Being gaslighted by her mother and stolen at birth are some of the traumas that Rapunzel faces in her life. Trauma can cause confusion from constantly being in a fight-or-flight state of mind. That is why Rapunzel is not able to put the pieces together of the lost princess during the movie.
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What kind of abuse is Tangled?

Together with her attempts to terrorize, isolate, devalue, and cause Rapunzel to equate her worth with her usefulness, Mother Gothels stifling of Rapunzel's thoughts and opinions all add up to an unequivocally emotionally abusive relationship.
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What is Rapunzel's anxiety disorder?

Cause. Rapunzel syndrome is caused by the ingestion of hair. Rapunzel syndrome is characterized by a compulsive disorder of pulling one's own hair and ingesting it. There are several psychiatric disorders that are associated with Rapunzel syndrome, such as trichotillomania, trichophagia, and pica.
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Did Rapunzel have Stockholm syndrome?

We witness multiple instances of Rapunzel grappling with her Stockholm Syndrome throughout her experience, including the conflicting emotions she vocalizes after first escaping, and even after she discovers how smart and strong she can be from her and Flynn's misadventures.
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What did Rapunzel have to overcome?

Until this point, Rapunzel has crippled herself with fear, seeing as there is no indication that her parents or brother ever did or said anything to make Rapunzel believe that she could never be a leader. Thus, her inability to face her self-created fear has kept her trapped, isolated, and terrified for so long.
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What Happened to Tangled the Series

What is the real story behind Rapunzel?

Rapunzel's real story is said to have been loosely based on a true story about a woman, Saint Barbara, in Italy around the 3rd century. The story of Barbara was that she was so beautiful that her father felt he had to lock her in a tower to protect her.
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How does the real Rapunzel end?

One day, as she sings, he hears her voice again, and they are reunited. When they fall into each other's arms, her tears fall into his eyes and immediately restore his sight. He leads her and their twins to his kingdom where they live happily ever after.
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Which Disney character has schizophrenia?

Finally, let's consider Alice from Alice in Wonderland (Geronimi et al., 1951), who has symptoms consistent with a diagnosis of schizophrenia.
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What disorder does Rapunzel's mom have?

A: Mother Gothel in Disney's Tangled. In this re-telling of the classic Rapunzel story, Mother Gothel is a narcissistic, emotionally abusive sorceress who abducts the infant Rapunzel from her crib. Mother Gothel raises Rapunzel as her own, isolating her in a hidden tower to control Rapunzel and her magical hair.
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Does Ariel have OCD?

Ariel from The Little Mermaid clearly has signs of Obsessive Compulsive disorder (OCD), where she is obsessed with collecting useless things.
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What is the rarest anxiety disorder?

Illness anxiety disorder (hypochondria) is extremely rare. It affects about 0.1% of Americans. It typically appears during early adulthood. Illness anxiety disorder can affect all ages and genders.
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What is Rapunzel's worst fear?

Rapunzel, who's been hiding her fear, finally admits that her fear is Cassandra coming and destroying Corona, although her greatest fear is losing Cassandra as a friend forever.
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What anxiety disorder does Elsa have?

Elsa suffers from anxiety, particularly around other people; while the anxiety is depicted as a result of her being unable to control her powers, it is still social anxiety and, since it often appears even when everything seems to be going well, could also be considered GAD.
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How did Gothel abuse Rapunzel?

Instead, Gothel exercises control over Rapunzel by playing on her fears. In her villain song “Mother Knows Best,” she sings “One way or another, something will go wrong I swear”; she belittles her, “You're looking a little chubby”; and then isolates her, “Skip the Drama, Stay with Mama, Mother Knows Best”.
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Is Cassandra from Tangled LGBT?

In September 2020, Amber Vanich, a story revisionist for Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure revealed that Cassandra "Cass" was gay coded, with sapphic looks toward the story's protagonist, Rapunzel, and that some of these feelings are shown in the episode about memory loss.
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Why is Rapunzel named after lettuce?

According to the Brothers Grimm, Princess Rapunzel is named after the cultivated vegetable of the same name, growing in a witch's garden. The wording of the story suggested to me that the Grimms' contemporaries would be familiar with the plant as a vegetable, that it wasn't a fantastical invented thing.
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Does Rapunzel hallucinate?

Rapunzel begins to hallucinate her family and friends back in Corona and soon shares the idol with the rest of the group. However, everyone starts to become obsessive over the idol, desperately wanting it for themselves.
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Did Mother Gothel love Rapunzel?

Donna Murphy believed that Gothel did really love Rapunzel in her own way. "I also think there is this thread of a kind of love that she does have for Rapunzel. It's not what she set out.
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What disorder does Snow White have?

Snow White can be classified as having Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The Princess meets all eight of the criteria listed in the DSM-V to diagnose PTSD (See Appendix A). First, she directly experiences a traumatic event relating to a near death experience (Criterion A1).
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Which Disney Princess represents autism?

But then, after seeing the film a few more times, I realized what makes Elsa so special: She is the poster child for girls with autism.
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Did Disney have ADHD?

Walt Disney is thought to have had ADHD and also dropped out of school at a young age. He then went on to found the Disney empire.
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What Disney character has ADHD?

I'll start— Belle is obviously an Inattentive ADHD queen. I rewatch the opening scenes so many times with the “her head buried in a book/in the clouds” part, and end up in tears everytime. Maybe also Mulan with her taking notes on her arm, running into things, constantly late…
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Did Flynn love Rapunzel?

Meanwhile, Flynn falls in love with Rapunzel and undergoes a change of heart. He attempts to reconcile with the Stabbington Brothers, but they hand him over to the officials, who sentence him to death, while Gothel takes Rapunzel away. Maximus helps Flynn escape and return to Rapunzel's tower to rescue her.
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Why did Mother Gothel kidnap Rapunzel?

Gothel is the main antagonist in Tangled. She kidnapped baby Rapunzel to get the magical power of Rapunzel's golden hair. Its magic can make people young but when the hair is cut, it will lose its power. So instead, she had to kidnap baby Rapunzel to make herself young.
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Did Rapunzel and Flynn get divorced?

Heartbroken, Rapunzel cries over Flynn's dead body but revives him with her tears and they finally share their first kiss. By the end of the movie, Rapunzel and Flynn become a couple and are living happily ever after.
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