Where does Wonder Woman's power come from?

Wonder Woman is an Amazon, a race of female warriors in Greek mythology. For the purpose of the Wonder Woman character, it was the Greek gods who gave her her powers. These powers include superhuman strength and speed as well as the ability to fly.
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How did Wonder Girl get powers?

Powers and abilities. Cassandra originally received her powers from a number of mystical artifacts employed by Artemis during her time as Wonder Woman. These included the Gauntlet of Atlas and the Sandals of Hermes, which provided her with the powers of strength and speed/flight, respectively.
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Where does Wonder Woman's strength come from?

As of Brian Azzarello's Wonder Woman v4 #3 (2011), Wonder Woman was revamped to be the daughter of the Amazonian Queen, Hippolyta and Chief Olympian, Zeus. As a result of her mixed heritage, she gains the physiology and powers of a demigod as well as an Amazon. This stands true, today.
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Where did Wonder Woman's powers come from?

Wonder Woman's origin story (from Golden to Bronze Age) relates that she was sculpted from clay by her mother Queen Hippolyta and was given a life as an Amazon, along with superhuman powers as gifts by the Greek gods.
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How is Wonder Woman so powerful?

Diana possesses a host of superhuman powers granted to her by the gods and goddesses of Olympus, gifts which have been stated to be equal to their own abilities. Primary among these are superhuman strength and stamina, which she draws from a mystical link to the Earth itself granted by Demeter.
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Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) Captures Bank Robbers in a Mall "Wonder Woman 1984" 1080P BD

Why is Diana stronger than the other Amazons?

Wonder Woman is the strongest and most powerful of all the Amazons thanks to her goddess-granted powers from Aphrodite. She is even said to be "Stronger than Hercules", and able to physically outmatch other beings such as Superman and Supergirl.
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Who is most powerful Wonder Woman or Superman?

Wonder Woman, a demi-goddess with super strength and intelligence, can easily hurt Superman using her knowledge and martial arts skills. Superman is considered one of the strongest characters not only in the DC Universe but also in all of the superhero comics.
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What is Wonder Woman's only weakness?

She has no convenient weakness. She used to be rendered powerless if she was bound or shackled by a man, but that's been phased out. She would also go mad when her bracelets were removed. Not treated consistently either.
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Is Wonder Woman a god or demigod?

The idea of Diana having divine roots was repeated in the Wonder Woman series from DC's New 52 era, where it was revealed that Wonder Woman's Father was Zeus. This gave her a direct link to divinity by making her a literal demigod.
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How did Wonder Woman become a God?

What is Wonder Woman God of? Goddess of Truth and War. She became the Goddess of Truth via the Olympians and the Goddess of War after she “killed" the Greek War God Ares.
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Who trained Wonder Woman?

Powerless Diana Prince trains with her mentor I Ching. The change coincided with the switch from longtime editor Robert Kanigher (who had taken over writing for the character following the death of creator William Moulton Marston in 1947), to new editor Dennis O'Neil in Wonder Woman #178 (dated October 1968).
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Who is stronger, Wonder Woman or Captain Marvel?

Captain Marvel is part Kree and one of her main powers is the ability to absorb massive amounts of energy. She can also fire powerful blasts of energy and has a rather strong healing factor. Wonder Woman is probably stronger but Captain Marvel's energy powers make her just as formidable.
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How powerful is Wonder Woman without her bracelets?

Removal of the bracelets leaves Wonder Woman vulnerable to attack but does not render her powerless or insane. To create the bullet deflection effect, explosive charges were attached to the bracelets worn by Lynda Carter.
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What is Wonder Woman's forgotten superpower?

Everyone is aware of her super-strength, her bullet-deflecting bracelets and her Lasso of Truth. But did you know that in the comics, she's been able to teleport and talk to animals?
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Is Wonder Woman immortal?

The most general rule regarding Wonder Woman is that she is immortal but not invulnerable. In other words, she is immune to natural death but not to a violent death. In other continuities, Wonder Woman has been immortal but only on the island of Themyscira.
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Why did Wonder Woman turn evil?

An Injustice prequel issue about this Wonder Woman's origin, reveals that Diana turned evil when the Steve Trevor of her universe used her own kindness to cause harm, as it turned out he was a Nazi spy. Enraged by this betrayal, Wonder Woman killed Trevor, vowing never again to let empathy be a weakness.
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How did Amazonians reproduce?

New 52. To reproduce and keep the Amazon race alive, the Themyscirans raid ships on the high seas and copulate with men. At the end of the mating, they take their lives and throw their corpses into the sea rather than marry them. Triumphant, the Amazons return to Paradise Island, and wait.
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Is Wonder Woman a virgin?

People here are always asking me this, as if it is really that important to her character. The answer - she is usually portrayed as one, but she has in fact been with a couple of men.
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What Greek god is Wonder Woman?

What is Wonder Woman's real name? Wonder Woman is named after the Roman goddess Diana (whose Greek equivalent is Artemis).
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What woman is stronger than Wonder Woman?

3 Big Barda

Wonder Woman's flight would make her hard to catch but once caught Big Barda's strength and weaponry make her a near-unbeatable brute force. The rod and the sword may find themselves equally matched but when it comes down to strength Big Barda is a wall of pure muscle.
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Who can beat Wonder Woman?

Highlights. Wonder Woman's strength and powers are impressive, but she has been defeated by surprising opponents. Batwoman managed to beat Wonder Woman and nearly kill her using her combat skills and the lasso of truth. Swamp Thing easily defeated Wonder Woman without even needing to attack her, leaving her helpless.
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What is Wonder Woman immune to?

Her normal regenerative abilities allow her to recover from injury within seconds to minutes. She possesses an incredible immunity from poisons, toxins, as well as disease.
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What is Wonder Woman's weakness?

In her original stories, and up until the 1980s, Diana's main weakness was being bound by a man. If captured and bound by a man, Wonder Woman couldn't access her powers. If a woman tied her up, however, Diana remained as strong as ever.
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What is Wonder Woman's Kryptonite?

Slight spoilers on the film's plot. Why doesn't Wonder Woman have her own physical "Kryptonite"? Although quite durable, various incarnations of her have shown she is vulnerable to piercing weapons like bullets, arrows, swords, and knives. Hence why she uses her bracers/bracelets to block/deflect them.
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Can Wonder Woman beat Hulk?

Even with her fighting knowledge, Hulk's raw power alone is likely far too much for her to handle. Furthermore, Hulk only grows stronger as his rage increases. In a prolonged fight with Wonder Woman, he is very likely to grow ever stronger, eventually being able to completely overpower her.
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